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Ethical Issues in Maternal-Fetal Medicine

Ethical Issues in Maternal-Fetal Medicine (Paperback)

도나 디켄슨 (엮은이)
Cambridge Univ Pr


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Ethical Issues in Maternal-Fetal Medicine

책 정보

· 제목 : Ethical Issues in Maternal-Fetal Medicine (Paperback) 
· 분류 : 외국도서 > 의학 > 의학윤리
· ISBN : 9780521664745
· 쪽수 : 366쪽


1. Introduction: recent debates in maternal-fetal ethics: what are the ethical questions? Donna Dickenson; 2. Overview: a framework for reproductive ethics Carson Strong; Part I. Generic Issues in Pregnancy: 3. Multi-cultural issues in maternal-fetal medicine Sirkku Hellsten; 4. HIV in pregnancy: ethical issues in screening and therapeutic research Paquita de Zulueta; 5. Genetic screening: should parents seek to perfect their children genetically? Rosemarie Tong; 6. Is there a duty not to reproduce? Jean McHale; 7. Between fathers and fetuses Cynthia Daniels; 8. Restricting the freedom of pregnant women Susan Bewley; Part II. Inception of Pregnancy: New Reproductive Technologies: 9. Ethical issues in embryo intervention and cloning Francoise Shenfield; 10. A case study in IVF: paternalism and autonomy in a 'high-risk' pregnancy Gillian Lockwood; 11. The ethics of secrecy in donor insemination Heather Widdows; Part III. First and Second Trimester: 12. Ethical and social aspects of evaluating fetal screening Elina Hemminki; 13. Prenatal counseling and images of disability Priscilla Alderson; 14. Models of motherhood in the abortion debate Eileen McDonagh; 15. Who owns embryonic and fetal tissue? Donna Dickenson; 16. The fewer the better? Ethical issues in multiple gestation Mary Mahowald; Part IV. Third Trimester: 17. Caesarean section - who chooses, the woman or her doctor? Wendy Savage; 18. Compliance and non-compliance of pregnant women with doctors' preferences Susan Sherwin and Francoise Baylis; Part V. Neonatal Life: 19. Do new reproductive technologies benefit or harm children? Christine Overall; 20. Are there lives not worth living? Severe handicap and the 'worthless life' Rebecca Bennett and John Harris; 21. Ethical issues in withdrawing life-sustaining treatment from handicapped neonates Neil McIntosh; Index.


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