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"who?"(으)로   13,307개의 도서가 검색 되었습니다.
Who? Special 킬리안 음바페

Who? Special 킬리안 음바페

김현수  | 다산어린이
13,500원  | 20240130  | 9791130650135
월드컵 결승전 역대 최다 골의 주인공 메시의 뒤를 잇는 차세대 축구 황제 킬리안 음바페가 들려주는 이야기를 만화로 만난다! 이강인이 소속된 팀 파리 생제르맹 FC의 에이스 킬리안 음바페. 그는 10대의 나이로 국가대표에 선발되어 월드컵 우승컵을 들어 올리고, 리오넬 메시가 가지고 있던 최연소 300골 기록을 갈아치우는 등 축구의 역사를 새롭게 써 내려가고 있습니다. 그러나 음바페의 시간이 늘 밝지만은 않았습니다. 그는 격렬한 시위가 벌어지는 가난한 동네에서 자랐습니다. 그런 동네에서 살면 성공할 수 없다는 패배 의식과 싸워야 했지요. 또 여느 어린이와 비슷하게 공부와 관련된 고민을 하기도 했습니다. 킬리안 음바페는 이러한 어려움 속에서도 자신의 꿈을 잃지 않았습니다. 그리고 당시 겪었던 어려움을 기억하며, 지금까지도 꾸준히 어린 시절의 자신과 비슷한 처지에 놓여 있는 어린이들을 위해 후원을 이어 가고 있습니다. 자신의 작은 손길이 도움이 필요한 어린이의 삶을 바꿀 수 있다는 믿음을 가지고 있기 때문이지요. 《who? 스페셜 킬리안 음바페》는 어린 음바페가 겪었던 어려움과 고민, 성장 과정을 만화로 풀어냅니다. 음바페가 어린 나이에 세계적인 선수가 될 수 있었던 비결은 무엇일까요? 지금도 성장하는 선수, 킬리안 음바페의 이야기를 만나 보세요!
Who am I

Who am I

손봉호  | 밀알
13,500원  | 20191115  | 9791196674311
We forget that death comes sooner than we expect. We also fail to realize that we are more tempted to accumulate money, knowledge and power, which are means to accomplish the purpose of life, than to consider the purpose of life itself. Many people end their lives without ever seizing the opportunity to ask the basic questions. Who am I? Why do I live? How shall I live? If by asking why the apple falls from the tree, Newton made such a great discovery, would it not also be worth asking some fundamental questions about our lives? In fact, matters more serious than the discovery of gravity would be the meaning, direction and the purpose of our lives. So then, we ought to take these questions a bit more seriously. - An excerpt from the book
who? 한국사: 안중근

who? 한국사: 안중근

유경원, 정병훈  | 다산어린이
13,050원  | 20240207  | 9791130650142
인물로 배우는 최고의 역사 교과서 세상을 희망으로 이끈 ‘사람’을 만나다! 꼭 알아야 하는 우리 역사이지만, 복잡한 연도나 어려운 용어를 억지로 외우게 한다면 아이들은 한국사에 흥미를 느끼기 어려울 것입니다. 어린이는 슈퍼우먼이나 슈퍼맨 같은 영웅에게 더 관심을 갖곤 하지요. 《who? 한국사》 시리즈는 바로 세상을 조금 더 희망으로 이끈 ‘사람’들의 이야기를 담고 있습니다. 《who? 한국사》에서 만날 사람들 모두 시대를 희망으로 이끈 ‘영웅’입니다. 평화를 꿈꾸며 일본 제국주의와 맞서 싸운 대한 의군 참모 중장 안중근을 만나다! 안중근은 대한 제국이 일본의 침략에 의해 권리를 하나둘 빼앗기던 시기, 민족의 독립과 동양의 평화를 위해 투쟁하던 독립운동가입니다. 그는 을사조약을 강제로 체결하며 대한 제국의 외교권을 빼앗은 이토 히로부미를 하얼빈에서 저격했습니다. 체포되어 재판을 받게 된 안중근은 재판정에서도 고개를 숙이지 않았습니다. 그는 동양의 평화를 파괴하는 이토 히로부미의 죄를 낱낱이 밝히고, 자신이 대한 의군의 참모 중장으로서 전쟁에 참여하여 정당하게 침략자 이토 히로부미를 처단했다고 말했습니다. 이러한 안중근의 위대한 정신은 어디서 나온 것일까요? 책 속에서 어린 시절의 안중근을 만나, 그가 걸었던 길을 함께 걸으며 안중근과 함께 성장해 봅시다. 독해 워크북으로 더 ‘강력’해진 who? 한국사 역사와 문해력을 동시에 잡다! 《who? 한국사》는 역사 지식뿐 아니라 문해력까지 키울 수 있도록 돕습니다. 인물 이야기를 읽고 난 뒤 스스로 풀어볼 수 있는 독해 워크북을 함께 구성하였습니다. 문해력은 모든 학습의 기초입니다. 일기, 편지, 강연록, 뉴스, 광고문 등 국어 교과서에서 다루는 다양한 글의 형식을 담아 문해력을 키우고, 동시에 스스로 공부하는 자기 주도 학습까지 연습해 보는 독서 경험이 될 것입니다. 인물 정보를 담은 한국사 인물 카드가 함께 제공됩니다.
WHO? (The Beginning)

WHO? (The Beginning)

 | Repro Books Limited
36,290원  | 20211213  | 9798885301299
Who? (Who Can Help the Warming Arctic?)

Who? (Who Can Help the Warming Arctic?)

 | FriesenPress
32,160원  | 20210330  | 9781525599989
Ukpik the snowy owl has a problem: her northern home is melting away, and she has nowhere to go. As she flies across the Arctic in search of help, Ukpik meets many animal friends with similar problems. Ukpik realizes that she must warn the world that climate change is hurting the North and all who call ithome....
Who? (Who Can Help the Warming Arctic?)

Who? (Who Can Help the Warming Arctic?)

 | FriesenPress
16,480원  | 20210330  | 9781525599972
Ukpik the snowy owl has a problem: her northern home is melting away, and she has nowhere to go. As she flies across the Arctic in search of help, Ukpik meets many animal friends with similar problems. Ukpik realizes that she must warn the world that climate change is hurting the North and all who call ithome....
The World Health Report 2007 Paperback

The World Health Report 2007 Paperback

Chan, Margaret  | WHO
0원  | 20210101  | 9789241563444
World Health Report 2007 discusses the challenges to global health security by the increasing and constant movement around the world of people and products. It looks at the potential of new tools for collective defence, particularly the revised International Health Regulations (2005) which came into force this year. Significantly, the revised Regulations move away from a focus on passive barriers at airports, seaports and borders to a strategy of proactive risk management - detecting an event early and stopping it at its source - before it has a chance to become an international threat.
Putting People and Health Needs on the Map Paperback

Putting People and Health Needs on the Map Paperback

Not Available  | WHO
0원  | 20210101  | 9789241563376
Evaluation of Certain Food Additives and Contaminants 61st Paperback

Evaluation of Certain Food Additives and Contaminants 61st Paperback

World Health Organization  | WHO
0원  | 20210101  | 9789241209229


 | Balboa Press Au
14,830원  | 20201110  | 9781504320917
Questions that ask whether or not some statement is true are called yes-no questions (or polar questions, or general questions), since they can in principle be answered by a "yes" or "no" (or similar words or expressions in other languages).


 | Lulu.com
14,840원  | 20200616  | 9781716831058
Eli Eagle, is on a mission to discover WHO could have made all the animals and all the beauty in nature. Will he find the answers? I think he needs your help! Come with Eli on an adventure of curiosity, questions, and discovery.


 | Amelia Publishing Inc
16,480원  | 20160825  | 9781635240443
Who is a mystery book written for both the young, and young at heart. This book was created to give classroom and home school educators an enjoyable and thought provoking way to discover WHO comes to visit the home every evening. This book is an excellent way for parents, grandparents, babysitters, and those who love children, an interesting way to spend time with a child.
Medical Records Manual Paperback

Medical Records Manual Paperback

World Health Organization Regional Office For The Western Pacific Staff  | WHO
0원  | 20020531  | 9789290610052
Medical records form an essential part of a patient's present and future care. As a written collection of information about the patient's health care, they are used in the management and planning of health care facilities and services, for the medical research and the production of health care statistics. The records must be available for health care personnel when the patient returns. This manual is to help medical record workers develop and manage the medical record services of the health care facilities in developing countries in an effective and efficient manner. The book is written as an aid to medical record officers and clerks.
Building Blocks for Tobacco Control Paperback

Building Blocks for Tobacco Control Paperback

Who  | WHO
0원  | 20041207  | 9789241546584
The idea for this handbook arose from an awareness that whilst various WHO documents called for developing national capacity for tobacco control, there was not comprehensive guide to the development of such a capacity. This book is thus, essentially, a pragmatic "how to" manual. The Introduction presents the evolving definition of "national capacity", identifies the types of capacities needed for effective tobacco control and outlines the key features of building capacity. Section 1 provides a descriptive overview of the tobacco epidemic. It looks at tobacco as a risk factor, presenting its health, social and economic costs; the global strategies of the tobacco industry to counteract public health measures; the scientific evidence for effective tobacco control interventions; and the WHO FCTC as a global solution to an epidemic with prominent politico-legal and socio-cultural attributes. Section 2 focuses on the fundamental capacities necessary to empower countries to control the tobacco epidemic successfully. These chapters apply the lessons learned from the experiences of different countries and offer advice and suggestions to enable countries to put the theories of tobacco control into practice.
World Report On Knowledge For Better Health Paperback

World Report On Knowledge For Better Health Paperback

Not Available  | WHO
0원  | 20041130  | 9789241562812
This book reviews the current state of health research and concludes that: more investment is needed, research need to be managed more effectively to help strengthen health systems and build public confidence in science; stronger emphasis should be placed on translating knowledge into action. There are five sections: learning to improve health, gives an overview and some historical perspective; towards a scientific basis for health systems; strengthening health research systems; linking research to action; and recommendations and an action plan.
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