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영어 30초 스피킹 훈련

영어 30초 스피킹 훈련

박광희, 캐나다 교사 영낭훈 연구팀 (지은이)


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책 이미지

영어 30초 스피킹 훈련

책 정보

· 제목 : 영어 30초 스피킹 훈련 
· 분류 : 국내도서 > 외국어 > 영어회화 > 생활영어
· ISBN : 9788960493018
· 쪽수 : 384쪽

책 소개

실질적인 질의응답과 대화문, 인터뷰 문장으로 낭독 훈련하는 영어 낭독 훈련 시리즈의 실전 말하기 훈련편. Mix&Match(의미 덩어리를 결합해 답변에 대한 가능 질문 만들기), Mind Dictation(뇌 속에 문장 입력하기), Interpreter Training(즉각 영어로 통역하기)과 같은 독특한 훈련 과정을 통해 '뇌 속에 문장 DB(데이터베이스)를 구축'하여 특정 상황에서 바로바로 꺼내어 쓸 수 있는 문장들을 내 것으로 만들 수 있다.


이 책의 구성 및 특징

1단계 훈련 WARM-UP
1-Sentence Response 질문에 1문장으로 다양하게 응답하기

★1-Sentence Response File 1
- People are trying too hard to look like TV celebrities.
★1-Sentence Response File 2
- A lot of people need coffee to wake up in the morning, so they get used to it.
★1-Sentence Response File 3
People follow fashion because they want to fit in.
★1-Sentence Response File 4
I’d take the subway all over the city and see the famous sites.
★1-Sentence Response File 5
I’d prefer to live in an apartment because it’s more convenient.
★1-Sentence Response File 6
The father’s and mother’s roles are both important, and a family needs both of them.
★1-Sentence Response File 7
Men are better cooks because they take more risks.
★1-Sentence Response File 8
Women are more into style and fashion than men.
★1-Sentence Response File 9
Unemployment is a really big problem in my country.
★1-Sentence Response File 10
I think globalization will reduce the poverty gap.
★1-Sentence Response File 11
Overpopulation is Earth’s biggest challenge.
★1-Sentence Response File 12
I’m most worried about having lots of terrible weather events.
1-Sentence Response File 13
GM food makes me nervous, but I’m not sure why.
★1-Sentence Response File 14
I like environmental groups, but they should obey the law.
★1-Sentence Response File 15
An aging population causes high medical costs and more stress on families.
★1-Sentence Response File 16
I’d travel to as many places in the world as I could.
★1-Sentence Response File 17
It’s always better to pursue happiness.
★1-Sentence Response File 18
Credit cards are easier and way more convenient than cash.
★1-Sentence Response File 19
I think I’m pretty good at dealing with money.
★1-Sentence Response File 20
I would much rather have friends who are reliable.
★1-Sentence Response File 21
The most valuable thing to offer is that I’m a good listener.
★1-Sentence Response File 22
My character is most like a bear.
★1-Sentence Response File 23
I think you need a special talent to be an artist.
★1-Sentence Response File 24
Home schooling has more choices but it’s harder to learn social skills.
★1-Sentence Response File 25
I like really practical ways of learning where I can use my senses.
★1-Sentence Response File 26
I don’t think my test scores reflect any truth about my abilities.
★1-Sentence Response File 27
Teachers aren’t changing the way they teach science to keep up-to-date.
★1-Sentence Response File 28
I think schools should allow mobile phones but with some rules.
★1-Sentence Response File 29
Social networking helps connect people, but it can also waste a lot of time.
★1-Sentence Response File 30
Teenagers are becoming adults, so they’re learning to do things their own way.

2단계 훈련 RUN-UP
30-Second Speech 토픽에 대해 30초 동안 혼자 말하기

Sentence DB 구축하기① Topic Conversation DB
★30-Sec Conversation File 1
Why are people so worried about the way their body looks?
★30-Sec Conversation File 2
Why do you think so many people are addicted to coffee?
★30-Sec Conversation File 3
Do you have your own fashion style or follow the crowd?
★30-Sec Conversation File 4
What would you do if you could spend one day in New York?
★30-Sec Conversation File 5
Would you prefer to live in an apartment building, or a private house?
★30-Sec Conversation File 6
Whose role is more important, the father’s or the mother’s?
★30-Sec Conversation File 7
Why is the divorce rate increasing so rapidly?
★30-Sec Conversation File 8
If you had the choice, would you have a son or a daughter?
★30-Sec Conversation File 9
Who makes a better cook, a man or a woman?
★30-Sec Conversation File 10
Why do women like shopping more than men?
★30-Sec Conversation File 11
Is unemployment a problem in your country?
★30-Sec Conversation File 12
What are you most worried about with climate change?
★30-Sec Conversation File 13
What do you think of environmental groups like Greenpeace?
★30-Sec Conversation File 14
What are the problems with having an aging population?
★30-Sec Conversation File 15
What single thing could you do to increase the quality of our life?
★30-Sec Conversation File 16
If you had one million dollars, what would you do with it?
★30-Sec Conversation File 17
Is it better to pursue wealth or happiness?
★30-Sec Conversation File 18
Would you prefer to run your own business or work for a large company with many employees?
★30-Sec Conversation File 19
In what ways are credit cards better than cash?
★30-Sec Conversation File 20
Are you good at saving and sticking to budgets?
★30-Sec Conversation File 21
Do you prefer friends who are intelligent, or friends who are reliable?
★30-Sec Conversation File 22
What personality types are you attracted to?
★30-Sec Conversation File 23
Do you think anyone can be an artist or do you need a special talent?
★30-Sec Conversation File 24
What are the advantages or disadvantages of home schooling?
★30-Sec Conversation File 25
What kinds or methods of learning do you like best?
★30-Sec Conversation File 26
Why is science becoming less and less popular in schools?
★30-Sec Conversation File 27
Do you think e-books will make paper books disappear?
★30-Sec Conversation File 28
Do you think schools should ban mobile phones?
★30-Sec Conversation File 29
What are the pros and cons of social networking, such as Facebook and Twitter?
★30-Sec Conversation File 30
Why is it that teenagers want to rebel so much?

Speech DB 구축하기② Speaking Test DB
★30-Sec Test File 1
Why do people follow fashion?
★30-Sec Test File 2
Do you prefer traveling alone or with friends?
★30-Sec Test File 3
What can be done to close the gap between urban and rural areas?
★30-Sec Test File 4
What’s the best piece of advice your father has given you?
★30-Sec Test File 5
Do you think globalization will reduce or increase the poverty gap?
★30-Sec Test File 6
What will happen when the oil runs out?
★30-Sec Test File 7
What is the biggest challenge facing Earth?
★30-Sec Test File 8
100 years from now, what do you think will be the world’s greatest problem?
★30-Sec Test File 9
What are your views on genetically-modified(GM) food?
★30-Sec Test File 10
Do you think it’s necessary to experiment on animals to test cosmetics and drugs?
★30-Sec Test File 11
If you learned you only had six months to live, how would you spend your time?
★30-Sec Test File 12
What questions would you like to ask Bill Gates or Steve Jobs about software?
★30-Sec Test File 13
What is the most valuable thing you have to offer as a friend?
★30-Sec Test File 14
What animal best represents your character?
★30-Sec Test File 15
If you were to write a poem right now, what would your subject be?
★30-Sec Test File 16
What do you think of the idea of lifelong education?
★30-Sec Test File 17
Do you think your test scores reflect your true ability and intelligence?
★30-Sec Test File 18
If you had the power, what changes would you carry out within education?
★30-Sec Test File 19
What do Nobel Prize winners have in common?
★30-Sec Test File 20
What aspects of today’s youth make you hopeful about the future?


박광희 (지은이)    정보 더보기
저는 영국 University of Surrey에서 영어-독어 간 전문번역학(MA Translation Studies)을 전공하였습니다. 귀국 후, 외신 전문기자와 비즈니스 컨설턴트 등으로 활동하였으며, 또 청담어학원 창업에 동참해 프로그램 기획을 담당하며 영어 교육의 최전방에서 다양한 경험을 쌓았습니다. 하지만 많은 사람들이 ‘영어 벙어리’ 신세를 벗어나지 못하는 현실이 답답하기만 하였습니다. 이에 스스로 대안을 찾아보고자 캐나다 이민을 결심하였습니다. 밴쿠버에 정착 후, 현지의 교수와 교사 등을 두루 만나본 후 낭독과 암송이 한국적 대안이라는 결론에 도달하였습니다. 그리고 캐나다인 학교교사들로 팀을 만들어 콘텐츠 개발을 시작하였죠. 드디어 첫 열매인 “영어낭독훈련 실천다이어리”가 출간되어 영어낭독 붐을 일으키며 종합 베스트셀러 3위를 기록하였죠. 그 후 캐나다 교사팀과 함께 50여 권의 낭독 및 실용영어 교재를 출간 후, 한국에서 영어 벙어리 탈출 대안을 직접 실험해보고자 역이민을 하였습니다. 크리스천으로서 제 개인적인 꿈은 ‘믿음과 영어를 조화시키는 학습법’을 보급하는 겁니다. 이 책 「솔로몬 필사낭독」은 그 결실입니다. 단지 책 출판에 그치지 않고, 3대가 어울리며 영어와 지혜를 나눌 수 있는 장을 교회가 만들 수 있도록 체계적인 시스템과 교육 프로그램 개발에 매진하고 있습니다.
캐나다 교사 영낭훈 연구팀 (지은이)    정보 더보기
외국어로써의 영어 학습법 개발을 위해 모인 캐나다 현지의 전·현직 교사들. 한국적 학습자에게 알맞은 영어 낭독과 영어 암송을 연구해왔다. 영어 연산 훈련을 개발하며 영어 문장을 취합하고 선별하여 정제된 훈련 코스로 구성했다.


이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로,
이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다.
도서 DB 제공 : 알라딘 서점(www.aladin.co.kr)
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