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The Political Thought of King Alfred the Great

The Political Thought of King Alfred the Great (Paperback)

데이비드 프래트 (지은이)
Cambridge Univ Pr


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책 이미지

The Political Thought of King Alfred the Great

책 정보

· 제목 : The Political Thought of King Alfred the Great (Paperback) 
· 분류 : 외국도서 > 역사 > 유럽 > 영국
· ISBN : 9780521126441
· 쪽수 : 436쪽


Acknowledgements; List of abbreviations; 1. Introduction; Part I. The West Saxon Political Order: 2. Resources and extraction; West Saxon resources and royal power; Military service and the common burdens; 3. Royal lordship and secular office-holding; The king's thegns; The royal household; Gifts and gift-giving; 4. Royal lordship and ecclesiastical office-holding; A new accommodation: royal monasteries and the council of Kingston (838); The southumbrian episcopate and the state of ecclesiastical discipline; Bishops as the 'best king's thegns'; Royal priests in the royal household; Frankish ecclesiastical conditions and Carolingian kingship; 5. The articulation of power under King Alfred's predecessors; Collective office-holding: West Saxon royal devotion; Royal office-holding: the first English coronation order; The uses of literacy?; Sources of textual culture (1) ecclesiastical communities; Sources of textual culture (2) the west Saxon royal household; 6. The impact of the Vikings; Logistics of defence; Lordship and manpower; Land and landholding; Royal income and urban development; Collective security (1) 'king of the Anglo-Saxons'; Collective security (2) 'ruler of all the Christians of the island of Britain'; Part II. Alfredian Discourse and its Efficacy: 7. The field of Alfredian knowledge; Alfredian innovation: Alfredian wisdom and the shift to vernacular prose; Intended audiences and the shift to vernacular literacy; Textual dissemination and the field of Alfredian knowledge; 8. The construction of Alfredian discourse; 'Royal' production: Alfredian discourse and its distinctiveness; Languages of office-holding (1) Georgian language; Languages of office-holding (2) Solomon's dream; The implications of Alfredian discourse; 9. Alfredian technology: books and aedificia; Books and book production; Candle-lantern, 'aestels' and the Fuller brooch; 10. The Hierdeboc as a treatise of power; Language and context; The origin and purpose of power; The active and contemplative lives; The hierdeboc and the southumbrian episcopate; 11. The Domboc as a Reorientation of royal law; Written law: authority and status; The construction of Alfredian judgement; The historical projection of secular law; The defence of lordship; The Domboc in practice; 12. Tribulation and triumph in the first fifty psalms; Apparatus and voice; God, rihtwisnes and sinful enemies; Royal hardships and divine justice; Alfred's psalms and Alfredian theatre; 13. The search for a satisfactory consolation; The consolatio philosophiae in context; Royal translation and Carolingian expertise; Alfredian adaption: mind, wisdom and the 'wordly blessings'; Craeft, tools and resources; Wyrd and divine justice; The Froferboc and Alfredian theatre; 14. Seeing God as he is; The Soliloquia in context; Royal translation and Carolingian expertise; Alfredian adaption: wisdom and the sight of God; Lordship and authority; Alfred's soliloquies and Alfredian theatre; 15. Conclusion; Appendix: West Frankish deployment of Solomon's dream; Bibliography; Index.


데이비드 프래트 (지은이)    정보 더보기
영국에서 태어나 옥스퍼드, 하버드, 토론토 대학에서 공부했고 현재 캐나다 퀸즈 대학 명예교수다. “열네 살 때부터 친구들이 우표를 수집할 때 나는 어록을 수집했다.” 어린 시절부터 천재들의 어록과 삶의 진리를 보여주는 말들에 관심을 가져왔던 저자 데이비드 프래트는 《답을 찾고 싶을 때 꺼내 보는 1000개의 지혜》를 쓰기까지 수십 년 동안 노벨상 수상자들이 직접 쓰거나 인용된 다양한 책들을 연구해왔다. 1,600권 이상의 책에서 6,000개가 넘는 어록들을 선별했고 그 가운데 저자의 마음을 움직인 1,000개의 지혜로운 말들을 골라 이 책을 만들었다. 출간되자마자 독자들로부터 큰 인기를 얻었으며, 현재 5개 국어로 번역, 출간되었다. 《사랑이라는 이름의 대륙》《교육과정의 설계와 계발》《교육과정의 계획》 등 전공서와 소설을 포함한 다섯 권의 저서가 있다. “노벨상 수상자들이 백 년이 넘는 오랜 시간 동안 고통과 노력으로 얻어낸 통찰과 발견”을 담고 있는 '답을 찾고 싶을 때 꺼내 보는 1000개의 지혜'는 우리 시대에 진정 필요한 삶의 가치와 모습을 제시하고 있다.
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