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Handbook for Teaching Introductory Psychology: Volume II

Handbook for Teaching Introductory Psychology: Volume II (Paperback)

Richard A. Griggs (지은이), Michelle Rae Hebl (엮은이)
Psychology Press


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Handbook for Teaching Introductory Psychology: Volume II

책 정보

· 제목 : Handbook for Teaching Introductory Psychology: Volume II (Paperback) 
· 분류 : 외국도서 > 교육/자료 > 교육 > 교수법/자료 > 사회과학
· ISBN : 9780805839210
· 쪽수 : 280쪽


Contents: Preface. Section I: Issues and Approaches in Teaching Introductory Psychology. Part I: Approaches to the Introductory Course. D. McAdam, Bringing Psychology to Life. D.C. Appleby, Using Psychology Today Articles to Increase the Perceived Relevance of the Introductory Course. N.B.L. Ferguson, Encouraging Responsibility, Active Participation, and Critical Thinking in General Psychology Students. S.W. VanderStoep, A. Fagerlin, J.S. Feenstra, What Do Students Remember From Introductory Psychology? Part II: Students' Interests, Perceptions, and Motives. B. Perlman, L.I. McCann, Student Perspectives on the First Day of Class. A.H. Becker, S.K. Calhoon, What Introductory Psychology Students Attend to on a Course Syllabus. B. Perlman, L.I. McCann, Students' Pet Peeves About Teaching. R.G. Laffitte, Jr., Effects of Topic Order in Introductory Psychology on Student Achievement, Interest, and Perceived Course Difficulty. W.S. Messer, R.A. Griggs, Student Belief and Involvement in the Paranormal and Performance in Introductory Psychology. W. Weiten, D. Deguara, E. Rehmke, L. Sewall, University, Community College, and High School Students' Evaluations of Textbook Pedagogical Aids. Part III: Students' Knowledge About Psychology. R.A. Griggs, S.E. Ransdell, Misconceptions Tests or Misconceived Tests? H.C. Rickard, R. Rogers, N.R. Ellis, W.B. Beidleman, Some Retention, But Not Enough. M.A. Barnett, Commonsense and Research Findings in Personality. M.A. Barnett, J. Knust, T. McMillan, J. Kaufman, C. Sinisi, Research Findings in Developmental Psychology: Common Sense Revisited. P.A. Lamal, College Students' Misconceptions About Behavior Analysis. R.L. Miller, W.J. Wozniak, M.R. Rust, B.R. Miller, J. Slezak, Counterattitudinal Advocacy as a Means of Enhancing Instructional Effectiveness: How to Teach Students What They Do Not Want to Know. Part IV: Introductory Textbooks: Objective Features. R.A. Griggs, Introductory Psychology Textbooks: Assessing Levels of Difficulty. J.S. Zechmeister, E.B. Zechmeister, Introductory Textbooks and Psychology's Core Concepts. P. Marek, R.A. Griggs, A.N. Christopher, Pedagogical Aids in Textbooks: Do College Students' Perceptions Justify Their Prevalence? R.A. Griggs, S.L. Jackson, P. Marek, A.N. Christopher, Critical Thinking in Introductory Psychology Texts and Supplements. Part V: Introductory Textbooks: Problems. G. Windholz, P.A. Lamal, Kohler's Insight Revisited. R.A. Griggs, Who Is Mrs. Cantlie and Why Are They Doing Those Terrible Things to Her Homunculi? E.J. Letourneau, T.C. Lewis, The Portrayal of Child Sexual Assault in Introductory Psychology Textbooks. Part VI: Examinations: Questions. D.D. Kerkman, K.L. Kellison, M.F. Piñon, D. Schmidt, S. Lewis, The Quiz Game: Writing and Explaining Questions Improve Quiz Scores. P.W. Foos, Effects of Student-Written Questions on Student Test Performance. E.B. Gurman, W.B. Holliman, K. Camperell, Oral Application Questions as a Teaching Strategy. A.F. Nield, M.G. Wintre, Multiple-Choice Questions With an Option to Comment: Student Attitudes and Use. D.K. Dodd, L. Leal, Answer Justification: Removing the "Trick" From Multiple-Choice Questions. K.A. Wollen, R.L. Quackenbush, C.K. Hamlin, The Use of Literal and Applied Test Questions to Assess Understanding of Concepts. Part VII: Examinations: Test Factors Affecting Exam Performance. R.C. Sinclair, A.S. Soldat, M.M. Mark, Affective Cues and Processing Strategy: Color-Coded Examination Forms Influence Performance. W.R. Balch, Item Order Affects Performance on Multiple-Choice Exams. D.L. Neely, F.J. Springston, S.J.H. McCann, Does Item Order Affect Performance on Multiple-Choice Exams? C.A. Grover, A.H. Becker, S.F. Davis, Chapters and Units: Frequent Versus Infrequent Testing Revisited. Part VIII: Examinations: Student Factors Affecting Exam Performance. R.A. Griggs, S.L. Jackson, A Reexamination of the Relationship of High School Psychology and Natural Science Courses to Performance in a College Introductory Psychology Class. D.J. Woehr, T.A. Cavell, Self-Report Measures of Ability, Effort, and Nonacademic Activity as Predictors of Introductory Psychology Test Scores. H.P. Beck, S. Rorrer-Woody, L.G. Pierce, The Relations of Learning and Grade Orientations to Academic Performance. L. Baker, B.R. Lombardi, Students' Lecture Notes and Their Relation to Test Performance. Part IX: Examinations: Feedback. D.M. Carkenord, Assessing the Essay Feedback Technique of Providing an Example of a Full-Credit Answer. L.C. Light, W.J. McKeachie, Y-G. Lin, Self-Scoring: A Self-Monitoring Procedure. H. Friedman, Immediate Feedback, No Return Test Procedure for Introductory Courses. R.A. Smith, R. Wight, Student Evaluation of Friedman's Immediate Feedback, No Return Test Procedure for Introductory Psychology. W.E. Addison, Consequences of Missing Postexam Review Sessions. Part X: Extra Credit. J.C. Norcross, L.J. Horrocks, J.F. Stevenson, Of Barfights and Gadflies: Attitudes and Practices Concerning Extra Credit in College Courses. N. Oley, Extra Credit and Peer Tutoring: Impact on the Quality of Writing in Introductory Psychology in an Open Admissions College. G.W. Hill, IV, J.J. Palladino, J.A. Eison, Blood, Sweat, and Trivia: Faculty Ratings of Extra-Credit Opportunities. J.C. Norcross, H.S. Dooley, J.F. Stevenson, Faculty Use and Justification of Extra Credit: No Middle Ground? E.N. Junn, Empowering the Marginal Student: A Skills-Based Extra-Credit Assignment. Part XI: Academic Dishonesty. S.F. Davis, C.A. Grover, A.H. Becker, L.N. McGregor, Academic Dishonesty: Prevalence, Determinants, Techniques, and Punishments. S.F. Davis, H.W. Ludvigson, Additional Data on Academic Dishonesty and a Proposal for Remediation. F.S. Bellezza, S.F. Bellezza, Detection of Cheating on Multiple-Choice Tests by Using Error-Similarity Analysis. F.S. Bellezza, S.F. Bellezza, Detection of Copying on Multiple-Choice Tests: An Update. M.D. Caron, S.K. Whitbourne, R.P. Halgin, Fraudulent Excuse Making Among College Students. Section II: Demonstrations and Activities in Introductory Psychology. Part XII: General. J. Krauss, A Jigsaw Puzzle Approach to Learning History in Introductory Psychology. J.P. Sheldon, Student-Created Skits: Interactive Class Demonstrations. E.A. Rider, Understanding and Applying Psychology Through Use of News Clippings. T.J. Lawson, The Media Assignment: Enhancing Psychology Students' Ability to Apply Their Knowledge of Psychology. T.M. Osberg, Psychology is Not Just Common Sense: An Introductory Psychology Demonstration. H. Pennington, Excerpts From Journal Articles as Teaching Devices. Part XIII: Research Methods and Statistics. V.A. Kazmerski, D.G. Blasko, Teaching Observational Research in Introductory Psychology: Computerized and Lecture-Based Methods. M.J. Marshall, D.R. Linden, Simulating Clever Hans in the Classroom. B.C. Beins, Using the Barnum Effect to Teach About Ethics and Deception in Research. A. Kohn, Defying Intuition: Demonstrating the Importance of the Empirical Technique. J.A. Bates, Teaching Hypothesis Testing by Debunking a Demonstration of Telepathy. R.A. Ward, A.F. Grasha, Using Astrology to Teach Research Methods to Introductory Psychology Students. Part XIV: Biopsychology. E.R. Harcum, Reaction Time as a Behavioral Demonstr


Richard A. Griggs (지은이)    정보 더보기
플로리다대학교 심리학과 명예교수이다. 인디애나대학교에서 인지심리학 박사학위를 받은 후 플로리다대학교에 자리를 잡았고, 그곳에서 학자로서의 모든 경력을 보냈다. 플로리다대학교에 재직하는 동안 대학 및 지역 주(state) 수준에서 여러 차례 교편을 잡았고, 1994년 APA로부터 올해의 4년제 대학 심리학 강사로 선정되었다. 10년 이상 Teaching of Psychology 저널의 편집위원회에서 교과서 검토를 위한 현대 심리상담 담당 편집자 및 Thinking and Reasoning 저널의 부편집자 등을 역임했다. 그의 두 가지 주요 연구 분야는 인간의 추론과 심리학 교육이다. 심리학 교육 저널에 기재한 51편을 포함하여 150편 이상의 학회지 논문, 리뷰 논문, 도서를 출판했다. 또한 심리학 교육학회의 온라인 자료 A Compendium of Introductory Psychology Textbooks의 창간자이자 개발자 중 한 명이었고, Handbook for Teaching Introductory Psychology, 제3권의 편집자, Teaching Introductory Psychology: Tips from ToP와 Teaching Statistics and Research Methods: Tips from ToP의 공동 편집자이다. 취미는 걷기, 독서, 정원 가꾸기, 골프이다.
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