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Chasing Possibilities

Chasing Possibilities

오중빈 (지은이)


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책 이미지

Chasing Possibilities

책 정보

· 제목 : Chasing Possibilities 
· 분류 : 국내도서 > 외국어 > 통역/번역 > 번역
· ISBN : 9788956056920
· 쪽수 : 216쪽

책 소개

『열일곱, 내가 할 수 있는 것은』의 영문판. 축구공과 바이올린을 양손에 들고 제3세계 현지인의 삶 속을 파고든 꼬마 여행자가 작은 나눔의 손길을 모아 큰 기적을 일궈낸 봉사 프로그램의 기획자로 성장하기까지의 과정이 청소년 특유의 솔직하고 위트 있는 문장으로 생생하게 그려졌다.


PART 1 Beginning

- Becoming a backpacker at only 3
- The fundamentals of traveling
- Replacing Inconsideration
- What present will not disappear after use?
- The two irreplaceable tools

PART 2 Discovery

- The destined encounter, ‘Permata Hati’
- Closer through music
- Ayu’s first letter
- The return. The start of magic
- Ayu’s second letter
- Help recognizes each other and unites
- A happy farmer of a fertile land
- The script of “Brahma’s other world”
- Ayu’s third letter
- Expanding the realm of possibility
- Ayu’s fourth letter
- Everybody, every instrument
- Ayu’s other letters
- Now, time to unite with more

PART 3 A challenge: The birth of Voluntraveling

- Beginning ‘Voluntraveling’
- A bigger response than expected
- Happy and Merry Voluntraveling
- A certain promise on my part
- Recalling some of the memorable classes
- Not even the beginning of the end, but perhaps the end of the beginning
- Ms. So Young’s Voluntraveling review
- Voluntraveling even children can easily do it
- The meaning of donating money - The Yoo Chan fund
- Ending the first Voluntraveling

PART 4 Continuing: A report on the second Voluntraveling

- The second Voluntraveling
- Recalling some of the memorable classes
- A rare experience enjoyed: A water park day trip
- The last dentist treatment, and goodbye
- Ms. Ga Young’s Voluntraveling review
- The bond with Ms. Lee Hyuna
- Ms. Lee Hyuna’s Voluntraveling review
- The miracle created by small supports
- The children all get to have their own book
- The following third Voluntraveling, children, fly high!



오중빈 (지은이)    정보 더보기
만 세 살 무렵 엄마와 함께 터키로 떠난 배낭여행을 시작으로 미얀마, 라오스, 시리아, 우간다 등 제3세계를 다니며 어른 못지않은 단단한 여행 내공을 쌓았다. 여섯 살 때까지는 축구공을 갖고 다니며 머무는 곳마다 동네 아이들과 축구 경기를 벌였다. 일곱 살 때부터는 바이올린도 들고 다니며 게스트하우스 앞마당에서든, 야자수 아래에서든 바이올린을 난생처음 보는 친구들을 위해 작지만 단란한 음악회를 열었다. 때로는 거리의 악사가 되어 더 많은 이들과 음악을 나눴다. 열세 살이 되던 해, 우연한 계기로 인도네시아 우붓의 고아원 ‘페르마타 하티’를 만나게 되면서 ‘나눔’이란 가치가 ‘지속성’을 가졌을 때에 얼마나 기적적인 성장이 일어날 수 있는지 경험했다. 지금까지 제3세계 30여 개국을 여행했으며, 그 덕분에 언제나, 어디서나, 누구와도 친구가 될 수 있는 방법을 안다. 교육부와 한국장학재단이 주관하는 대한민국인재상, 장기려봉사상 청소년체험수기 대상(국회의장상)을 수상했고, 홀트아동복지회 선정 아름다운 청소년, 교육부와 한국경제신문이 주관하는 글로벌인재포럼의 청년연사로 활동하였다.


We developed a set of rules for our travels. Rules based on meeting as many locals as possible. Luckily, this meant the lowest cost. (…) As I grew older the number of countries I visited grew parallel with my age. Each visit the routine continued. Wander through the villages and small towns. Find some friends to play with. Play. Hard. Move on to the next village. ― 「The fundamentals of traveling」

We considered marking off giving as a failure, but then we realized that depended on how we defined giving. Like most Koreans our materialistic minds had initially limited the vast meaning of giving to small presents. But in reality there was so much more to it. This became clear that night, when exhausted and in our room, mom asked, half to me, half to herself. “What could there be? What could remain instead of disappearing so easily?” That made me think. I mean, what could we give them? What would make me feel happy if somebody got me something? I knew of one thing that not only made me happy, but made others happy when I played it. My response to her was, “Music!” ― 「What present will not disappear after use?」

As soon as Luis saw my violin case he requested, “Please teach us how to play violin.” My mother replied, “But he’s only 9 years old.” To which he said, “It doesn’t matter, at least he professionally learned the instrument.” And just like that, I became a miniature teacher. (…) That experience was also the first official teaching I ever did. I liked it, and it became an added part to the routine. Whenever it could be applied. This continued throughout the remainder of my childhood, until it was rudely interrupted by the necessities of study and school, I traveled thus, over 30 countries. All of them developing countries. With each country we visited an establishment with children. Never without the two ‘tools.’ ― The two irreplaceable tools」

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