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이수민 (지은이)


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책 이미지


책 정보

· 제목 : Nebulous 
· 분류 : 국내도서 > 소설/시/희곡 > 판타지/환상문학 > 한국판타지/환상소설
· ISBN : 9788958451242
· 쪽수 : 240쪽

책 소개

과학고등학교 1학년 학생이 영어로 쓴 판타지 소설. 전형적인 멋진 주인공 Wolfson이 등장한다. 모든 영웅이 그러하듯 세상의 여러 캐릭터들과 교류하고 역경을 겪으면서 그의 경험치는 점점 올라가고 결국 세상을 재난에서 구출하는 역할은 그의 몫이다.


Part 1 Dancing flames
Chapter 1 This universe
Chapter 2 Knight
Chapter 3 Rome
Chapter 4 Woof, wolf
Chapter 5 An unexpected meeting
Chapter 6 Why the horns?

Part2. Flowing wind
Chapter 7 Run away
Chapter 8 Another go
Chapter 9 Old man
Chapter 10 Charles
Chapter 11 Crazy
Chapter 12 Ignite
Chapter 13 Choose
Chapter 14 Only one
Chapter 15 Departure



이수민 (지은이)    정보 더보기
2014년 현재 세종과학고등학교 1학년에 재학 중인 평범한 여학생이다. 모든 일에 열심이지만 특히 초등학교 시절부터 좋아하는 운동을 꾸준히 해서 지금은 태권도 공인 3단이다. 외국에 체류하거나 외국인학교 등에서 공부한 적 없이 엄마의 지도에 따라 많은 독서와 영상자료 등을 통해 영어실력을 키웠다. 특히 과학을 좋아해서 과학도의 꿈을 갖고 과학고에 다니고 있다. 영어교육사이트인 쑥쑥닷컴에서 고전문학과 고전인문, 미국 중등과학교과서를 가지고 18기 북클럽의 리더로 역할을 맡았고 지금은 ‘과학고학생들과 함께 미국교과서를’이란 프로젝트를 이끌고 있다. 2014년 현재 Snow 사이트에서 MIT 월터 르윈 교수님의 물리학 강의를 한글로 번역중이고, 내년 3월 중으로 마무리지을 예정이다. 저자의 블로그 주소는 http://blog.naver.com/bokcomehere 이다.


Wolfson watched as Forthon made his way back to the castle. Lord Maxwell would be disappointed, angry perhaps. But Forthon went with his head held up. His curls bounced around his shoulders. His wounds were roughly bound, so Wolfson presumed Promsly didn’t take to him too well. Wolfson fought with his emotions. He was torn between his happiness at seeing his old friend and anger at his cursed pride. After stopping himself from emerging, he pointedly lay down on the grass. His arm throbbed. The sky was bright blue. An oddly shaped cloud was right next to the sun. He traced the outline with his finger. A dragon about to swallow the sun, he mused. An autumn breeze ruffled his black hair. He wondered what to do.
->Wolfson이 친구와 헤어지는 부분

Wolfson emptied his pockets first thing in the morning. Everyone got some. The cell emanated with sweet and sour smells. They never got a lot of fruits. Sometimes, if they were lucky, an apple would take the place of the black bread. But then, it would make them more hungry. So this little treat was all the more welcome. “How did you get these?” A tall blond guy asked him. He had a handsome face, a boy’s face, but it was charismatic as well. Quite apposed to Wolfson’s, which had a smily quality that made it far from charismatic. “Jumped over the wall.” The guy laughed. “I don’t see your wings. I’ll bet you did something for the guards.” Wolfson thought about that. “Think what you like. Although I would like a pair of wings.” “The guy who jumped over the wall needs wings?” He teased. “If I had wings, I could visit the moon.” The guy looked surprised. “What for?” “I don’t know. She just looks so lonely in the sky.” “You are quite a piece of work. I can understand how you could make friends with Ken.” Wolfson gave him a blank look. “I just like people.” “Would you make friends with me, then?” “Sure. Why not?” The blond boy frowned. “You talk to me for five minutes and you’re going to make friends with me? How do you even know if you’ll like me.” ‘Why would anyone be so fussy?’ Wolfson wanted to ask back. “What’s not to like?” He said instead.
->엉뚱하지만 순진한 면?... Kay와 만난 시점이기도.

A strange sound caught Leo’s attention. It took him a moment to place it. Crying. Kay had heard it, too. The wolves didn’t seem to mind it. “Reckon we should go take a look?” Kay looked at him with a look that plainly said no. But he nodded. “Might as well.”
The two wolves trailed them sleepily. The four of them padded along until they reached a little girl. She was obviously the one making the noise. She was wearing long trousers that reached her boots and she was crouched under an evergreen tree. She must have been ten, twelve at the most. Her blond hair was paler than Kay’s, white with hints of gold. It was long and curly.
Andros sneezed. She looked up and froze. It was one thing to be alone in a forest at night, quite another to be visited by wolves. Eleanor was taking her in, untrustworthy was clearly her first impression. Leo crouched down. “What are you doing here?” He asked softly. She quickly wiped her eyes on her clothes before answering. “I’m lost.” She surveyed the tall boy in front of her. Tall enough to pass as a man, only his boyish face gave him away. His longish black hair blended into the night. Leo blushed as she took in his garments. The white cloth covered his arms but came a bit short. Part of his stomach, rippling with muscle, was visible due to the shortness of the cloth. Her eyes searched his face. “It’s a bit late to be traveling alone, isn’t it?” Leo said, his gray eyes softly smiling. Not dull grey which bores you, but a sparkling gray. Ever changing, the way the ocean looks in the middle of a storm. “What’s your name?” Kay’s husky voice made the girl jump. “I....... I’m Sara. Who are you?” She took in his appearance. Yellow gold hair and matching eyes, he was about the same height as the boy standing next to him. “My name is Kay.” He answered almost carelessly. “Leopold.” Leo answered, not taking his eyes off Sara. Her eyes were a strange deep blue like sapphires. They reminded him of something. But what or who, he couldn’t tell.
It was decided that they would take her home tomorrow morning, since they would only get more tangled up in the darkness. Moonlight illuminated Sara’s face as she slept. Leo stayed awake a bit, watching her. Kay frowned at him. “What?” But Kay turned away from him.
When the sun came up, Sara wondered for a moment where she was. There was something warm and furry under her head. Then she remembered that she was lost. She was quite perplexed by the fact that she had used a brown female wolf as a pillow. “You’re up.” Sara recognized the voice to be the one that had spoken to her last night. “Yes.”
->Sara 발견

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