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무나투나 현지영어

무나투나 현지영어

(리얼 현지영어표현 200, 하루 10분 20일 완성)

김문석 (지은이)


서점 할인가 할인률 배송비 혜택/추가 실질최저가 구매하기
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서점 정가 할인가 마일리지 실질최저가 구매하기

책 이미지

무나투나 현지영어

책 정보

· 제목 : 무나투나 현지영어 (리얼 현지영어표현 200, 하루 10분 20일 완성)
· 분류 : 국내도서 > 외국어 > 영어회화 > 생활영어
· ISBN : 9788917225167
· 쪽수 : 248쪽

책 소개

(주)무나투나 대표이사 김문석의 책. 이 책에 수록된 표현들은 저자가 미국에서 살 때 하루에 수도 없이 반복해서 듣기도 하고 말하기도 한 표현들이라고 한다.


200개 리얼 현지표현으로
20일 후 내 영어가 달라진다 !

Day 1 말해, Yes or No … 인정•확인의 Yes
Bingo! / Absolutely! / That's right. / I see. / You bet. / Makes sense. / I'm afraid so. /
Now you're talking. / By all means. / I'll keep that in mind.

Day 2 말해, Yes or No … 수락•동의의 Yes
Anytime! / No problem! / Why not? / Same here. / Good point! / Good call. / I'm on it. / Count me in. /
Consider it done. / I'll see what I can do.

Day 3 말해, Yes or No … 돌려 말하는 No
Bad idea. / Think it over. / I am not in the mood. / Not that I know of. / Not a chance. /
I wouldn't dream of it. / I can't say. / Who knows? / Beats me. / You got me.

Day 4 말해, Yes or No … 모호한 의사표현•결정장애
So so. / Not bad. / Not really. / Sort of. / Maybe. / Sometimes. / Whatever. / It depends. / Up to you. /
It doesn't matter.

Day 5 글로벌 이심전심 … 칭찬•축하
Cool! / Amazing. / Awesome! / Good question. / You rock. / He's got guts. / Good for you! / You did it! /
You made it! / Way to go!

Day 6 글로벌 이심전심 … 위로•격려
Look on the bright side. / Don't sweat it. / Don't be so hard on yourself. / I got your back. /
I'm on your side. / Go for it. / Don't give up. / Hang in there. / Give it a shot. / Keep your chin up.

Day 7 글로벌 이심전심 … 사과•변명•자책
My bad. / Are you mad at me? / I won’t let you down. / Let me make it up to you. / No offense. /
That came out wrong. / I didn't do it on purpose. / It slipped my mind. / I screwed up. / I don't fit in here.

Day 8 글로벌 이심전심 … 배려•호의
Go ahead. / Help yourself. / It's nothing. / Never mind. / Don't mind me. / Don't bother. / Forget it. /
Take your time. / My pleasure. / It's on me.

Day 9 거침없는 감정 배설 … 빈정거림•비꼼
See? / Really? / Big deal. / Is that all? / It's about time. / I knew you'd forget. / It's no wonder. /
Don't be so sure. / For your information / In your dreams.

Day 10 거침없는 감정 배설 … 짜증•분노•비난
Here we go again. / Not again. / I'm really pissed. / I'm sick of waiting. / Are you done? / Enough said. /
Give me a break. / Cut the crap. / How could you do this to me? / I hate it when you do that.

Day 11 거침없는 감정 배설 … 간섭 거부•경고
Why do you care? / I know what I'm doing. / I wasn't born yesterday! / This has nothing to do with you. /
That will do. / Stop nagging. / Don't yell at me. / Don't talk back to me. / Take it back. / I'm serious.

Day 12 거침없는 감정 배설 … 놀라움•의아함
Are you kidding me? / No way! / It doesn't make sense. / What's going on? / Never heard of it. /
You have no idea. / What are the odds? / You scared the ship out of me. / How dare you! / Did you really?

Day 13 쌍방향 대화의 기술 … 안부로 물꼬를 트라!
How you doing? / How's it going? / How did it go? / How have you been? / Been good? / How's life? /
What's new? / What's up? / What's wrong? / Why the long face?

Day 14 쌍방향 대화의 기술 … 먼저 운을 떼라!
Can we talk? / Guess what? / Got a minute? / Here’s the deal. / To be honest with you. /
I'm gonna level with you. / Just out of curiosity / Speaking of which / Come to think of it. /
If my memory serves me right.

Day 15 쌍방향 대화의 기술 … 상대방의 입을 열어라!
What's so funny? / Are you having fun? / What brings you here? / Since when? / How come? / What for? /
For example? / Then what? / What’s on your mind? / Fill me in.

Day 16 쌍방향 대화의 기술 … 유연하게 대처하라!
Let me see. / Just kidding. / Where was I? / Hear me out. / Come again? / Don't change the subject. /
That's not the point. / Let's get down to business. / Don't bring it up. / I mean it.

Day 17 이 말이 곧 일상이다 … 사랑과 전쟁
Have we met before? / Are you seeing anyone? / Do you wanna hang out? / Are you hitting on me? /
What is he like? / He asked me out. / She stood me up. / I can't stand him. / I made up with her. /
We are made for each other.

Day 18 이 말이 곧 일상이다 … 인사치레로 하는 말
Take care. / I'm off. / See you. / Give him my best (regards). / Wish me luck. / Drop by sometime. / I owe you./
That's very sweet of you. / It's my best day ever. / I'm flattered.

Day 19 이 말이 곧 일상이다 … 입에 달고 사는 말
Here you are. / Hold on. / Come on. / Nothing. / Let me know. / This is it. / What a mess. / Calm down. /
I'll be right back. / It's no big deal.

Day 20 이 말이 곧 일상이다 … 그런데 영어로는 뭐지?
We're even. / Suit yourself. / I get that a lot. / What’s the occasion? / The sooner, the better. /
You can count on me. / Speak of the devil. / It happens all the time. / It's written all over your face. /
That's easy for you to say.


김문석 (지은이)    정보 더보기
(주)무나투나 대표이사 학창시절 한국에서 영어를 배워 미국에 갔지만 영어를 못한다는 이유로 입학 거절을 경험했다. 어렵게 입학 허가를 받고 입학했으나 영어로 말을 하지 못해 동양인 왕따로 학교를 다녔다. 타지에서 영어를 못해서 겪었던 설움으로 인해 영어로 자유롭게 말하고 싶어 하는 대한민국의 영어 왕초보자들을 위해서 ‘생각을 영어로 말할 수 있는’ 쉬운 방법을 강의하고 있다. 실제로 영어 왕초보였기 때문에 왕초보자들의 심정을 가장 잘 아는 김문석 강사는 무나투나 영어를 국내 선두 영어교육 업체로 성장시키며 영어교육 시장의 판을 새로 짜고 있다.


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