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C# 5.0 All-In-One for Dummies

C# 5.0 All-In-One for Dummies (Paperback)

Bill Sempf (지은이)
John Wiley & Sons Inc


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책 이미지

C# 5.0 All-In-One for Dummies

책 정보

· 제목 : C# 5.0 All-In-One for Dummies (Paperback) 
· 분류 : 외국도서 > 컴퓨터 > 프로그래밍 언어 > C
· ISBN : 9781118385364
· 쪽수 : 840쪽


Introduction 1

Book I: The Basics of C# Programming 9

Chapter 1: Creating Your First C# Console Application 11

Chapter 2: Living with Variability — Declaring Value-Type Variables 25

Chapter 3: Pulling Strings 45

Chapter 4: Smooth Operators 71

Chapter 5: Getting into the Program Flow 83

Chapter 6: Lining Up Your Ducks with Collections 107

Chapter 7: Stepping through Collections 133

Chapter 8: Buying Generic 159

Chapter 9: Some Exceptional Exceptions 181

Book II: Object-Oriented C# Programming 201

Chapter 1: Object-Oriented Programming — What’s It All About? 203

Chapter 2: Showing Some Class 211

Chapter 3: We Have Our Methods 223

Chapter 4: Let Me Say This about this 243

Chapter 5: Holding a Class Responsible 257

Chapter 6: Inheritance: Is That All I Get? 281

Chapter 7: Poly-what-ism? 303

Chapter 8: Interfacing with the Interface 329

Chapter 9: Delegating Those Important Events 353

Chapter 10: Can I Use Your Namespace in the Library? 373

Chapter 11: Improving Productivity with Named and Optional Parameters 395

Book III: Designing for C# 403

Chapter 1: Writing Secure Code 405

Chapter 2: Accessing Data 417

Chapter 3: Fishing the FileStream 437

Chapter 4: Accessing the Internet 457

Chapter 5: Creating Images 471

Chapter 6: Programming Dynamically! 481

Chapter 7: Helping Out with Interop 493

Book IV: A Tour of Visual Studio 499

Chapter 1: Getting Started with Visual Studio 501

Chapter 2: Using the Interface 517

Chapter 3: Customizing Visual Studio 541

Chapter 4: Transforming Text Templates 557

Book V: Windows Development with WPF 565

Chapter 1: Introducing WPF 567

Chapter 2: Understanding the Basics of WPF 577

Chapter 3: Data Binding in WPF 601

Chapter 4: Practical WPF 623

Book VI: Web Development with ASPNET 649

Chapter 1: Looking at How ASPNET Works with C# 651

Chapter 2: Building Web Applications 663

Chapter 3: Controlling Your Development Experience 677

Chapter 4: Leveraging the NET Framework 705

Chapter 5: Digging into Web Construction 723

Book VII: Service-Oriented Development 737

Chapter 1: Getting Acquainted with Web Services 739

Chapter 2: Building Web Services with ASMX 751

Chapter 3: Building Web Services with WCF 765

Chapter 4: Building Web Services with REST 779

Index 787


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