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연타 중학 영어 구문 + 독해 Level 3

연타 중학 영어 구문 + 독해 Level 3

YBM 편집국 (엮은이)


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책 이미지

연타 중학 영어 구문 + 독해 Level 3

책 정보

· 제목 : 연타 중학 영어 구문 + 독해 Level 3 
· 분류 : 국내도서 > 중학교참고서 > 중학영어전문교재 > 독해/작문
· ISBN : 9788917224238
· 쪽수 : 160쪽

책 소개

필수 구문 패턴과 문장 해석 연습에서, 단문, 장문 독해로 이어지는 체계적인 학습으로 중학 영문 독해의 기초를 세울 수 있다. 또한, 다양한 소재의 흥미롭고 알찬 지문으로 독해력뿐 아니라 상식도 기를 수 있다.


CHAPTER 01 Everyday Life 주어의 이해
POINT 01 ● Buying and selling Pet Rocks still happens.
POINT 02 ● What was the most important was to attract consumers.
Review Test

CHAPTER 02 Entertainment and Leisure 서술어의 이해
POINT 03 ● Music business is becoming more interested in visuals.
POINT 04 ● The dramas can give them the excitement of a blockbuster.
POINT 05 ● You may have dreamed about a wonderland.
Review Test

CHAPTER 03 People and Community 수동태의 이해
POINT 06 ● Her talent was seen by her skating coach.
POINT 07 ● All volunteers are requested to arrive at 2 p.m.
POINT 08 ● You might be interested in a career working with them.
Review Test

CHAPTER 04 Myths and Real Stories 목적어의 이해
POINT 09 ● She forgot to ask for eternal youth.
POINT 10 ● He promised that he would love her forever.
POINT 11 ● You may want to know whether or not they went near the sea.
Review Test

CHAPTER 05 Origins and History 보어의 이해
POINT 12 ● The sight on top is truly something to watch.
POINT 13 ● The biggest misconception is that they search for dinosaur bones.
POINT 14 ● She asked him to grow a beard.
POINT 15 ● Other men saw the king wearing these fancy shoes.
Review Test

CHAPTER 06 Health 수식어구의 이해
POINT 16 ● A food psychologist studying eating behaviors found this out.
POINT 17 ● I sometimes wake up in the night to eat snacks.
Review Test

CHAPTER 07 Science and Technology 관계사 구문의 이해
POINT 18 ● You have heard about the incident which happened in the lab.
POINT 19 ● A robot seal, which is named Paro, is one of those pet robots.
POINT 20 ● What makes the cars ideal is the fuel they use.
POINT 21 ● You can just wash it whenever you think it gets dirty!
Review Test

CHAPTER 08 Social Issues 접속사와 분사구문의 이해
POINT 22 ● Since she has an Irish mother, she can speak English.
POINT 23 ● Dancing to the music, the competitors toss pizza dough.
POINT 24 ● Having witnessed this problem, the band chose a different strategy.
Review Test

CHAPTER 09 Education and Psychology 가정법의 이해
POINT 25 ● If she hadn't made such an effort, he wouldn't have achieved.
POINT 26 ● I wish my parents would praise me more.
Review Test

CHAPTER 10 Space 비교 구문과 특수 구문의 이해
POINT 27 ● Would you like to fly higher than ever before?
POINT 28 ● Not all people believe the predictions fully.
POINT 29 ● The scientists discovered a planet that does have two suns.
POINT 30 ● When observing the skies, you will be able to view Jupiter.
Review Test


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