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CNN 리스닝 익스프레스 Red 편

CNN 리스닝 익스프레스 Red 편

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CNN 리스닝 익스프레스 Red 편

책 정보

· 제목 : CNN 리스닝 익스프레스 Red 편 
· 분류 : 국내도서 > 외국어 > 영어듣기/말하기
· ISBN : 9788980991372
· 쪽수 : 196쪽

책 소개

각 권에 수록된 부록CD에는 네이티브의 음성으로 읽힌 기사가 들어있는데, '보통속도'와 '느린속도'로 나누어 들려주는 것이 특징이다. 청취에 자신이 없는 학습자는 처음에는 주로 느린속도의 것을 들으며, 기사 속 괄호 안을 채워넣는 연습을 하게 된다. '리스닝 해설'은 문장을 의미별 구단위로 끊어놓아, 영문과 한글을 양 페이지에 교차시켜 실어 학습효과를 배가시킨다.


Red 편

1. 미국식 주요 발음규칙
2. 직청[독]직해 / 속청[독]속해 훈련방법 소개 및 연습

Step 1 Warm-up CNN News Digest (1)
1. Encounter Session
2. Food for Thought
3. Comfort Station
4. Hotel for the Homeless
5. Sobriety Lock
6. Fill'Er (Half) Up!
7. New Twist in Auto Desing
8. The Lifeline Express
9. For Appearance' Sake
10. Weighty Art
11. Lesson in Survival
12. On-air Job Market
13. Meter-Reader Alert
14. A Howling Success
15. Tribute to the Past
16. Pearls Before Swine
17. Money Isn't Everything
18. Clearance Sale
19. Once a Cop...
20. Let Them Eat Cake

Step 2 실전편 CNN News Digest (2)
1. Bush Ad Bannes in Britain
2. Space Debris Falls to Earth
3. Gum May Return to Singapore
4. UK Gas Attack Report Denied
5. Antiglobalization Protests
6. Drugs-for-Weapons Bust
7. Gate' "Fortune-less" Kids
8. Korean Sporting Hero Dies
9. New World Trade Center Plans
10. Good Cop vs. Good Cop
11. More Columbine Kids Shot
12. Hackers Attack Websites
13. Statue of Liberty Bungee Jump
14. Fatal Shark Attacks
15. Napster Shot Down
16. Child-Porn Ring Busted
17. Madonna Memorabilia Auction
18. Hot-dog Eating Champion
19. Gene Therapy for Alzheimers
20. Space Tourist

Step 3 실전강화편 CNN Document & Special Report
1. Getting Things Straight
2. Deferred Pleasure
3. Pinnacle of Perseverance
4. More Mozart, Ma
5. Chipping Away at Ceilings of Glass
[Special Report]
1. Different Animals
2. Hidee and Seek

정답 및 해설
Step 1 Answers
Step 2 Answers
Step 3 Answers

Blue 편

1. 미국식 주요 발음규칙
2. 직청[독]직해 / 속청[독]속해 훈련방법 소개 및 연습

Step 1 Warm-up

Part 1 기초 트레이닝 1 with CNN News Digset
1. Old Beatles' Recording Recovered
2. Godzilla Hits New York
3. South Korea's Human-Cloning Debate
4. Tobacco Giant Clears the Air
5. Where Is Iraq?
6. DoCoMo Unveils New Model
7. Killer Cancer Drug
8. World's Costliest Cities

Part 2 기초 트레이닝 2 with CNN News Digset
1. Love at New Heights
2. Crackdown in Tibet Continues
3. New Jobs for Stray Dogs
4. New Role for Kevin Spacey
5. Man-vs-Computer Chess Showdown
6. The Age of the Universe
7. Mystery Virus Alarms Chinese
8. Picasso and Matisse at MoMA
9. Youngest Transatlantic Soloist
10. World's Tallest Building-to-Be
11. Eminem to Create Fashion Line
12. CNN Chief to Resign
13. One Small Step for Cambodia
14. Domestics Protest Wage Cuts
15. U.S. Military Aid to Nepal
16. 43rd Annual Worst-Dressed List

Part 3 발음연습 및 딕테이션 with CNN World Reports
1. A Toy fo a Weapon?
2. The Importance of Attitude in Fortune
3. The Population Growth in Nebraska
4. The First United Nations Assembly on Aging
5. The Effect of Weather on Companies
6. Diaper-recycling Programs in America
7. A Beer Advertisement for the Ladies

Step 2 실전편 CNN News Selections
1. North Korea Supplying Drugs to Japan
2. China Faces Serious Tobacco Addction
3. Keyboardless Computers Hit the Market
4. Making Birth a Happy Occasion
5. Food Recycling Makes Sense
6. Everybody Can't Look Perfect
7. Rescue Dogs Exposed to Hidden Dangers
8. Senseless Attacks on Innocent People

Step 3 실전강화편 Showbiz Today & Larry King Live
[Showbiz Today]
1. Catherine Zeta-Jones
2. Halle Berry
[Larry King Live]
1. Dealing with Being Special
2. Young Enough to Know Better


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