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Self-Determination Theory: Basic Psychological Needs in Motivation, Development, and Wellness

Self-Determination Theory: Basic Psychological Needs in Motivation, Development, and Wellness (Hardcover)

에드워드 L. 데시, Richard M. Ryan (지은이)
Guilford Pubn


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책 이미지

Self-Determination Theory: Basic Psychological Needs in Motivation, Development, and Wellness

책 정보

· 제목 : Self-Determination Theory: Basic Psychological Needs in Motivation, Development, and Wellness (Hardcover) 
· 분류 : 외국도서 > 인문/사회 > 심리학 > 사회 심리학
· ISBN : 9781462528769
· 쪽수 : 756쪽


I. Introduction
1. Self-Determination Theory: An Introduction and Overview
II. Philosophical and Historical Considerations
2. Organismic Principles: Historical Perspectives on Development and Integration in Living Entities
3. Human Autonomy: Philosophical Perspectives and the Phenomenology of Self
4. Psychological Needs: Varied Concepts and a Preliminary Description of Self-Determination Theory’s Approach
5. A Brief History of Intrinsic Motivation
III. The Six Mini-Theories of Self-Determination Theory
6. Cognitive Evaluation Theory, Part I: The Effects of Rewards, Feedback, and Other External Events on Intrinsic Motivation
7. Cognitive Evaluation Theory, Part II: Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Processes Affecting Intrinsic Motivation
8. Organismic Integration Theory: Internalization and the Differentiation of Extrinsic Motivation
9. Causality Orientations Theory: Individual Differences in, and Priming of, Motivational Orientations
10. Basic Psychological Needs Theory: Satisfaction and Frustration of Autonomy, Competence, and Relatedness in Relation to Psychological Wellness and Illness
11. Goal Contents Theory: Aspirations, Life Goals, and Their Varied Consequences
12. Relationships Motivation Theory: The Self in Close Relationships
IV. Motivation and Human Development in Families, Schools, and Societies
13. Parenting and the Facilitation of Autonomy and Well-Being in Development
14. Schools as Contexts for Learning and Social Development
15. Identity Development, Self-Esteem, and Authenticity
16. Development, Psychological Needs, and Psychopathology
V. The Application and Practice of Self-Determination Theory in Multiple Domains
17. Psychotherapy and Behavior Change: Creating Facilitating Environments
18. Health Care and Patient Need Satisfaction: Supporting Maintained Health Behavior Change
19. Sport, Physical Activity, and Physical Education
20. Motivation and Need Satisfaction in Video Games and Virtual Environments
21. Work and Organizations: Promoting Wellness and Productivity
VI. Basic Psychological Needs in Pervasive Social Contexts
22. Pervasive Social Influences, Part I: Cultural Contexts
23. Pervasive Social Influences, Part II: Economic and Political Systems
24. On Basic Needs and Human Natures: Altruism, Aggression, and the Bright and Dark Sides of Human Motivation
A Very Brief Epilogue
Author Index
Subject Index


에드워드 L. 데시 (지은이)    정보 더보기
로체스터대학교 사회심리학 교수. 카네기멜론대학에서 사회심리학 박사 학위를 취득하였고, 펜실베이니아대학의 워튼경영대학원과 런던대학의 런던경제대학원, 해밀턴대학에서 수학했다. 스탠퍼드대학에서 학제간 박사후과정 연구원으로 재직한 바 있다. 40여 년간 인간 행동의 동기 연구에 전념해온 그는 외적 동기보다 스스로 결정한 자발적 선택이 더 큰 힘을 발휘한다는 ‘자기결정성 이론 Self-Determination Theory’을 발표하여 보상과 처벌로 대표되는 행동주의 심리학의 패러다임을 뒤집고, 심리학계에 새로운 장을 열었다. 《내면의 동기Intrinsic Motivation》《자기결정심리학The Psychology of Self-Determination》《인간의 행동에 숨어 있는 내면의 동기와 자기결정Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination in Human Behavior》 등의 저서가 독일과 스페인, 일본 등 7개 국가에서 번역, 출간되었다. ‘미국국립정신보건연구소’를 비롯하여 ‘아동 건강 및 인간 발달 연구소’와 ‘국립과학재단’, ‘교육학연구소’의 연구원이자 ‘미국심리학회’ 및 ‘미국심리협회’ 소속 연구원으로 활동 중이며 미국을 비롯한 유럽, 아시아 각국을 누비며 기업체와 정부기관, 대학 및 학교, 정신건강 기관에서 강연과 컨설팅을 하고 있다.
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