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"express"(으)로   1,669개의 도서가 검색 되었습니다.
Pilates Express (Get Maximum Results in Minimum Time)

Pilates Express (Get Maximum Results in Minimum Time)

 | Octopus Publishing Group
35,670원  | 20220106  | 9780857839237
An accessible guide to Pilates, with effective 10-minute workouts to intersperse throughout your day.
Paradis express

Paradis express

 | Ditions Croix Du Salut
79,230원  | 20210126  | 9786137375730
Deux destins paralleles a deux epoques differentes. Le premier recit est tire de la veritable histoire de saint Pierre Dumoulin Borie, martyr au Tonkin a trente ans. Le second est une fiction decrivant a notre epoque le cheminement solitaire d'un Francais converti a l'islam au fil d'experiences souvent violentes. L'auteur tente de comprendre comment une aspiration identique vers l'absolu de Dieu peut conduire par deux voies si peu semblables deux etres au meme sacrifice supreme.
Bernina Express

Bernina Express

Iso Camartin  | AS Verlag
0원  | 20210101  | 9783909111695
Inmitten einer beeindruckenden hochalpinen Gebirgswelt geh?ren die Albula- und die Berninabahn der Rh?tischen Bahn zu den spektakul?rsten Schmalspurbahnen der Welt. Die Albulabahn von Thusis nach St. Moritz galt schon zur Zeit der Entstehung, mit ihren vielen Kunstbauten im Einklang mit der Topografie, als Meisterwerk. Die Reise f?hrt von Chur durch eine reiche Kulturlandschaft ?ber das ber?hmte Landwasserviadukt und durch den Albulatunnel ins Engadin.Die Berninabahn von St. Moritz nach Tirano ist weltweit einzigartig: Bei der Strecke handelt es sich um die h?chstgelegene Alpentransversale Europas und um eine der steilsten Adh?sionsbahnen der Welt. Die Bahnfahrt vom Engadin bis in den sonnigen S?den bietet grossartige Ausblicke auf die Bergriesen und Gletscher der Bernina und ist ein spektakul?res Reisevergn?gen besonderer Art. Die Bildsprache des international bekannten Fotografen Robert B?sch l?sst den Leser die Fahrt aus dem Blickwinkel des Reisenden und aus ungew?hnlichen Perspektiven neben der Strecke nacherleben. Das Buch wird mit einem Beitrag zum UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe eingeleitet. In grossz?gig gestalteten historischen Text- und Bildbeitr?gen macht uns der Bahnhistoriker Gion Caprez mit der reichhaltigen Thematik des Bahnbaus in den Alpen bekannt. Die Einleitungstexte zur Albula- und Berninabahn, verfasst vom renommierten Publizisten Iso Camartin, schildern die Reiseeindr?cke im kulturgeschichtlichen Rahmen. Set in stunning high alpine mountain world include the Albula and Bernina line of the Rhaetian Railway to the spectacular narrow gauge railways in the world. The Albula railway from Thusis to St. Moritz was already at the time of creation, with its many engineering structures in accordance with the topography, as a masterpiece. The journey from Chur through a rich cultural landscape over the famous Landwasserviadukt and the Albula Tunnel to Engadin.Die Bernina Express from St. Moritz to Tirano is unique in the world: In the distance is the highest altitude transalpine railway in Europe and one of the steepest adhesion railways in the world. The train ride from Engadine to the sunny south offers great views of the mountain peaks and glaciers of the Bernina and is a spectacular travel experience of a special kind The visual language of internationally-renowned photographer Robert Boesch leaves the reader the journey from the perspective of the traveler and from unusual perspectives relive off the track. The book begins with a contribution to the UNESCO World Heritage Site. In generously designed historical text and image contributions makes us train historian Gion Caprez with the rich subject of railway construction in the Alps known. The introductions to the Albula and Bernina railway, written by renowned journalists iso Camartin describe the travel impressions in the cultural and historical context.
Russian express

Russian express

Alain Bellet  | Musclemag International
0원  | 20190328  | 9791096935277
Accuse a tort et recherche, Youri Serkovitch, un adolescent, fuit Moscou pour rejoindre sa mere. Il commence un long periple a bord du Transsiberien a travers l'Oural.
Nigella Express

Nigella Express

Nigella Lawson  | Chatto & Windus
43,500원  | 20070906  | 9780701181840
Nigella and her style of cookery have earned a special place in our lives, symbolising all that is best, most pleasurable, most hands-on and least fussy about good food. But that doesn't mean she wants us to spend hours in the kitchen, slaving over a hot stove. Featuring fabulous fast foods, ingenious short cuts, terrific time-saving ideas, and easy, delicious meals, Nigella Express is her solution to eating well when time is short. This new book is every working mother's dream and a joy for everyone who wants to cook but can't seem to find the time. Here are mouthwatering recipes, quick to prepare, easy to follow, that you can conjure up after a long day in the office or on a busy weekend. This is food you can make as you hit the kitchen running, with vital tips on how to keep your store cupboard stocked, freezer and fridge stacked. When time is precious, you can't spend hours shopping, so you need to make life easier by being prepared. Not that the recipes are basic - though they are always simple - but it's important to make every ingredient earn its place in a recipe. Minimise effort by maximising taste. And here too is great food that can be prepared quickly but cooked slowly in the oven, leaving you time to have a bath, a drink, talk to friends, or do the children's homework. Minimum stress for maximum enjoyment. This is a new generation of fast food never basic, never dull, always do-able, quick and delicious - for the busy lives we lead. The Domestic Goddess is back but this time it's instant.
Nigella Express (Good Food, Fast)

Nigella Express (Good Food, Fast)

Lawson, Nigella/ Parsons, Lis (PHT)  | Hyperion Records
49,860원  | 20071101  | 9781401322434
This is the first time that we've ever launched a cookbook alongside a brand new show. Nigella's ratings are through the roof, and she was recently featured in In Style. The cookbook is all of the delicious foods Nigella is known for" but the emphasis is on fast" really fast! This is for everyone who loves good food, but just doesn't have time or patience at the end of the day for a long, drawn-out cooking session.
Expression Systems Paperback (Methods Express)

Expression Systems Paperback (Methods Express)

Durocher, Yves  | Scion
178,080원  | 20070902  | 9781904842453
Protein expression is an increasingly important tool for research on gene function. Expression Systems: Methods Express is a lab manual providing established methods as well as the latest state-of-the-art protocols, and also clear advice on what expression system to choose when.
Nigella Express (Good Food Fast (Nigella Collection))

Nigella Express (Good Food Fast (Nigella Collection))

 | Chatto & Windus
49,930원  | 20140403  | 9780701189136
Brings you deliciously quick recipe inspiration for your family and friends - from simple family meals and easy recipes for two to dinner party ideas and effortless entertaining. Whether you're cooking on a budget or planning a feast, this title makes shopping, cooking and - most importantly - eating a pleasure, not a pain.
Best of the Best : The 100 Best Recipes from the Best Cookbooks of the Year

Best of the Best : The 100 Best Recipes from the Best Cookbooks of the Year

American Express  | American Express
0원  | 20010801  | 9780916103699
Food & Wine Annual Cookbook 2003 : An Entire Year of Recipes 양장본 Hardcover

Food & Wine Annual Cookbook 2003 : An Entire Year of Recipes 양장본 Hardcover

Food & Wine Books  | American Express
0원  | 99991230  | 9780916103828
Food & Wine Magazine’s Official Wine Guide 2001

Food & Wine Magazine’s Official Wine Guide 2001

Feiring, Alice S.  | American Express
17,020원  | 20010630  | 9780916103620
AutoCAD Express

AutoCAD Express

 | Springer Nature B.V.
66,000원  | 20140312  | 9781447137702
What is AutoCAD? With well over 200,000 copies of the program sold, AutoCAD is the world's most popular computer aided drafting package for the personal computer (PC). It is a fully functional2D CAD program. Full 3D wire frame representa­ tion was incorporated in the program with the launch of Release 10 in 1988. Its popularity has made AutoCAD the de facto industry standard for PC-CAD with a host of other program developers providing application software confor­ ming to the AutoCAD format.
산림치유지도사 2급 Express (산림치유지도사 자격시험 대비)

산림치유지도사 2급 Express (산림치유지도사 자격시험 대비)

김웅, 지현미, 백난영  | 부민문화사
0원  | 20210120  | 9788938503589
산림치유지도사는 치유의 숲, 자연휴양림 등 산림을 활용하여 대상별 맞춤형 산림치유프로그램을 기획·개발하고 산림치유활동을 효율적으로 할 수 있도록 지원하는 전문가입니다. 2011년, 산림치유의 법적 정의가 신설되고 산림치유지도사 제도가 도입된 지 10년이 되었지만 아직도 마땅한 산림치유지도사 수험서가 없는 실정입니다. 산림치유지도사 시험은 한국산림복지진흥원에서 문제은행식으로 출제하며, 실제 문제의 난이도(難易度)는 생각보다 훨씬 높고 포괄적입니다. 『산림치유지도사 2급 Express』는 1단원 “산림치유 대상 이해”의 5과목, 2단원 “산림치유 자원 이해”의 4과목, 3단원 “산림치유 기획·관리”의 3과목, 4단원 “산림치유 프로그램 실행”의 4과목 등 각 과목의 모든 스터디 자료들을 모아 풍부한 설명과 암기비법을 기술하여 수험생들의 이해와 빠른 학습효과를 돕고자 하였습니다. 먼저 각 과목 〈내용정리편〉에서는 초입에 학습 Keyword를 제시하여 필히 알아야 할 항목을 미리 인지하고, 되도록 많은 도표로 내용을 정리하여 비교·정리하기 쉽도록 하였습니다. 또한 〈문제편〉에서는 역대 기출문제와 실전문제 모두 각 문제마다 해설을 달아 찾아보는 시간을 대폭 줄일 수 있게 하였습니다. 더불어 〈부록편〉에서는 〈핵심포인트-숫자〉와 〈핵심포인트-요약 및 틀린문제 찾기〉로 시험내용에 등장하는 모든 숫자와 공식 및 중요 핵심포인트들을 각 과목별로 요약하여 읽다 보면 자연히 암기가 될 수 있도록 하였습니다. 또한 실전에 익숙해지도록 산림치유지도사 2급 시험 답안지를 실어 놓았습니다. 『산림치유지도사 2급 Express』와 함께 제대로 된 방향설정으로 시간낭비 없이 효 과적인 수험준비가 이루어지기를 바랍니다. 시험 관련 자료 및 문의사항 → 네이버 카페 숲 사람들 http://cafe.naver.com/fope
Murder on the Orient Express (Poirot) (Hercule Poirot Series Book 10)

Murder on the Orient Express (Poirot) (Hercule Poirot Series Book 10)

애거서 크리스티  | Harper Collins Paperbacks
10,760원  | 20010604  | 9780007119318
Agatha Christie's most famous murder mystery, reissued with a striking new cover designed to appeal to the latest generation of Agatha Christie fans and book lovers.
International Express: Pre-Intermediate (Class Audio CD)

International Express: Pre-Intermediate (Class Audio CD)

Keith Harding, Rachel Appleby  | OUP Oxford
16,500원  | 20140116  | 9780194597517
최근 본 책