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Academic Ethics

Academic Ethics (Hardcover)

로빈 배로, Patrick Keeney (엮은이)
Ashgate Pub Co


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Academic Ethics

책 정보

· 제목 : Academic Ethics (Hardcover) 
· 분류 : 외국도서 > 인문/사회 > 철학 > 윤리/도덕 철학
· ISBN : 9780754625360
· 쪽수 : 660쪽


Contents: Series preface; Introduction. Part I The Idea of a University: What is liberal education?, Leo Strauss; The idea of a university, Michael Oakeshott; The idea of a university in Newman, Oakeshott and Strauss, Timothy Fuller,; The academic ethic, Edward Shils; The politicization of the university and its consequences, Jean Bethke Elshstain; . Part II Contemporary Concerns: On academic delinquency, Theodore Roszak; The prospects for the university, John Searle; Academic corruption, John Kekes; Professional ethics, day by day, Wendy Wassyng Roworth; Dishonesty in the academy, Robert Hauptman; The morphing of the American academic profession, Martin Finkelstein. Part III The University and Business: Ethical issues at the university-industry interface: a way forward?, G.R. Evans and D.E. Packham; This little student went to market, David L. Kirp and Jeffrey T. Holman; The true scholar, Robert N. Bellah; The kept university, Eyal Press and Jennifer Washburn; Inter-what? Banquo's Ghost at the electronic banquet, Mario Petrucci . Part IV The Professor: Power, pretense, and piggybacking: some ethical issues in teaching, Everett K. Wilson; Ethics in the academic profession: a Socratic view, Elias Baumgarten; A profile of the ethical professor: student views, Tara L. Kuther; My profession and its duties, George Sher; Professorial ethics, Michael Scriven; Autonomy and the very limited role of advocacy in the classroom, Joel J. Kupperman; A manifesto of the 21st century academic proletariat in North America, Douglas Mann and Heidi Nelson Hochenedel Part V Administration: Professional values and the allure of the market, Sheila Slaughter; The moral dimensions of academic administration, Rudolf H. Weingartner; Brave new university, Jeffrey Williams; Ethics, academic freedom and academic tenure, Richard T. de George; Is peer review overrated?, David Shatz Part VI Professors and Students: Political correctness as an academic discipline, Heinz-Joachim Klatt; Sexual harassmen


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캐나다의 사이먼 프레이저 대학교(Simon Fraser University)의 교육철학 전공 교수이다. 연구 관심 분야는 도덕철학과 인식론이며, 더 구체적으로는 서양고대철학, 교육이론, 인간 행위에 대한 경험적 탐구의 성격과 한계, 고등교육의 역할 등에 관심을 두고 있다. 옥스퍼드 대학교에서 학부 및 석사를 마쳤고, 런던대학교에서 철학 박사학위를 받았다. 대표적인 저서로는 『플라톤』(2007), 『학문윤리』(2006), 『교육철학입문』(4판, 2006), 『교육을 위한 도덕철학』(3판, 1979) 등이 있다.
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