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Three Lectures on Complexity and Black Holes

Three Lectures on Complexity and Black Holes (Paperback)

레너드 서스킨드 (지은이)


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책 이미지

Three Lectures on Complexity and Black Holes

책 정보

· 제목 : Three Lectures on Complexity and Black Holes (Paperback) 
· 분류 : 외국도서 > 과학/수학/생태 > 과학 > 물리학 > 양자론
· ISBN : 9783030451080
· 쪽수 : 100쪽


Lecture I: Hilbert Space is Huge

1 Preface
2 How Huge?
3 Volume of CP(N)
4 Relative Complexity
5 Dual Role of Unitaries
6 Volume of SU(2K)
7 Exploring SU(2K)
7.1 Relative Complexity of Unitaries
7.2 Complexity is Discontinuous
8 Graph Theory Perspective
8.1 Collisions and Loops
9 The Second Law of Quantum Complexity
9.1 Hamiltonian Evolution

II Lecture II: Black Holes and the Second Law of Complexity
10 Preface
11 The Black Hole-Quantum Circuit Correspondence
11.1 Two Problems
11.2 Circuits and Black Holes
12 The Growth of Wormholes
12.1 Properties of Growth
12.2 Rindler Time and CV
13 Exponential Time Breakdown of GR
13.1 C=V
14 Precursors
14.1 The Epidemic Model
14.2 Lyapunov and Rindler
15 Precursors and Black Holes
15.1 Instability of White Holes
16 Complexity and Firewalls
16.1 Firewalls are Fragile
16.2 What Happens After Exponential Time?
16.3 The Fragility of Complexity Equilibrium
17 Do Typical States have Firewalls?
17.1 AdS Black Holes
17.2 Evaporating Black Holes

Lecture III: The Thermodynamics of Complexity
18 Preface
19 Negentropy
20 Uncomplexity
20.1 The Auxiliary System
20.2 Combining Auxiliary Systems
21 Uncomplexity as a Resource
22 The Power of One Clean Qubit
22.1 The Protocol
22.2 Expending Uncomplexity and Negentropy
23 Spacetime and Uncomplexity
23.1 CA
23.2 Geometric Interpretation of Uncomplexity



레너드 서스킨드 (지은이)    정보 더보기
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