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"razavi"(으)로   21개의 도서가 검색 되었습니다.
Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits

Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits

Behzad Razavi  | McGraw-Hill Education
49,000원  | 20160801  | 9781259255090
The CMOS technology are has quickly grown, calling for a new text---and here it is, covering the analysis and design of CMOS integrated circuits that practicing engineers need to master to succeed. Filled with many examples and chapter-ending problems, the book not only describes the thought process behind each circuit topology, but also considers the rationale behind each modification. The analysis and design techniques focus on CMOS circuits but also apply to other IC technologies. Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits deals with the analysis and design of analog CMOS integrated circuits, emphasizing recent technological developments and design paradigms that students and practicing engineers need to master to succeed in today's industry. Based on the author's teaching and research experience in the past ten years, the text follows three general principles: (1) Motivate the reader by describing the significance and application of each idea with real-world problems; (2) Force the reader to look at concepts from an intuitive point of view, preparing him/her for more complex problems; (3) Complement the intuition by rigorous analysis, confirming the results obtained by the intuitive, yet rough approach.


Behzad Razavi  | 한티에듀
37,800원  | 20230220  | 9791190017220
전자회로는 전기, 전자, 컴퓨터 관련 분야에서 핵심 기초 과목 중 하나로 많은 학교에서 필수 과목으로 가르치고 있다. 기존에 출간된 많은 전자회로 관련 서적들이 있지만 캘리포니아 주립대(University of California, Los Angeles)의 Behzad Razavi 교수가 쓴 「Fundamentals of Microelectronics」는 다른 책들에 비해 직관적으로 회로를 볼 수 있는 능력을 길러 주는 큰 장점이 있다. 이는 회로 구성이 점점 복잡해지는 요즘 추세에 아주 유용하다고 할 수 있다. 특히 Razavi 교수는 아날로그/RF 회로 설계 분야에서 오랜 경험과 많은 연구 업적을 가지고 있으며 이를 바탕으로 여러 권의 회로 설계 관련 서적을 출판해 왔다. 따라서 이 책은 다른 교재들에 비해 현장 경험을 바탕으로 독자들이 이해하기 쉽게 접근한 장점을 갖고 있다. 이 책에서는 전기회로 이론을 바탕으로 다이오드, 바이폴라 트랜지스터, MOS 트랜지스터 등으로 구성된 다양한 아날로그 회로들의 여러 특성을 다루고 있다. 16장에서는 디지털 회로의 기본적인 이해를 돕는 내용도 다루고 있다. 이 책에서 다루는 주요 내용들은 소신호 해석, 증폭 회로, 연산 증폭기, 전류 거울, 주파수 해석, 필터, 귀환, 발진기, 출력단 회로, 디지털 회로 등 기초적인 것들이다. 이번 판에서는 앞으로 전자회로 의존도가 더 많아질 로봇공학, 생명공학 관련 사례를 추가하였고 각 장 말미의 연습문제들을 재배치하였다. 그리고 최근 저자가 YouTube에 올린 전자회로 강연 동영상을 목록을 각 장 시작 페이지에 수록했으므로 이를 참조하면 공부에 도움이 될 것이라 생각한다.
아날로그 CMOS 집적회로 설계

아날로그 CMOS 집적회로 설계

Behzad Razavi  | McGraw Hill Education
31,500원  | 20170110  | 9791132101048
원 도서는 10여 년 만에 2판으로 출간되었다. 아날로그 회로의 설계 원리 자체는 크게 변하지 않았지만, 최신 100 nm 이하의 나노 공정의 이슈들이 제기되었다. 핀펫(FinFET) 등의 최신 나노 소자를 추가하였으며, 필요한 장마다 나노설계 메모를 수록하여 설계 이슈가 되는 내용을 다루었다. 더욱이 11장 나노 설계학습이 추가되어 나노 공정에서의 연산 증폭기의 설계기법과 예제를 대폭 보완하였다. 본 교재는 크게 1장~11장 및 12장~19장의 두 부분으로 나누어진다. 앞부분은 아날로그 회로설계의 기본 개념을 다루고 있다. 특히, 아날로그 회로가 견고해지는 기본 기법인 궤환 및 이에 따른 안정도 이슈(8장~10장에 해당)를 반드시 이해해야 한다. 뒷부분은 고속, 정밀 아날로그 시스템에서 요구되는 기준발생기, 스위치트 캐패시터 회로, 클록회로 등의 빌딩블록에 대한 기본원리와 실제 회로까지 다루고 있다. 또한, 실무에서 적용해야 할 비선형성과 부정합, 잡음, 레이아웃과 패키지에 이르는 심층적이 내용을 꼼꼼히 챙기고 있다.
RF 전자공학

RF 전자공학

Behzad Razavi  | 휴먼사이언스
40,500원  | 20150115  | 9788993712599
▶이 책은 RF 전자공학을 다룬 이론서입니다. RF 전자공학의 기초적이고 전반적인 내용을 학습할 수 있도록 구성했습니다.
RF Microelectronics

RF Microelectronics

Behzad Razavi  | Pearson Prentice Hall
55,000원  | 20110919  | 9780132839419
One of the key enabling technologies behind wireless, cellular and fiber optics is RF microelectronics. With this book, Behzad Razavi offers a comprehensive high-level treatment of RF microelectronics for electrical engineers. Behzad Razavi, Professor of Electrical Engineering at UCLA, leads the Communication Circuits Laboratory (CCL). Emphasizing the use of mainstream CMOS technologies, CCL's research seeks and exploits new devices, circuits, and architectures to push the performance envelope. Razavi holds a BSEE from Sharif University of Technology and MSEE and PhDEE degrees from Stanford. He was with ATT Bell Laboratories and HP Labs until 1996. An IEEE Distinguished Lecturer and IEEE Fellow, his books include Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits, Design of Integrated Circuits for Optical Communications, and Fundamentals of Microelectronics. The Acclaimed RF Microelectronics Best-Seller, Expanded and Updated for the Newest Architectures, Circuitry, and Devices Wireless communication is now almost as ubiquitous as electricity. However, the design and implementation of RF circuits and transceivers remains challenging, requiring a broad understanding of multiple disciplines, the management of complex tradeoffs, and innovative solutions for issues ranging from power to area consumption. In RF Microelectronics, Second Edition, Behzad Razavi systematically teaches the state-of-the-art in RF analysis and design, from specification through practical solution. Razavi has thoroughly revised this classic text to incorporate the latest developments in RF architecture, circuits, and devices, covering all key topics in far greater detail. This edition's stronger tutorial focus makes it even more valuable to students, and its deeper coverage of new technologies and analysis methods makes it indispensable to working engineers. This edition's extensive new coverage includes brand new chapters on integrated inductors and varactors, phase-locked loops (PLLs), and millimeter-wave techniques. Another new chapter presents complete examples of transceiver design for Bluetooth, WLANs, and UWB. Each case study begins with the specifications provided by the standard, and then derives required circuit performance. Coverage includes Core RF analysis and design concepts, including linkages with analog design, microwave theory, and communication systems An intuitive introduction to modulation theory and wireless standards from the standpoint of the RF IC designer Transceiver architectures, including general considerations and specific techniques for receiver, transmitter, and OOK transceiver design Low-noise amplifiers, mixers, passive devices, and oscillators All-new coverage of integrated inductors and varactors, including monolithic inductors, modeling techniques, inductor geometries/properties, and MOS varactors Phase-locked loop (PLL) analysis, design, and building blocks, with an emphasis on frequency synthesis applications Integer-N Frequency and Fractional-N synthesizers Innovative millimeter-wave techniques and solutions for CMOS circuit and transceiver design at 60 GHz and above Power amplifiers: general considerations, classification, high-efficiency techniques, cascode output, large-signal impedance matching, linearization, polar modulation, outphasing, and more
RF Microelectronics (Prentice Hall Communications Engineering and Emerging Technologies)

RF Microelectronics (Prentice Hall Communications Engineering and Emerging Technologies)

Behzad Razavi  | Prentice Hall
195,460원  | 20111002  | 9780137134731
The Acclaimed RF Microelectronics Best-Seller, Expanded and Updated for the Newest Architectures, Circuits, and Devices Wireless communication has become almost as ubiquitous as electricity, but RF design continues to challenge engineers and researchers. In the 15 years since the first edition of this classic text, the demand for higher performance has led to an explosive growth of RF design techniques. In "RF Microelectronics, Second Edition, " Behzad Razavi systematically teaches the fundament
Microelectronics (International Student Version) 반양장 (International Student Version)

Microelectronics (International Student Version) 반양장 (International Student Version)

Behzad Razavi  | Wiley
0원  | 20140512  | 9781118165065
Designed to build a strong foundation in both design and analysis of electronic circuits. Razavi teaches conceptual understanding and mastery of the material by using modern examples to motivate and prepare students for advanced courses and their careers.
Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits

Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits

Behzad Razavi  | McGraw-Hill
0원  | 20031001  | 9780071188395
This textbook deals with the analysis and design of analog CMOS integrated circuits, emphasizing recent technological developments and design paradigms that students and practicing engineers need to master to succeed in today's industry. Based on the author's teaching and research experience in the past ten years, the text follows three general principles: (1) Motivate the reader by describing the significance and application of each idea with real-world problems; (2) Force the reader to look at concepts from an intuitive point of view, preparing him/her for more complex problems; (3) Complement the intuition by rigorous analysis, confirming the results obtained by the intuitive, yet rough approach. Key features - This book employs many examples in each chapter to further illustrate the concepts. Each chapter ends with with numerous problems- ranging from moderate to difficult- to provide extensive exercises for classroom usage. - This book presents not only analysis but "synthesis," that is, it describes the thought process behind the evolution of each circuit topology, teaching the reader how and why each modification is done to the basic idea. - The problem sets at the end of each chapter are designed to methodically enhance and polish the readers' analytical skills. - While the focus is on CMOS circuits, the analysis and design techniques described in the book also apply to other IC technologies as well. - Since the preview edition, two new chapters have been added, oscillators and phase-locked loops. - An expanded book Web site includes a downloadable version of the solutions manual. - 1. Do you teach an upper-level course in Analog Integrated circuits? 2. Would you like to see many examples throughout your text illustrating the concepts that have been covered? 3. Do you want your students to have numerous end of chapter questions ranging in difficulty throughout their book?
Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits

Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits

Behzad Razavi  | McGraw-Hill
528,930원  | 20000801  | 9780072380323
The CMOS technology area has quickly grown, calling for a new text--and here it is, covering the analysis and design of CMOS integrated circuits that practicing engineers need to master to succeed. Filled with many examples and chapter-ending prob...
Design of Integrated Circuits for Optical Communications Paperback

Design of Integrated Circuits for Optical Communications Paperback

Behzad Razavi  | McGraw-Hill
0원  | 99991230  | 9780072822588
Principles of Data Conversion System Design Paperback

Principles of Data Conversion System Design Paperback

Behzad Razavi  | Wiley
0원  | 20010101  | 9780780310933
Continental Shelf Delimitation and Related Maritime Issues in the Persian Gulf School and Library Binding

Continental Shelf Delimitation and Related Maritime Issues in the Persian Gulf School and Library Binding

Razavi, Ahmad  | Brill Academic
526,560원  | 19970101  | 9789041103338
An Introduction to Quantum Communication Networks: Or, How Shall We Communicate in the Quantum Era?

An Introduction to Quantum Communication Networks: Or, How Shall We Communicate in the Quantum Era?

Razavi, Mohsen  | Iop Concise Physics
65,930원  | 20180525  | 9781681746524
With the fast pace of developments in quantum technologies, it is more than ever necessary to make the new generation of students in science and engineering familiar with the key ideas behind such disruptive systems. This book intends to fill such a gap between experts and non-experts in the field by providing the reader with the basic tools needed to understand the latest developments in quantum communications and its future directions.
Seen, Heard and Counted (Rethinking Care in a Development Context)

Seen, Heard and Counted (Rethinking Care in a Development Context)

Razavi, Shahra  | John Wiley & Sons Inc
49,790원  | 20120423  | 9781444361537
This book offers a signpost to help clarify our ideas on caring for the world in the twenty-first century. Headed by a veteran Senior Researcher, contributors from a wide range of backgrounds extend our understanding of the care economy in the developing world at a moment when existing systems are under strain and new ideas are coming into focus.
Gendered Poverty and Well-Being Paperback

Gendered Poverty and Well-Being Paperback

Razavi, Shahra  | Blackwell
0원  | 20000615  | 9780631217930
최근 본 책