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매거진 B

매거진 B (Magazine B) Vol.53 : 무인양품 (MUJI)

(영문판 2017.3)

JOH & Company (제이오에이치) 편집부 (엮은이)
B Media Company


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매거진 B

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· 제목 : 매거진 B (Magazine B) Vol.53 : 무인양품 (MUJI) (영문판 2017.3)
· 분류 : 국내도서 > 잡지 > 경제/경영
· ISBN : 9791160360103
· 쪽수 : 164쪽


02 Intro

12 Editor's Letter

16 Store
Images of Muji shoppers and comments on Muji from the media

22 Opinion
A multifaceted take on the Muji brand from Professor Ken Kusunoki

26 Inner Space
Muji's approach to consumption as defined 124 by its lineup of over 7,000 items

46 Partners
Past project collaborators remember and 126 reflect
on their experiences working with Muji

54 Opinion
A comprehensive look at Muji houses from designer Kenya Hara,
a member of the Muji advisory board

60 Muji House
The Muji House, a modern living option that draws to mind a catch-all
for holding odds and ends

74 Opinion
Identifying and understanding Muji style with Yu Yamada, director of creative
agency Method

78 Muji Style
City dwellers whose conceptions of style align with the ideas of Muji

94 Mujirer
Glimpses of Muji products as they are actually used

98 Found Muji
Found Muji, a project devoted to finding and recognizing "Mujiness"

102 B's Cut
Observing what makes Muji products distinct

112 Brand Story
The story behind the birth and growth of Muji

122 100 Good Things
Examples of how Muji has given back to the community and supported the environment

124 HQ
Muji headquarters in Japan, where the brand philosophy is a part of life

126 Advisory Board
Muji's key consultative body of five outside creative directors

134 Communication
The history of Muji as seen through its simple print advertisements

140 Abroad
Exploring Muji's overseas sales strategy and experiences with Director of East Asia Business, Satoshi Shimizu

144 Masaaki Kanai
An interview with Masaaki Kanai, chairman of Ryohin Keikaku

148 Figures
Muji by the numbers

150 Outro


JOH & Company (제이오에이치) 편집부 (엮은이)    정보 더보기
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