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Medical Imaging of Normal and Pathologic Anatomy

Medical Imaging of Normal and Pathologic Anatomy (Paperback)

Joel A. Vilensky, Edward C. Weber (지은이)
W B Saunders Co


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책 이미지

Medical Imaging of Normal and Pathologic Anatomy

책 정보

· 제목 : Medical Imaging of Normal and Pathologic Anatomy (Paperback) 
· 분류 : 외국도서 > 의학 > 해부학
· ISBN : 9781437706345
· 쪽수 : 192쪽



1. Hydrocephalus (MRI)

2. Cephalhematoma (CT)

3. Metastatic brain tumors (MRI)

4. Primary brain tumor (MRI)

5. Pituitary tumor (MRI)

6. Pineal gland cyst (MRI)

7. Papilledema?pseudotumor cerebri (MRI)

8. Vestibular-cochlear nerve schwannoma (MRI)

9. Acute epidural hematoma (CT)

10. Acute subdural hematoma (CT)

11. Chronic subdural hematoma (CT)

12. Meningioma (MRI)

13. Ischemic stroke (CT)

14. Internal carotid artery aneurysm (1) (angiogram)

15. Internal carotid artery aneurysm (2) (CT)

16. Carotid bifurcation plaque (CT)

17. Soft plaque, internal carotid artery (CT)

18. Maxillary and ethmoidal sinusitis (CT)

19. Asymmetry of the frontal sinuses (CT)

20. Blow-out fractures (CT)

21. Deviated nasal septum (CT)

22. Nasal bone fracture (CT)

23. Dislocation of the temporomandibular joint (MRI)

24. Degenerative joint disease, temporomandibular joint (CT)

25. Parotid gland tumor (CT)

26. Dilated submandibular duct with calculus (CT)

27. Mandibular fracture (Panorex)

28. Basal skull fracture (CT)

29. Pharyngeal mass (CT)

30. Tongue (lingual) cancer (MRI)

31. Enlarged deep cervical lymph nodes (CT)

32. Thyroid nodule (US)

33. Thyroglossal duct cyst (CT)

34. Goiter (enlarged thyroid gland) (US)


35. Pectus carinatum (CT)

36. Pectus excavatum (CT/radiograph)

37. Pneumothorax (radiograph)

38. Pneumonia (radiograph)

39. Pulmonary embolism (CT)

40. Breast cancer (mammogram)

41. Breast cyst, breast cancer (US)

42. Mediastinal tumor (CT)

43. Mediastinal lymphoma (CT)

44. Aneurysm of the ascending aorta (radiograph/CT)

45. Situs inversus (radiograph)

46. Right aortic arch (radiograph)

47. Coarctation of the aorta (CT)

48. berrant right subclavian artery (CT)

49. Coronary artery disease (CT)

50. Aberrant right coronary artery (CT)

51. Coronary angioplasty (CT)

52. ortic valve stenosis (CT)

53. Atrial septal defect (ostium secundum) (MRI)

54. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (MRI)

55. Internal mammary (thoracic) artery coronary bypass (CT)

56. Pleural effusion (1) (radiograph)

57. Pleural effusion (2) (CT)

58. Emphysema (CT)

59. Lung cancer, radiography

60. Lung cancer, advanced, radiography

61. Lung cancer, right upper lobe (CT)

62. Large sliding hiatal hernia (radiograph)

63. Small sliding hiatal hernia (radiograph)

64. Esophageal varices (CT)

65. Diaphragmatic hernia (1) (radiograph)

66. Diaphragmatic hernia (2) (CT)


67. Metastases (CT)

68. Umbilical hernia (CT)

69. Inguinal Hernia (CT)

70. Caput medusae (CT)

71. Ascites (CT)

72. Abdominal adenopathy (MRI)

73. Abdominal aortic aneurysm (CT)

74. Psoas abscess (CT)

75. Carcinoma of gastro-esophageal junction (CT)

76. Duodenal ulcer (radiograph)

77. Ileal (Meckel's) diverticulum (fluoroscopy)

78. Hepatic cirrhosis (CT)

79. Splenomegaly (CT)

80. Renal cyst (simple) (CT)

81. Renal cyst (complex) (MRI)

82. Urolithiasis, renal calculus (CT)

83. Renal carcinoma (US/CT)

84. Adult polycystic kidney disease/transplant (MRI)

85. Adenocarinoma of the pancreas (CT)

86. Malrotation of the small bowel (radiograph)

87. Obstructed common bile duct (US)

88. Gallstones (US)

89. Volvulus (CT)

90. Appendicitis (CT)

91. Inflammatory bowel disease, regional enteritis, Crohn's disease (CT)

92. Ulcerative colitis (CT)

93. Urolithiasis, uteral calculi and dilated renal collecting system (CT)


94. Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (CT)

95. Uterine fibroids (MRI)

96. Bicornuate uterus (MRI)

97. Ovarian cyst (US)

98. Ovarian dermoid cyst (teratoma) (CT/radiograph)

99. Urinary bladder diverticulum (CT)

100. Urolithiasis , bladder calculus (CT)

101. Varicocele (US)

102. Epididymitis (US)

103. Epididymal cyst (US)

104. Hydrocele (US)

105. Testicular tumor (US)

106. Testicular torsion (US)


107. Axis (C2) fracture (CT)

108. Cervical intervertebral disk herniation (MRI)

109. Degenerative joint disease, cervical facet joints (CT)

110. Vertebral body compression fracture (CT)

111. Fracture of the pars interarticularis (CT)

112. Spondylolisthesis (secondary to pars defect) (CT)

113. Degenerative spondylolisthesis (1) (MRI)

114. Degenerative spondylolisthesis (2) (MRI)

115. Infective discitis/vertebral osteomyelitis (CT)

116. Variation in the number of lumbar vertebrae (radiograph)

117. Sacroiliitis (CT)

118. Herniated lumbar disc with neural compression (MRI)

119. Lumbar spinal stenosis (MRI)

120. Complete transection of the spinal cord (MRI)


121. Acromioclavicular (shoulder) joint separation (radiograph)

122. Anterior shoulder dislocation (AP view) (radiograph)

123. Anterior shoulder dislocation ("Y" view) (radiograph)

124. Fractured rim of glenoid fossa (CT reconstruction)

125. Rotator cuff (supraspinatus) tear (MRI)

126. Superior labrum, anterior to posterior tear (SLAP tear) (MRI)

127. Enlarged axillary nodes (CT)

128. Dislocated biceps brachii tendon (MRI)

129. Olecranon fracture (radiograph)

130. Fracture of the radial head (radiograph/CT)

131. Pronator teres muscle tear (MRI)

132. Scaphoid fracture (MRI)

133. Triangular fibrocartilage complex (tfcc; articular disc) tear (MRI)

134. Colles fracture (radiograph)

135. Smith fracture (radiograph)

136. Boxer's fracture (radiograph)


137. Posterior hip dislocation with fracture of the acetabulum (CT)

138. Metatastic tumor of acetabulum (CT)

139. Hip (femoral neck) fracture (radiograph)

140. Degenerative joint disease, hip (radiograph)

141. Avascular necrosis (AVN) of the femoral head (MRI)

142. Iliopsoas bursitis (MRI)

143. Obstructed femoral artery (CT arteriogram)

144. Deep venous thrombosis (US)

145. Knee joint effusion (MRI)

146. Medial (tibial) collateral ligament tear (MRI)

147. Medial meniscal tear (MRI)

148. Quadriceps tendon tear (MRI)

149. Patellar tendon tear (MRI)

150. Anterior cruciate ligament tear (MRI)

151. Popliteal (Baker's) cyst (MRI)

152. Degenerative joint disease, knee (radiograph)

153. Tibial fracture (radiograph)

154. Pes anserine bursitis (MRI)

155. Calcaneal tendon tear (MRI)

156. Calcaneal fracture (CT)

157. Ankle fracture (radiograph)

158. Fracture of the medial malleolus and distal fibula (radiograph)

159. Ankle sprain (MRI)

160. Cyst in sesamoid bone of the hallux (CT)

161. Plantar fasciitis (MRI)


162. Radionuclide bone scan (nuclear)

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