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Handbook of the Life Course

Handbook of the Life Course (Paperback, 2003)

Jeylan T. Mortimer, Michael J. Shanahan (엮은이)
Springer Verlag


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Handbook of the Life Course

책 정보

· 제목 : Handbook of the Life Course (Paperback, 2003) 
· 분류 : 외국도서 > 인문/사회 > 사회과학 > 사회학
· ISBN : 9780387324579
· 쪽수 : 728쪽


Preface; J.T. Mortimer, M.J. Shanahan. I: The Life Course Perspective. 1. The Emergence and Development of Life Course Theory; G.H. Elder Jr. et al. II: Historical and Cross-National Variability in the Life Course. 2. Generations, Cohorts, and Social Change; D.F. Alwin, R.J. McCammon. 3. Stratified Incentives and Life Course Behaviors; T. Kariya, J.E. Rosenbaum. III: Normative Structuring in the Life Course. 4. Age Structuring and the Rhythm of the Life Course; R.A. Settersten Jr. IV: Movement through the Life Course. A: Institutional Structuring of Life Course Trajectories. 5. Parental Identification, Couple Commitment and Problem Solving Among Newlyweds; I. Tallman. 6. Family Context and Individual Well-Being: Patterns and Mechanisms in Life Course Perspective; P. Uhlenberg, M. Mueller. 7. Intergenerational Relations in Changing Times; N.M. Putney, V.L. Bengtson. 8. Educational Transitions, Trajectories and Pathways; A.M. Pallas. 9. From Work Trajectories to Negotiated Careers: the Contingent Work Life Course; W.R. Heinz. 10. Government and the Life Course; L. Leisering. B: Transitions. 11. The First Grade Transition in Life Course Perspective; D.R. Entwisle, et al. 12. From Student to Worker; A.C. Kerckhoff. 13. Midcourse: Navigating Retirement and a New Life Stage; P. Moen. C: Turning Point. 14. Desistance from Crime over the Life Course; R.J. Sampson, J.H. Laub. 15. Desistance from Crime and Deviance as a Turning Pointin the Life Course; C. Uggen, M. Massoglia. 16. Migration, Human Development, and the Lifecourse; G. Jasso. V: Life Course Construction. A: Agency. 17. Self-Agency and the Life Course; V. Gecas. B: Connections between Early and Subsequent Life Phases. 18. Connections between Chidhood and Adulthood; J.D. McLeod, E.P. Almazan. 19. How and Why the Understanding of Developmental Continuity and Discontinuity is Important: The Sample Case of Long-term Consequences of Adolescent Substance Use; J.E. Schulenberg, et al. 20. Adolescent work and the Early Socioeconomic Career; J.T. Mortimer, et al. VI: Methods and Interdisciplinary Approaches. A: Modes of Studying the Life Course. 21. Distinguishing Age, Period, and Cohort Effects; N.D. Glenn. 22. Event History Models for Life Course Analysis; L.L. Wu. 23. Panel Models for the Analysis of Change and Growth in Life Course Studies; C.N. Halaby. 24. Characterizing the Life Course as Role Configurations and Pathways: A Latent Structure Approach; R. Macmillan, S.R. Eliason. 25. Linking Life-Course and Life-Story: Social Change and the Narrative Study of Lives Over Time; B.J. Cohler, A. Hostetler. B: Interdisciplinary Collaborations. 26. Personality Trait Development In Adulthood; B.W. Roberts, et al. 27. Biological Models of Behavior and the Life Course; M.J. Shanahan, et al. 28. Socioeconomic Status and Health Over the Life Course: Capital as a Unifying Concept; J.R. Frytak, et al. VII: The Future of the Life Course. 29.

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