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도서목록 제공

Language, Society, and New Media : Sociolinguistics Today

Language, Society, and New Media : Sociolinguistics Today (Paperback, 2 New edition)

마셀 다네시 (지은이)
Taylor & Francis Ltd


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책 이미지

Language, Society, and New Media : Sociolinguistics Today

책 정보

· 제목 : Language, Society, and New Media : Sociolinguistics Today (Paperback, 2 New edition) 
· 분류 : 외국도서 > 언어학 > 언어학 > 사회언어학
· ISBN : 9781138295506
· 쪽수 : 322쪽





Rapid Overview



1. Sociolinguistics

1.1 Language

1.1.1 Features

1.1.2 Acquiring Language

1.2 Sociolinguistics

1.2.1 Historical Roots

1.2.2 Subdivisions

1.2.3 Linguistic Anthropology

1.3 Methodology

1.3.1 Interviews

1.3.2 Fieldwork

1.3.3 Ethnography

1.3.4 Statistics

1.4 Sociolinguistics in Practice

1.4.1 Language Use

1.4.2 Personality

1.4.3 Geographical Variation

1.4.4 Social Variation

1.4.5 Bilingualism

1.4.6 Speech Communities

1.4.7 Sociolinguistics and New Media


2. Language and Society

2.1 Vocabulary

2.1.1 The Lexicon

2.1.2 Groups and Vocabulary

2.1.3 Semantics

2.1.4 Contextualized Meaning

2.2 Figurative Language

2.2.1 Connecting Concepts

2.2.2 Figurative Language and Society

2.3 Grammar

2.3.1 Morphology

2.3.2 Syntax

2.4 Phonology

2.4.1 Phonology and Society

2.4.2 Netlingo


3. Variation in Geographical Space

3.1 Dialects

3.1.1 Dialect Atlases

3.1.2 Pidgins and Creoles

3.1.3 Lingua Francas

3.2 Diglossia, Bilingualism, and Multilingualism

3.2.1 Diglossia

3.2.2 Bilingualism and Multilingualism

3.2.3 Code-Switching

3.3 Languages in Contact

3.3.1 Borrowing

3.3.2 Nativization

3.4 Standard Languages and Literacy

3.4.1 Language Loyalty

3.4.2 Language Planning

3.4.3 Literacy

3.4.4 Twitteracy


4. Variation in Social Space

4.1 Sociolects

4.1.1 Slang

4.1.2 Jargon

4.2 Register

4.2.1 Formality

4.2.3 Politeness

4.2.3 Honorifics

4.3 Style and Genre

4.3.1 Style

4.3.2 Genre

4.4 Social Variables

4.4.1 Class

4.4.2 Race and Ethnicity

4.4.3 Twitterlects


5. Language, Personality, and Identity

5.1 Personality

5.1.1 Age

5.1.2 Bilingualism and Personality

5.2 Identity

5.2.1 Theories

5.2.2 Linguistic Identity

5.3 Names

5.3.1 The Social Functions of Names

5.3.2 Nicknames

5.4 Online Identities

5.4.1 Identity Construction

5.4.2 Twin Identities


6. Conversation and Discourse

6.1 Conversation

6.1.1 Conversation Analysis

6.1.2 Grice’s Maxims

6.1.3 Speech Acts

6.2 Communicative Competence

6.2.1 Modeling Communicative Competence

6.2.2 Speech Functions

6.2.3 Politeness: A Case-in-Point

6.3 Discourse and Dialogue

6.3.1 Discourse

6.3.2 Ritualistic Discourse

6.3.3 Critical Discourse

6.3.4 Dialogue

6.3.5 Online Discourse

6.4 Body Language

6.4.1 Kinesics and Proxemics

6.4.2 Gesture and Gesticulation

6.4.3 Facial Expression


7. Writing and Society

7.1 Writing Systems

7.1.1 Pictography and Alphabets

7.1.2 Writing and Society

7.1.3 Stylometry

7.2 Compressive Writing

7.2.1 Social Implications

7.2.2 Zipf’s Law

7.3 Literacy Practices

7.3.1 Myth and Narrative

7.3.2 New Literacies

7.4 International Writing Systems

7.4.1 Artificial Systems

7.4.2 Emoji Writing


8. Language, Mind, Culture, and Technology

8.1 Classification

8.1.1 The Lexicon

8.1.2 Concepts

8.2 The Whorfian Hypothesis

8.2.1 Language and Thought

8.2.2 Specialized Vocabularies

8.3 Ethnosemantics

8.3.1 Componential Analysis

8.3.2 Schemas

8.4 Cyberspace,

8.4.1 Technologically Blended Cognition

8.4.2 Communal Brain

9. Language, Media, and Social Evolution

9.1 Language in Motion

9.1.1 Evolutionary Tendencies

9.1.2 Language Change and Virtual Communities

9.2 Mediation

9.2.1 Types of Media

9.2.2 Emergence

9.3 Communicative Competence Again

9.3.1 Conversation Analysis Revisited

9.3.2 Social Media

9.4 How to Speak to an Alien


Exercises and Discussions


A: The International Phonetic Alphabet

B: A Brief Lesson in Basic Statistics

C: Koasati Phonemes and Alphabet

D: English Vowels





마셀 다네시 (지은이)    정보 더보기
토론토대학교 언어인류학 및 기호학 교수이자 의사소통이론 프로그램 과정의 총책임자이며, 국제적으로 저명한 기호학자이다. 국제기호학 연구학회지 세미오티카의 편집장이자 미국 기호학회 회장을 역임했다. NPR, CBC 등 주요 미디어에 출연하여 정치인의 전략적 언어 사용을 분석하였으며 뉴욕타임스와 허핑턴포스트 및 기타 언론 매체에 글을 싣고 전문가로서 활발하게 활동하였다. 저서로 《미디어 기호학의 이해Understanding Media Semiotics》, 《대중문화Popular Culture》, 《언어, 사회, 뉴미디어Language, Society, and New Media》, 《이모티콘의 기호학: 인터넷 시대의 시각적 언어의 부상 The Semiotics of Emoji: The Rise of Visual Language in the Age of the Internet》 등이 있다.
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