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2019 전공영어 최진호 영어학 기출분석

2019 전공영어 최진호 영어학 기출분석

(중등교원 임용고시 시험대비)

최진호 (지은이)


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2019 전공영어 최진호 영어학 기출분석

책 정보

· 제목 : 2019 전공영어 최진호 영어학 기출분석 (중등교원 임용고시 시험대비)
· 분류 : 국내도서 > 수험서/자격증 > 공무원 수험서 > 교원임용시험 > 중등 전공
· ISBN : 9791156836490
· 쪽수 : 328쪽

책 소개

중등교원 임용고시 영어학 기출문제 분석교재다. 출제개념별 분류를 제1분류 기준으로 삼았고, 문제에 이름을 붙여서 차례를 보면 어떤 문제들이 출제돼 왔는지 일목요연하게 파악이 가능하다. 특정 문제를 수시로 빠르게 찾아볼 수 있도록 차례를 자세하게 만들었다.


Part 01 Morphology
01 Word-Formation Processes 18
01 02년 전국 Word-Formation Processes (email, people …) · 18
02 07년 전국 Word-Formation Processes (waterbed, NYU …) ········· 22
03 11년 Word-Formation Processes (raincheck, typewrite) · 23
02 The Hierarchical Structure of Derived Words ····· 24
01 06년 The Hierarchical Structure of Derived Words (reusable) ·· 24
02 08년 충남 The Hierarchical Structure of Derived Words · 25
03 Constraints on Derivation ··· 27
01 06년 전국 Constraints on Derivation (-en suffix) ··· 27
02 14년 Constraints on Derivation (-al suffix) 29
04 Affixes (Derivational vs. Inflectional) 31
01 13년 Derivational Affixes vs. Inflectional Affixes ·· 31

Part 02 Phonetics & Phonology
01 Phonemes vs. Allophones ··· 33
01 05년 전국 Phonemes, Allophones (/p/) ············ 33
02 17년 Phonics Approach · 34
02 Distribution of Speech Sounds ··· 38
01 12년 Distribution of Speech Sounds ·· 38
(style - latter, seat - sit, economy - economy)
02 17년 Distribution of Speech Sounds (right, light) ·· 41
03 Distinctive Features ····· 42
01 16년 Distinctive Feature after /a?/ ····· 42
04 Syllabic Consonants ···· 44
01 07년 전국 Syllabic Consonants - Syllabic Nasals ··· 44
(charm, chasm, film …)
05 Syllable Structure ·········· 47
01 14년 Clear l vs. Dark l - velarization (rhyme) ········ 47
06 Sonority, SSP & Phonotactics ····· 49
01 09년 Phonotactics (limp, lint, sink, mend, mind) ··· 49
02 13년 Sonority Theory (bright, speed, …) ······· 50
07 Stress 53
01 00년 Sentence Stress (What did you buy at the market?) ············ 53
02 03년 전국 Stress in Compounds (English teacher) · 56
03 05년 전국 Emphatic Stress (Peter met Jennifer in his office, too.) ········· 60
04 06년 서울 Pronunciation of Function Words 62
(Tom watched her last night.)
05 07년 서울 Word Stress Placement (ballot, exclude, attract …) ··· 64
06 08년 충청 Word Stress Placement (bonanza, resurrect, cinema …) ······· 67
07 10년 Stress-Shifting Suffixes & Syllable Weight ··· 68
(homonymy, contextual, …)
08 16년 Stress-Shifting Suffixes and Stress-Neutral Suffixes ········· 72
09 18년 Word Stress - Nouns ········ 73
08 Intonation ···· 74
01 04년 전국 The Attitudinal Function of Intonation (rude) · 74
02 08년 전국 The Attitudinal Function of Intonation · 76
(Did Tom cook Dinner?)
03 12년 Intonation Patterns & Speaker’s Intention (Do I KNOW him?) ·· 78
09 Phonological Processes ········ 80
01 02년 전국 Phonological Processes [maytfθ?:t] ·········· 80
02 07년 전국 Phonological Processes - Palatalization 81
(Hi, would you do me a favor?)
03 08년 충청 Phonological Processes - Regressive Assimilation, ····· 83
Flapping, CCR (green car, send Susan ...)
04 09년 모고 Phonological Rules [Processes] ···· 92
(/t/-deletion in /-nt-/, flapping)
05 09년 Syllabic Liquid [?] and Total Assimilation ······ 93
(middle, pet cat, channel, good boy, ten cooks)
06 10년 Negative prefix in-: Place vs. Manner Assimilation 95
(illogical, immature, …)
07 11년 Phonological Rules - Aspiration, Dissimilation, Deletion · 96
(key, similar, kids, sign)
08 12년 Phonological Processes - Palatalization ········· 98
(delusion, follows you …)
09 13년 Phonological Processes - Neutralization (Glottalization) ·· 99
(tip, pit, kick / pin, pen)
10 16년 Phonological Processes - Flapping (autumn, riddle, …) ···· 100
11 17년 Vowel Reduction & [?] ······ 102
12 17년 Schwa Deletion (principal vs. principality) ···· 105
13 18년 Voicing Assimilation ········ 107
14 18년 Glide Insertion ······· 108
10 Phonological Rules ······· 110
01 15년 Glottal Stop (Batman, butler, atrocious, …) ·· 110
02 15년 Yod-Dropping ········· 112
11 Etc. ······ 114
01 02년 서울 Quality Difference between Long Vowels and Short Vowels ··· 114
02 02년 전국 Errors of Segmentals & Suprasegmentals ········ 115
03 05년 서울 Plural suffix -s [-?z] & Natural Class ····· 116
04 05년 전국 Foot ······ 117
(Practice the sentences using natural rhythm and stress.)
05 11년 Slips of Tongue [Speech Errors] (cuff of coffee) ········· 119
06 17년 Trisyllabic Laxing 121

Part 03 Semantics & Pragmatics
01 Anomaly & Selectional Restriction ······· 123
01 02년 전국 Selectional Restriction and Figurative Words · 123
(rubs, licked, lingered)
02 Ambiguity ···· 124
01 18년 Scope Ambiguity ··· 124
03 Lexical Relations ············ 125
01 07년 전국 Gradable Adjectives - Markedness ········· 125
(How long, How short …?)
02 11년 Lexical Relations - Antonymy (husband/wife, fold/unfold) ············ 126
04 Sentence Relations ······ 129
01 06년 서울 Implicative Verbs (manage vs. try) ·········· 129
02 06년 전국 Factive Predicates (Presupposition Triggers) ·· 132
vs. Non-factive Predicates
03 10년 Entailment (John met with some of the delegates.) 134
05 Deixis · 138
01 10년 Deixis - Deictic Shifting (John told me that _______) ········· 138
06 Conversational Maxims & Implicatures ·········· 141
01 01년 Conversational Maxims and Conversational Implicatures ············ 141
(Can I get a ride with you?)
02 03년 전국 Speaker’s Meaning ·· 142
(Grandma, my teacher always says …)
03 04년 서울 Implicature (Arnold will infer from …) ·· 143
04 09년 Conversational Maxims & Speech Act 144
(Isn’t it too cold in here?)
05 13년 Scalar Implicatures (Two or three did very well.) ···· 147
07 Speech Acts ········· 150
01 98년 Speech Acts (I wonder if you could show me the picture.) · 150
02 03년 서울 Indirect request ········ 151
(Would you mind telling me what time you close tonight?)
03 04년 서울 Indirectness ··· 152
(Indirectness itself does not reflect powerlessness.)
04 04년 전국 Speech Acts (Illocutionary Force) 153
(I have two tickets for the theater tonight)
05 07년 서울 Speech Act (Locutionary vs. Illocutionary Act) 154
(Kennst du das Land, wo die Zitromen bl?hen?)
06 08년 전국 Indirect Speech Act (Indirect Directives - 5 Groups) 157
07 12년 Direct vs. Indirect Speech Act (I declare the meeting open.) ········· 160
08 Etc. ······ 161
01 06년 전국 [Cleft] Information Structure & Word Order ··· 161
(No, it was Sally that ~)
02 18년 euphemism (Pragmatics) 162

Part 04 Grammar
01 Grammar Mistakes ······· 163
01 00년 Determiner (my this book, the all three boys) ··········· 163
02 04년 전국 Konglish ·········· 164
03 04년 서울 Konglish & Subjunctive ······ 165
04 05년 서울 A grammar mistake (despite -ing) ··········· 166
05 05년 전국 A grammar mistake 어법에 어긋난 수식어 (형용사 혹은 부사) ·· 167
06 07년 전국 Grammar mistakes (Her eyes opened widely) · 168
02 Tense · 170
01 18년 The present tense in adverbial clauses ··········· 170
03 Aspect ··········· 172
01 01년 Perception Verbs - Progressive ? (know, resemble) ··········· 172
02 09년 [논술] Stative and Dynamic Verbs (know vs. wipe) · 175
04 Lexical Aspects of Verbs ···· 176
01 11년 [논술] Lexical Aspects of Verbs (for two weeks vs. in two weeks) ·· 176
02 16년 Lexical Aspects of Verbs (built the barn, reached the summit, …) ·· 178
05 Passive Voice ······ 188
01 06년 전국 정동사 vs. 준동사 / 수동태 ····· 188
02 11년 Passive Only ··········· 189
06 Ergative Verbs [Unaccusative Verbs] 190
01 10년 [논술] Ergative verbs & resultative phrases (It was dropped) ······ 190
02 17년 Unaccusative Verbs + there inversion 193
07 Adverbials ·· 196
01 12년 Style Disjuncts vs. Content Disjuncts (Briefly vs. Wisely) 196
02 15년 Adverb Types (usually vs. carefully) ···· 199
08 Multiword Verbs 201
01 10년 Prepositional Verb Passivization ·········· 201
02 11년 Separable and Inseparable Phrasal Verbs (look into vs. look up) ·· 204
09 Tough Movement ··········· 208
01 05년 전국 Tough Movement (impossible 같은 형용사 3개를 고르시오) ····· 208
02 10년 Tough Movement (To be with Margaret is a blessing.) ······· 210
10 Relative Clauses 212
01 12년 Determiner and Modifier (the detergent glass container) · 212
02 13년 [논술] Restrictive vs. Nonrestrictive Relative Clauses ········ 214
03 14년 to-infinitives interpreted as relative clauses (places to stay) ········ 218
11 Existential Sentences · 219
01 09년 Existential Sentences (There suddenly disappeared a parrot.) ···· 219
02 12년 [논술] Tough Movement / Information Structure ····· 222
/ Existential Sentences
12 Inversion ······ 226
01 09년 모고 [Inversion] Information Structure & Word Order ······· 226
02 13년 So+S+V vs. So+V+S ·········· 230
13 Etc. ······ 231
01 02년 전국 Tag Questions ············ 231
02 05년 전국 Anaphoric vs. Cataphoric Reference ······· 231
(She examined the patient, and then the doctor ~)
03 08년 전국 Nominalization (the destruction of the city by the enemy) ··· 233
04 17년 The Uses of the Definite Article ············ 234

Part 05 Syntax
01 Ambiguity ···· 235
01 07년 전국 Ambiguity ······· 235
(The cowboy rode the horse from the town with spirit)
02 11년 Ambiguity - Structural Ambiguity ······ 236
(gave her dog biscuits, told the teacher that he ran into something)
03 15년 Lexico-Syntactic Ambiguity (Mary saw John’s nose ring) · 240
02 Constituency Tests ······ 242
01 01년 Constituency Tests - Topicalization (your little brother) ·· 242
02 06년 전국 Constituency Tests - Movement (Preposing) ··· 243
(~ the sculpture into the museum)
03 14년 Constituency Tests - Movement & Substitution ······ 244
(your receipt of my application)
04 18년 Coordination and T-to-C Movement ···· 246
03 Binding Theory ··· 248
01 09년 모고 Binding Theory + Raising vs. Control (believe vs. want) ······· 248
02 13년 Binding Theory - Binding Constraint & Locality Constraint ······· 250
(each other)
03 15년 Binding Theory - Locality Constraint (the smallest (clause)) ······ 256
04 17년 Binding Theory - a ternary/binary tree & each other ········· 258
05 18년 Binding Theory + Passivization + Raising ····· 260
04 Complements vs. Adjuncts 262
01 03년 전국 Clausal Complements vs. Clausal Adjuncts ····· 262
(the claim that ~)
02 06년 서울 Complements and Adjuncts in NPs & Ambiguity ······· 264
(a teacher of children from America)
03 08년 충청 Complements and Adjuncts in NPs (Coordination) ···· 266
04 09년 Complements vs. Adjuncts ········· 268
(views about, observation of, observant of)
05 09년 Complements and Adjuncts in NPs - one-substitution ······ 270
06 10년 Complements and Adjuncts in NPs ····· 272
(*a student in London of linguistics)
07 16년 Complements and Adjuncts in NPs & Wh-movement ········ 274
05 Complementizers ············ 280
01 05년 전국 Complementizer whether vs. if (의문부사 or 보문소) ···· 280
06 Raising vs. Control ······ 283
01 06년 전국 Raising Predicates (sure vs. probable) ··· 283
02 07년 서울 Raising Predicates (be likely, be believed) ········· 284
03 09년 Raising vs. Control (be said vs. be told) ·········· 286
04 12년 Raising vs. Control (appear to do vs. plan to do) ······ 290
07 Infinitival Complementation [Verb Complementation] · 292
01 07년 전국 Infinitival Complementation (believe vs. tell) ·· 292
02 13년 Infinitival Complements · 298
(V + NP + to-inf vs. V + for NP + to-inf)
08 Prepositional Verbs vs. Phrasal Verbs ·········· 300
01 00년 Phrasal Verbs vs. Prepositional Verbs (get off vs. put off) 300
09 Case Theory ········· 304
01 07년 서울 parrotfish and goby - the oblique case ··· 304
02 08년 충청 Case Theory (비문 고르고 이유 설명) ········· 305
03 10년 Choose caseless NPs (The city’s recent dumping ~) 309
10 Etc. ······ 311
01 04년 전국 prefer 용례 (subcategorization) ····· 311
02 14년 Thematic Roles (A brick smashed the window.) ······ 312

Part 06 ’90s Questions
01 Morphology 314
01 95년 Word-Formation Processes (motel, fan, laser, radar …) ··· 314
02 99년 Word-Formation Processes (peddler, hawk, stoke, swindle) ········ 314
02 Phonetics & Phonology ········· 315
01 95년 Feature combinations (anterior, coronal, strident …) ········· 315
02 95년 Feature combinations (vocalic, consonantal …) ········ 315
03 97년 English History - Great Vowel Shift ··· 316
04 97년 Deletion - CCR ······ 317
05 98년 Phonological Processes - Neutralization (Vowel Reduction) ········· 317
06 99년 Distribution of Speech Sounds ([d?nt] and [d?n?]) ·· 318
03 Semantics & Pragmatics ····· 319
01 95년 euphemism · 319
02 95년 Conversational Maxims (quantity, quality, relevance, manner) ·· 319
03 99년 Lexical Relations - Antonymy (peddler, hawk, stoke, swindle) ··· 320
04 99년 Presupposition Triggers (stop, my) ······ 320
05 99년 Discourse Analysis ············ 321
04 Grammar ····· 322
01 95년 Negation (negative & positive pairs) ··· 322
02 95년 Inversion (No, neither would I) · 322
03 98년 Distribution of one ············ 323
04 99년 Subcategorization, Passive, Complementizer If, Phrasal Verb ···· 324
05 99년 *When have you seen John? ······ 324
05 Syntax ············ 325
01 95년 Raising/Control Paraphrases (appear, happen, likely, reluctant) ··· 325
02 99년 Complements and Adjuncts in VPs -Do -so substitution ·· 325
03 97년 Infinitival Complementation (believe vs. want) ········ 327
04 99년 Infinitival Complementation (like vs. persuade) ······ 328


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