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Urban Planet : Knowledge towards Sustainable Cities

Urban Planet : Knowledge towards Sustainable Cities (Hardcover)

Thomas Elmqvist, Niki Frantzeskaki, Xuemei Bai (엮은이)
Cambridge University Press


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Urban Planet : Knowledge towards Sustainable Cities

책 정보

· 제목 : Urban Planet : Knowledge towards Sustainable Cities (Hardcover) 
· 분류 : 외국도서 > 인문/사회 > 사회과학 > 사회학
· ISBN : 9781107196933
· 쪽수 : 514쪽


Introduction; Part I. Dynamic Urban Planet: 1. Global urbanization: perspectives and trends; 2. Embracing urban complexity; 3. Understanding, implementing, and tracking urban metabolism is key to urban futures; 4. Live with risk while reducing vulnerability; 5. Harness urban complexity for health and wellbeing; 6. Macro-economy and urban productivity; Part II. Global Urban Sustainable Development: 7. Rethinking urban sustainability and resilience; 8. Indicators for measuring urban sustainable development and resilience; 9. The UN, the urban sustainable development goal and the new urban agenda; 10. Utilizing urban living laboratories for social innovation; 11. Can big data make a difference for urban management?; 12. Collaborative and equitable urban citizen science; Part III. Urban Transformations to Sustainability: 13. Sustainability transformation emerging from better governance; 14. To transform cities, support civil society; 15. Governance and the new politics of collaboration and contestation; 16. Seeds of the future, found in the present; Part IV. Provocations from Practice: 17. Sustainability, Karachi, and other irreconcilables; 18. What knowledge do the cities themselves need?; 19. Banksy and the biologist: redrawing the twenty-first century city; 20. Every community needs a forest of imagination; 21. How can we shift from a imaged-based city to a life-based city?; 22. A chimera called smart cities; 23. Beyond fill-in-the-blank cities; 24. Persuading policy makers to implement sustainable city plans; 25. To live or not to live: urbanisation and the knowledge worker; 26. City fragmentation and the commons; 27. Cities as global organisms; 28. From concrete structures to green diversity: ecological landscape design for restoring urban nature and children's play; 29. Building cities: a view from India; 30. The barking dog syndrome; 31. Overcoming inertia and reinventing 'retreat'; 32. Money for old rope; 33. An aesthetic appreciation of tagging; 34. Understanding Arab cities; 35. Who can implement the sustainable development goals?; 36. Achieving sustainable cities by focusing on urban underserved; 37. The rebellion of memory; 38. Cities don't need 'big' data ? they need innovations that connect to the local; 39. Digital urbanisation and the end of big cities; 40. The art of engagement / activating curiosity; 41. Nairobi's illegal city makers; 42. Active environmental citizens with receptive government officials can enact change; 43. The sea wall; 44. Academics and non-academics: who's who in changing the culture of knowledge creation?; 45. Private fears in public spaces; 46. Leadership: science and policy as uncomfortable bedfellows; 47. Sketches of an emotional geography towards a new citizenship; 48. The shift in urban technology innovation; 49. Greening cities: our pressing moral imperative; 50. Recognition deficit and struggle for unifying city fragments; 51. Disrespecting the knowledge of place; 52. Broadening our vision to find a new eco-spiritual way of living.


Thomas Elmqvist (엮은이)    정보 더보기
Xuemei Bai (엮은이)    정보 더보기
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