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Handbook of Emotions

Handbook of Emotions (Paperback, 4)

Michael Lewis, Jeannette M. Haviland-Jones, 리사 펠드먼 배럿 (엮은이)
Guilford Publications


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Handbook of Emotions

책 정보

· 제목 : Handbook of Emotions (Paperback, 4) 
· 분류 : 외국도서 > 인문/사회 > 심리학 > 감정
· ISBN : 9781462536368
· 쪽수 : 928쪽


I. Interdisciplinary Perspectives
1. The Philosophy of Emotions, Andrea Scarantino
2. The History of Emotions, Ute Frevert
3. The Sociology of Emotion, Katherine J. Lively & Emi A. Weed
4. Emotions in Music, Literature, and Film, P. N. Johnson-Laird & Keith Oatley
5. Affect in Economic Decision Making, Karolina M. Lempert & Elizabeth A. Phelps
6. Computational Models of Emotion as Psychological Tools, Stacy Marsella & Jonathan Gratch
II. Biological Perspectives
7. From Pleasure to Happiness: a€œLikinga€? and a€œWantinga€? in Mind and Brain, Kent C. Berridge & Morten L. Kringelbach
8. Neural Fingerprinting: Meta-Analysis, Variation, and the Search for Brain-Based Essences in the Science of Emotions, Elizabeth Clark-Polner, Tor D. Wager, Ajay B. Satpute, & Lisa Feldman Barrett
9. Emotion and the Autonomic Nervous System, Wendy Berry Mendes
10. Genetic Contributions to Affect and Emotion, Yuliya S. Nikolova, Elena G. Davis, & Ahmad R. Hariri
11. Olfaction: Explicit and Implicit Emotional Processing, Jeannette M. Haviland-Jones, Patricia J. Wilson, & Robin Freyberg
12. Interoception and Emotion: A Neuroanatomical Perspective, A. D. (Bud) Craig
13. The Affect of Taste and Olfaction: The Key to Survival, Linda Bartoshuk and Derek J. Snyder
III. Developmental Perspectives
14. The Development of Facial Expressions: Current Perspectives on Infant Emotions, Linda A. Camras, Serah S. Fatani, Brittney R. Fraumeni, & Michael M. Shuster
15. The Emergence of Human Emotions, Michael Lewis
16. Understanding Emotion, Paul L. Harris, Marc de Rosnay, & Francisco Pons
17. The Development of Childrena€™s Concepts of Emotion, Sherri C. Widen
18. Emotion and Aging, Mara Mather & Allison Ponzio
19. The Interplay of Motivation and Emotion: View from Adulthood and Old Age, Molly Sands, Nhi Ngo, & Derek M. Isaacowitz
20. Emotional Development in Adolescence, Leah H. Somerville
IV. Social and Personality Perspectives
21. Gender and Emotion: Theory, Findings, and Content, Leslie R. Brody, Judith A. Hall, & Lynissa R. Stokes
22. The Cultural Psychology of Emotions, Batja Mesquita, Jozefien De Leersnyder, & Michael Boiger
23. Intergroup Emotions, Eliot R. Smith & Diane M. Mackie
24. Social Functions of Emotion and Emotion Regulation, Agneta H. Fischer & Antony S. R. Manstead
25. Social Pain and Social Pleasure: Two Overlooked but Fundamental Mammalian Emotions?, Naomi I. Eisenberger
26. Emotion Regulation: A Valuation Perspective, Guarav Suri & James J. Gross
27. Expression of Emotion, Dacher Keltner, Jessica Tracy, Disa A. Sauter, Daniel C. Cordaro, and Galen McNeil
28. Emotional Body Perception in the Wild, Beatrice de Gelder
29. Form and Function in Facial Expressive Behavior, Daniel H. Lee & Adam K. Anderson
V. Cognitive Perspectives
30. Emotional Intelligence, Marc A. Brackett, Susan E. Rivers, Michelle C. Bertoli, & Peter Salovey
31. New Light on the Affecta€“Cognition Connection, Gerald L. Clore & Alexander J. Schiller
32. A Fundamental Role for Conceptual Processing in Emotion, Christine D. Wilson-Mendenhall & Lawrence W. Barsalou
33. Memory and Emotion, Elizabeth A. Kensinger & Daniel L. Schacter
34. Language and Emotion: Putting Words into Feelings and Feelings into Words, Kristen A. Lindquist, Maria Gendron, & Ajay B. Satpute
35. Emotion and Attention, Greg Hajcak Proudfit, Felicia Jackson, Jamie Ferri, & Anna Weinberg
VI. Health-Related Perspectives
36. Emotions and Health, Laura D. Kubzansky & Ashley Winning
37. Neuroendocrine and Neuroimmunological Mechanisms of Emotion, Aric A. Prather
38. Emotion Disturbances as Transdiagnostic Processes in Psychopathology, Anne M. Kring & Jasmine Mote
39. The Clinical Application of Emotion in Psychotherapy, Leslie S. Greenberg
40. Eat, Drink, and Be Sedentary: A Review of Health Behaviora€™s Effects on Emotions and Affective States, and Implications for Interventions, Elissa Epel, Aric A. Prather, Eli Puterman, & A. Janet Tomiyama
41. Stress and Emotion: Embodied, in Context, and Across the Lifespan, Barbara Ganzel, Jason R. D. Rarick, & Pamela Morris
42. Emotion-Related Symptoms of Neurodegenerative Dementias, Bradford C. Dickerson
VII. Specific Emotions
43. Fear and Anxiety, Kevin S. LaBar
44. Anger, Eddie Harmon-Jones & Cindy Harmon-Jones
45. Self-Conscious Emotions: Embarrassment, Pride, Shame, Guilt, and Hubris, Michael Lewis
46. Disgust, Paul Rozin, Jonathan Haidt, & Clark McCauley
47. Gratitude and Compassion, David DeSteno, Paul Condon, & Leah Dickens
48. Love: Positivity Resonance as a Fresh, Evidence-Based Perspective on an Age-Old Topic, Barbara L. Fredrickson
49. Sadness and Depression, Christian A. Webb & Diego A. Pizzagalli
50. Empathy, Jamil Zaki & Kevin Ochsner
Author Index
Subject Index


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