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[eBook Code] The Perfect Meal

[eBook Code] The Perfect Meal (eBook Code, 1st)

(The Multisensory Science of Food and Dining)

찰스 스펜스, Betina Piqueras-fiszman (지은이), Heston Blumenthal


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[eBook Code] The Perfect Meal

책 정보

· 제목 : [eBook Code] The Perfect Meal (eBook Code, 1st) (The Multisensory Science of Food and Dining)
· 분류 : 외국도서 > 기술공학 > 기술공학 > 식품공학
· ISBN : 9781118491027
· 쪽수 : 432쪽


Foreword xi

1 Introducing the Perfect Meal 1

1.1 Introduction 1

1.2 A brief history of culinary movements 2

1.3 The search for novelty and surprise 8

1.4 The brain on flavour 12

1.5 Food and the perception of everything else 16

1.6 Gastrophysics: the new science of the table 18

1.7 Food perception is fundamentally multisensory 21

1.8 Isn’t modernist cuisine only for the lucky affluent? 22

1.9 Amuse bouche 25

References 27

2 Let the Show Commence: On the Start of the Perfect Meal 37

2.1 Introduction 37

2.2 On the social aspects of dining 42

2.3 On the design of the menu 47

2.4 Conclusions 62

References 62

3 Tastes Great, But What do We Call It? The Art and Science of Food Description 71

3.1 Introduction 71

3.2 Snail porridge 73

3.3 Can labelling enhance the taste and/or flavour of food? 77

3.4 Interim summary 81

3.5 On the neuroscience of naming food 81

3.6 Naming names 84

3.7 Does food labelling influence the perceived ethnicity of a dish? 85

3.8 Natural and organic labels 87

3.9 Health/ingredient labels 88

3.10 Local labels 90

3.11 Descriptive food labelling 91

3.12 Labelling culinary techniques 92

3.13 Surprise! 95

3.14 Expectations and reactions 96

3.15 Conclusions 98

References 100

4 Plating and Plateware: On the Multisensory Presentation of Food 109

4.1 Introduction 109

4.2 A potted history of food presentation 111

4.3 The plate: the essential element of our everyday meal 115

4.4 Interim summary 128

4.5 The plate that is not a plate 128

4.6 On the multiple contributions of the visual appearance of a dish 135

4.7 Individual diner responses to the visual presentation of food 141

4.8 Conclusions 143

References 143

5 Getting Your Hands on the Food: Cutlery 151

5.1 Introduction 151

5.2 The story of cutlery 153

5.3 The material qualities of the cutlery 159

5.4 Size matters 165

5.5 On the texture/feel of the cutlery 166

5.6 Colourful cutlery 168

5.7 Cutlery that is not 169

5.8 Finger food 174

5.9 Eating without hands 175

5.10 Conclusions 177

References 177

6 The Multisensory Perception of Flavour 183

6.1 Introduction 183

6.2 Perceiving flavours 183

6.3 Taste 186

6.4 Olfactory–gustatory interactions 188

6.5 Oral-somatosensory contributions to multisensory flavour perception 191

6.6 Interim summary 193

6.7 The sound of food 194

6.8 Visual flavour 196

6.9 The cognitive neuroscience of multisensory flavour perception 200

6.10 Conclusions 202

References 204

7 Using Surprise and Sensory Incongruity in a Meal 215

7.1 Introduction 215

7.2 How did sensory incongruity become so popular and why is it so exciting? 216

7.3 Defining sensory incongruity 218

7.4 Noticing sensory incongruity 219

7.5 A brief history of sensory incongruity at the dinner table 224

7.6 Colour–flavour incongruity 226

7.7 Format–flavour incongruity 227

7.8 Smell–flavour incongruity 230

7.9 Interim summary 231

7.10 The diner’s response to sensory incongruity at the dinner table 232

7.11 Molecular gastronomy and surprise 233

7.12 Sensory incongruity and the concept of ‘naturalness’ 236

7.13 Individual differences in the response of diners to sensory incongruity 239

7.14 Conclusions 241

References 242

8 Why You’ll Never Find Your Perfect Meal in the Dark 249

8.1 Introduction 249

8.2 The social aspects of dining in the dark 251

8.3 Why are dining in the dark restaurants so popular nowadays? 252

8.4 Seeing or not seeing (correctly) the food 255

8.5 Does dining in the dark really capture how the blind experience food? 264

8.6 Cooking in the dark 265

8.7 Conclusions 265

References 266

9 How Important is Atmosphere to the Perfect Meal? 271

9.1 Introduction 271

9.2 Atmospherics and the experience economy 275

9.3 The Provencal Rose paradox 278

9.4 Does the atmosphere really influence our appraisal of the meal? 280

9.5 On the ethnicity of the meal 280

9.6 Tuning up how much money and time we spend at the restaurant 282

9.7 Context and expectation 286

9.8 The lighting 287

9.9 The olfactory atmosphere 288

9.10 On the feel of the restaurant 291

9.11 Atmospheric contributions to taste and flavour perception 294

9.12 Multisensory atmospherics 298

9.13 Conclusions 299

References 301

10 Technology at the Dining Table 311

10.1 Introduction 311

10.2 Technology on the dining table 312

10.3 Transforming the dining experience by means of technology at the table 315

10.4 Augmented Reality (AR) food: A case of technology for technology’s sake? 317

10.5 Using QR codes to change our interaction with food 319

10.6 Fostering healthy eating through the incorporation of technology at the table 320

10.7 Technology and distraction 322

10.8 Using technology to control the multisensory atmosphere at the dining table 323

10.9 On the neuroscience of matching sound to food (and how technology might help) 324

10.10 On the future of technology at the dining table: digital artefacts 326

10.11 The SmartPlate 328

10.12 Anyone for a ‘Gin & Sonic’? 328

10.13 The tablet as twenty-first century plateware? 329

10.14 Tips from the chef at the tips of your fingers 331

10.15 Conclusions 331

References 333

11 On the Future of the Perfect Meal 339

11.1 Introduction 339

11.2 On the history of predicting the future of food 341

11.3 From the past to the future of food 351

11.4 Anyone for a spot of neo-Futurist cuisine? 363

11.5 Interim summary 366

11.6 Acknowledging our differences 367

11.7 The meal as catalyst for social exchange 367

11.8 Is it a restaurant or is it a science laboratory? 369

11.9 Pop-up dining, story telling and the joys of situated eating 371

11.10 Conclusions 372

References 374

Index 383


찰스 스펜스 (지은이)    정보 더보기
세계 정상급 셰프들과 글로벌 요식업계가 사랑하는 심리학자. 옥스퍼드 대학 통합 감각 연구소 소장이자 ‘이그노벨상’(괴짜 과학자의 노벨상) 수상자. 미슐랭 3스타 페란 아드리아, 헤스턴 블루멘탈 등 스타 셰프들의 ‘구루’. 포춘 500대 글로벌 식품·요식업계(유니레버, P&G, 네슬레, 하겐다즈, 스타벅스, 영국항공 등)가 1순위로 꼽는 연구개발 파트너. 《왜 맛있을까》의 저자 찰스 스펜스는 오감 사이의 상호작용에 대한 연구를 바탕으로 우리가 더 맛있고 더 즐거우며 더 건강하고 더 기억에 남을 만한 식사를 경험하게 도와준다. 책의 원제인 가스트로피직스(Gastrophysics)는 Gastronomy(미식학)와 Physics(물리학)의 합성어. 이것은 찰스 스펜스가 인지과학과 뇌과학, 심리학 그리고 디자인과 마케팅 분야를 융합해 창안한 새로운 지식 분야다. 그는 가스트로피직스라는 렌즈를 통해 매일같이 우리가 먹고 마시고 즐기는 때의 경험을 이해하고 개선할 수 있다고 이야기한다. “경쾌한 음악은 단맛을, 고음의 음악은 신맛을, 신나는 음악은 짠맛을, 부드러운 음악은 쓴맛을 더 잘 느끼게 합니다. 반면 시끄러운 소리는 단맛을 덜 느끼게 만들죠.”, “자꾸 손이 가 원망스러운 간식은 빨간 그릇에 담아두세요. 빨간색에 대한 회피 본능이 있어 손이 덜 갈 겁니다.”, “셰프들에게 가스트로피직스로 연구한 아이디어를 제시하면 기뻐하며 다음주 곧바로 연구 결과를 반영한 신메뉴를 내놓습니다. 빠르고 혁신적인 분야라 연구가 즐겁습니다. 음식의 색깔, 냄새, 소리부터 식기의 무게와 질감까지, 레스토랑의 음악부터 셰프의 플레이팅까지. 그의 안내에 따라 우리가 먹고 마시는 동안에 일어나는 과학적, 심리학적 발견과 통찰을 목격하고 경험해보자. 그리고 실험해보자. 혼자서 식사할 때, 저녁 식사 파티에서, 비행기 안에서 혹은 TV 앞에서.
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