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21일만 따라하면 Set 1 - 전3권

21일만 따라하면 Set 1 - 전3권

(Reading 1 + Listening 1 + Writing 1)

신수정 (지은이)


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21일만 따라하면 Set 1 - 전3권

책 정보

· 제목 : 21일만 따라하면 Set 1 - 전3권 (Reading 1 + Listening 1 + Writing 1)
· 분류 : 국내도서 > 초등학교참고서 > 초등영어전문교재 > 독해
· ISBN : 9788926145388
· 쪽수 : 112쪽

책 소개

공부 습관을 기르면서 영어의 기본기를 다질 수 있도록 설계된 초등영어 시리즈이다. 아이들 눈높이에 맞는 재미있고 다양한 non-fiction 글감들이 쉬운 패턴으로 제시되어 있어 쉽게 따라 읽을 수 있고 아이들의 호기심을 채워준다.


[21일만 따라하면 Reading 된다 1]
DAY 01 Muddy Buddies
DAY 02 Hats on People
DAY 03 How Is the Weather?
DAY 04 Where Is Coco?
DAY 05 Late Again
DAY 06 The Animal Patterns
DAY 07 A Smelly Bag
DAY 08 I Like Books
DAY 09 Outdoor Fun
DAY 10 A Windy Day
DAY 11 Mrs. Daisy Is Noisy
DAY 12 What Fish Look Like
DAY 13 How Animals Use Their Tails
DAY 14 What I Can Do
DAY 15 Good Manners
DAY 16 How Seeds Travel
DAY 17 Happy Trung Thu
DAY 18 Animals Change Colors
DAY 19 I Can Do Anything
DAY 20 Let’s Make Cookies
DAY 21 Old Ones Can Be New Ones

[21일만 따라하면 Listening 된다 1]
DAY 01 A: What is this?
B: It is a mouse.
DAY 02 A: He is very tall. Is he your father?
B: Yes, he is. He is my father.
DAY 03 A: I am cold.
B: You need a coat.
DAY 04 A: Are you sick?
B: I am okay.
DAY 05 A: Welcome to science class!
B: I like science.
DAY 06 A: Peter Pan is flying!
B: Wendy, you can fly too!
DAY 07 A: What are you eating?
B: Yum, yum! I am eating a worm.
DAY 08 A: I have a toothache.
B: Don't worry. I am a dentist.
DAY 09 A: You look happy.
B: Yahoo! My birthday is coming up.
DAY 10 A: What is your favorite subject?
B: My favorite subject is English.
DAY 11 A: Look at her shoe!
B: It's too small.
DAY 12 A: What do you want?
B: I want a pair of shoes.
DAY 13 A: What color is Momo's backpack?
B: It is orange.
DAY 14 A: Where do you live?
B: I live in Tokyo.
DAY 15 A: Why do we eat vegetables?
B: Because they're crunchy.
DAY 16 A: I want to be a pilot.
B: Do you like flying?
DAY 17 A: It's time for lunch!
B: I have honey!
DAY 18 A: What would you like to order?
B: Dumplings, please.
DAY 19 A: How many forks are there?
B: There are six.
DAY 20 A: How much is the cellular phone?
B: It's fifty dollars.
DAY 21 A: Let's play basketball!
B: I'll get the basketball.

[21일만 따라하면 Writing 된다 1]
DAY 01 How do Ilook in the mirror?
DAY 02 Meet my animal friends!
DAY 03 Spring has come!
DAY 04 I eat fruits when I am hungry.
DAY 05 Why don’t you read a funny book?
DAY 06 Thank you, all!
DAY 07 Rain, rain, go away!
DAY 08 Bring a trick or treat bag.
DAY 09 Please give me some fish.
DAY 10 What is it?
DAY 11 I ride a bike down the street.
DAY 12 How can I dance like you?
DAY 13 I can have fun at the flea market!
DAY 14 Save the earth!
DAY 15 Let’s grow tomatoes.
DAY 16 This is about a brown bear.
DAY 17 Take subway line number 5.
DAY 18 We sleep during the day.
DAY 19 Tomorrow will be sunny and clear.
DAY 20 A bee lives in the giant beehive.
DAY 21 A teacher helps students learn.

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이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다.
도서 DB 제공 : 알라딘 서점(www.aladin.co.kr)
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