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"french"(으)로   8,579개의 도서가 검색 되었습니다.
French (An Essential Guide to French Language Learning)

French (An Essential Guide to French Language Learning)

 | Moliva AB
49,490원  | 20200410  | 9781647485603
Learn French with Ease!Do you want to learn French quickly? Or perhaps, you already know the basics, but you still have difficulties in assimilating this charming language? Do not worry; this book will help you.By using this book together with practice, you will learn to understand, read, write and speak this beautiful language. French tends to have a reputation among English speakers as hard to learn, but it’s easier than you might think.
French (Learn French For Beginners Including French Grammar, French Short Stories and 1000+ French Phrases)

French (Learn French For Beginners Including French Grammar, French Short Stories and 1000+ French Phrases)

 | Moliva AB
49,490원  | 20200110  | 9781647482459
If you want to learn French fast and in a variety of fun ways that actually work then keep reading...Most people don't have a huge amount of extra time to spend learning a new language.Could you be one of them?You see, most people make the same mistakes when learning French and this is causing their progress to stagnate. The problem is that they are only sticking to one way of learning French.
La Ligne Maginot: Tome 1 (French)

La Ligne Maginot: Tome 1 (French)

 | Histoire & Collections
78,350원  | 20010101  | 9782908182880
France's top Maginot Line experts have combined efforts to produce this heavily illustrated first volume in a three-volume treatment of the troops and structures of this mammoth undertaking. Volume I concentrates on the design and construction of ...
Clovis Ecrevisse Et l’Araignee Qui File (French)

Clovis Ecrevisse Et l’Araignee Qui File (French)

 | Pelican Publishing Company
25,560원  | 19960501  | 9781565542204
Told in standard French with Cajun dialogue, this book is the French-language version of Clovis Crawfish and the Spinning Spider. Clovis must defend his bayou home against the threat of a spider's web.
Le Temps Qu’il Fait... / Sun, Snow and Rainbow! (French)

Le Temps Qu’il Fait... / Sun, Snow and Rainbow! (French)

 | Editions du Carrousel
9,890원  | 20010401  | 9781587281723
-- Real kids love to look at pictures of real kids.-- These board books are filled with photographs of children and bright, bold images of animals and objects.-- The beginning vocabulary makes it easy for tots to read along and name the th...
L’Ile Noir = Land of the Black Gold (French)

L’Ile Noir = Land of the Black Gold (French)

Herg  | Casterman
49,790원  | 19990701  | 9782203001060
Tintin file en Ecosse o? un gorille hante un manoir isol? sur une ?le rocheuse. En voulant aider un avion en difficult?, Tintin se fait tirer dessus. C'est le d?but d'une des plus palpitantes aventures du c?l?bre reporter. Poursuivant ses assaillants, nous le retrouvons sur une ?le rocheuse ?cossaise, r?put?e comme ?tant le rep?re d'une "b?te" myst?rieuse, mais abritant en fait une bande de faux-monnayeurs. Apr?s diverses p?rip?ties, Tintin mettra bien ?videmment fin ? ces activit?s illicites et r?velera au grand jour la v?ritable nature de la b?te. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tintin file in Scotland where a gorilla haunts an isolated mansion on a rocky island. Wanting to help a plane in trouble, Tintin is shot. This is the beginning of one of the most exciting adventures of the famous reporter. Continuing his assailants, we find a Scottish rocky island, known as the mark of a "beast" mysterious, but actually hosting a band of counterfeiters. After various adventures, Tintin obviously put an end to these illegal activities to light and will reveal the true nature of the beast.
Clovis Ecrevisse Et l’Oiseau Orphelin (French)

Clovis Ecrevisse Et l’Oiseau Orphelin (French)

 | Pelican Publishing Company
25,560원  | 19960501  | 9781565542198
Here is the French-language edition of Clovis Crawfish and the Orphan Zo-Zo, told in standard French with Cajun dialogue. It describes how Clovis rescues a baby blue jay after a thunderstorm knocks him out of his nest. Clovis convinces his bayou f...
Health Psychology

Health Psychology

French  | Blackwell Pub
175,160원  | 20100914  | 9781405194617
The second edition of Health Psychology is substantially revised and updated to reflect key developments and the latest research in this rapidly expanding discipline.
French (A Pictorial Study of the 1962-1968 Period)

French (A Pictorial Study of the 1962-1968 Period)

 | B Small
10,670원  | 20090626  | 9781905710614
Offers an easy way to learn 50 important phrases in the French language. This book includes a simple, colourful game or activity that helps practise two or three phrases at a time. It also contains a pronunciation guide for the French.
Sixty Songs (French)

Sixty Songs (French)

Faure, Gabriel  | Dover Publications
35,540원  | 19910101  | 9780486265346
Now in one volume: 3 collections of Faure songs composed in the years 1861-1904, set to the texts of such famous writers as Hugo, Gautier, Baudelaire and Verlaine, and including many of the most famous songs such as "Clair de lune," "Apres un reve...
Oreille Cassee (Serie Les Aventures de Tintin) (French)

Oreille Cassee (Serie Les Aventures de Tintin) (French)

Herge  | Casterman
41,240원  | 19990730  | 9782203001053
"L'oreille cass?e" (1937) est une course poursuite palpitante. Afin de r?cup?rer un f?tiche vol?, Tintin s'embarque pour l'Am?rique du Sud o? s'opposent toutes sortes d'int?r?ts : militaires, ?conomiques, financiers. La guerre d?crite dans l'album, entre le San Theodoros et le Nuevo Rico, est en fait la transposition de la guerre du Gran Chaco qui venait d'opposer, trois ans durant, la Bolivie et la Paraguay. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "The Broken Ear" (1937) is a thrilling chase. To recover a stolen fetish, Tintin embarks for South America where oppose all kinds of interests: military, economic, financial. The war described in the album, between San Theodoros and Nuevo Rico, is in fact the implementation of the Gran Chaco War who had to pit for three years, Bolivia and Paraguay.
Testament Francais (French)

Testament Francais (French)

안드레이 마킨  | Gallimard Jeunesse
38,390원  | 19990101  | 9782070401871
프랑스 최고 문학상 3개 동시 수상작! 공쿠르상, 메디치상, 고등학생들이 선정하는 공쿠르상 수상 안드레이 마킨은 모스크바에서 공부를 마치고 노브고로드에서 철학을 가르쳤다. 1987년 프랑스를 여행하던 중 정치적 망명을 한다. 그러나 그의 생활 조건과 주거 조건은 매우 열악해서 파리의 빈민가라고 할 수 있는 벨빌과 메닐몽탕 사이에 작은 방 하나를 얻어 살았으며, 한때는 페르라세즈 공동묘지에 있는 지하묘소에서 지내기까지 했다. 글을 쓰는 것도 쉽지 않아 프랑스어로 쓴 그의 원고는 번번이 퇴짜를 맞았다. 출판사 입장에서는 러시아 출신 작가가 세 살 때부터 프랑스 출신 할머니에게 배운 제 2 외국어인 프랑스어로 직접 작품을 쓴다는 사실을 쉽게 받아들이기가 힘들었다. 다행히 그의 섬세한 서정을 높이 산 한 편집자의 도움으로 문장을 다듬어 펴낸 것이 1995년 『프랑스의 유언』.
Tintin En Amerique (French)

Tintin En Amerique (French)

Herge  | Casterman Editions
35,540원  | 20101129  | 9782203001022
Les Cigares Du Pharaon = Cigars of the Pharaoh (French)

Les Cigares Du Pharaon = Cigars of the Pharaoh (French)

Herge  | Casterman Editions
49,790원  | 19990701  | 9782203001039
The English schools' system is at a crossroads. This landmark collection of essays brings together some of the country's leading education thinkers and practitioners. Their polemic is intended to help teachers, school leaders, governors, researchers and policy makers think deeply about future directions.
Sept Boules De Cristal (Serie Les Aventures de Tintin) (French)

Sept Boules De Cristal (Serie Les Aventures de Tintin) (French)

Herge  | Casterman
51,100원  | 19990701  | 9782203001121
Dans Les Sept Boules de cristal (1948), sept savants sont myst?rieusement frapp?s de l?thargie ? leur retour d’exp?dition dans les Andes. A chaque fois, on retrouve les victimes entour?es d'?clats de boules de cristal. Le professeur Tournesol ayant disparu lors d'une visite au professeur Bergamotte, Tintin et le Capitaine Haddock partent ? sa recherche. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In The Seven Crystal Balls (1948), seven scientists are mysteriously struck by lethargy return shipping in the Andes. Each time, there are victims surrounded by shards of crystal balls. Professor Calculus who disappeared during a visit to Professor Tarragon, Tintin and Captain Haddock go looking for him.
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