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2021 전공영어 최시원 영어교육학 Conceptual

2021 전공영어 최시원 영어교육학 Conceptual

최시원 (지은이)


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2021 전공영어 최시원 영어교육학 Conceptual

책 정보

· 제목 : 2021 전공영어 최시원 영어교육학 Conceptual 
· 분류 : 국내도서 > 수험서/자격증 > 공무원 수험서 > 교원임용시험 > 중등 전공
· ISBN : 9791156838807
· 쪽수 : 333쪽

책 소개

기입형 문항의 풀이를 위해 관련 내용의 설명 첫 부분에 중요 키워드를 기출 표시와 함께 마인드맵과 표로 처리하여 가독성을 높였다. 줄글을 읽기 전에 중요한 키워드를 선행조직자로 받아들인다면 한 번을 읽더라도 의미 있는 이해와 인지적 정착의 확률을 높일 수 있다.


Chapter 01 Approaches to Language Acquisition
(A) Three Approaches: Behaviorist / Nativist / Interactionist ··· 11
(B) Recent Cognitive Perspectives ··· 17
Chapter 02 Models of Second Language Acquisition
(A) An Innatist Model: Krashen’s Five Hypotheses ·· 21
(B) Cognitivist Models: · 22
Attention-Processing Model, Implicit & Explicit Processing,
Noticing Hypothesis, and others
(C) Social Constructivist Models: · 30
Swain’s & Long’s Hypotheses
Chapter 03 Language Analyses
(A) Contrastive Analysis ··· 36
(B) Interlanguage · 36
(C) Stages of Learner Language Development ····· 37
(D) Sequences of Acquisition ··· 39
(E) Error Analysis ····· 40
(F) Communicative Competence ··· 46
(G) Discourse Analysis · 49
(H) Conversation Analysis ····· 52
( I ) Types of Nonverbal Communication ··· 62
Chapter 04 Learner Variables
(A) Age & the Critical Period Hypothesis ····· 65
(B) Cognitive factors & Learning Styles ··· 65
(C) Affective factors 70
(D) Socio-cultural factors · 73
(E) Techniques in Teaching Culture 75
(F) World Englishes ·· 76
(G) Autonomy ···· 79
(H) Strategies ··· 79
Chapter 05 Teaching Methodologies
(A) Traditional Approaches ·· 86
(B) Innovative Approaches ··· 90
(C) Communicative Approaches ···· 93
(D) Roles of the Interactive Teacher ···· 109
Chapter 06 Syllabus Design and Material Development
(A) Curriculum components · 112
(B) Classification of Syllabus ···· 114
(C) Types of Syllabus ··· 116
(D) Material Development 119
(E) Lesson Objectives ·· 124
Chapter 07 Teaching Listening
(A) Types of Spoken Language (L/S) ··· 128
(B) Bottom-up vs. Top-down Processing (L/R) · 129
(C) Features of authentic materials in Listening · 132
(D) Types of Listening Performance ····· 135
(E) Process Listening (PWP) ····· 137
(F) Listening Exercises 138
(G) Listening Techniques and Tasks ····· 139
Chapter 08 Teaching Speaking
(A) Fluency vs. Accuracy issues · 143
(B) Types of Speaking Performance ····· 144
(C) Speaking Techniques and Tasks ···· 146
Chapter 09 Teaching Reading
(A) Bottom-up vs. Top-down Process ··· 149
(B) Schema Theory ·· 152
(C) Comprehension Level 152
(D) Authenticity vs. Readability issues in Choosing Text 154
(E) Process Reading (PWP) · 155
(F) Reading Techniques and Tasks · 156
Chapter 10 Teaching Writing
(A) Product- vs. Process-oriented Writing ···· 160
(B) Process Writing (PWP; Writing Techniques and Tasks) 161
(C) Types of Writing Performance ···· 165
Chapter 11 Teaching Grammar
(A) Approaches to Teaching Grammar & FFI ·· 169
(B) Deductive vs. Inductive teaching ···· 172
(C) Techniques and Tasks in teaching grammar 172
Chapter 12 Teaching Vocabulary
(A) Incidental vs. Intentional learning ·· 181
(B) Corpus ···· 183
(C) Lexis ·· 183
(D) Techniques and Tasks in teaching vocabulary ·· 186
Chapter 13 Teaching Pronunciation
(A) Segments vs. Suprasegmentals · 190
(B) Teachability issues in teaching pronunciation ···· 191
(C) Intelligibility issues in teaching pronunciation ···· 192
(D) Techniques and tasks in teaching pronunciation ··· 192
Chapter 14 Technology in Language Learning and Teaching
(A) CALL & MALL ····· 195
(B) CMC ··· 197
(C) Types of CALL Activities ···· 199
(D) Corpora and Concordancers · 202
(E) Computer Adaptive Testing ····· 203
Chapter 15 Language Assessment
(A) Principles of Language Assessment ··· 205
(B) Types of Testing: in terms of Purposes 210
(C) Types of Test Items ··· 211
(D) Multiple-choice Tests · 215
(E) Integrative Testing · 228
(F) Alternative Assessments 230
(G) Holistic vs. Analytic Scoring ·· 233
· 2020~2016년도 전공영어 기출 271


최시원 (지은이)    정보 더보기
· 한국교원대학교 초등교육과 수석 졸업 · Oral Roberts Univ.TESL 석사(Outstanding Student Award)/미국 · 2009년 초등교사 임용시험 합격(충북 수석) · 2009년 중등교사 임용시험 합격(서올 영어) · 前 중학교 교사(서울 목동) · 2010년 중등교사 임용시험 2차 채점위원(교육과정평가원 영어) · 現 아모르임용학원 초등교육 대표교수 저서 · 최시원 초등교육과정 지도서 길라잡이(북이그잼) · 최시원 초등교육과정 각록 서머리(북이그잼) · 최시원 초등교육과정 1차 기출문제 길라잡이(북이그잼) · 최시원 초등교육과정 2차 기출문제 길라잡이(북이그잼) http://cafe.daum.net/see-one
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