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도서목록 제공

Cultural DNA: The Psychology of Globalization

Cultural DNA: The Psychology of Globalization (Hardcover)

거넥 베인스 (지은이)
John Wiley & Sons


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책 이미지

Cultural DNA: The Psychology of Globalization

책 정보

· 제목 : Cultural DNA: The Psychology of Globalization (Hardcover) 
· 분류 : 외국도서 > 경제경영 > 경력관리 > 일반
· ISBN : 9781118928912
· 쪽수 : 320쪽


Acknowledgments vii

Introduction ix

The Psychology of the Eurozone Crisis x

We Are Not All the Same and That Is Good xiv

Unconscious Bias xvii

Greater Similarity and Difference at the Same Time xix

The Globalization Challenge for Business xxiii

Defining Cultural DNA xxv

A Word About the Evidence xxviii

Why Bother with Differences? xxxi

Chapter 1 America—The Change Makers 1

Founder Effects 3

The Peopling of America 4

Positivity 11

Embracing the New 17

Assimilation over Accommodation 20

Mammon: Tamed and Untamed 26

The Triumph of Functionality 32

Increasing Plurality 35

Looking Ahead 37

Chapter 2 Sub-Saharan Africa: Under Nature’s Shadow 41

How Modern Humans Populated Africa 43

Nature’s Crucible: The Forces Shaping Africa’s Cultural DNA 45

Community and Beyond 51

Naturalness: Expressed and Denied 55

In the Moment 60

Metaphor, Analogy, and the Connectedness of Things 67

The Big Man and His Alter Ego 72

Looking Ahead 78

Chapter 3 India: Beyond This World 81

The Peopling of India 82

The Toba Event 83

The Forces That Have Shaped India’s Cultural DNA 85

Ahimsa 87

Individual Paths 95

Inner Directedness 100

Horizontal Stratification 104

Mathematics: The Art of the Hindus 110

Ritualistic Thinking 114

Looking Ahead 119

Chapter 4 The Middle East: Ambivalence and Uncertainty in the Modern Age 121

How Modern Humans Populated the Middle East 122

Deserts and Civilization: The Twin Drivers of Middle Eastern Cultural DNA 124

The Rules of Life 128

The Commercial Instinct 134

The Best Ideas in the World 138

The Honor–Modesty System 143

The Other Sex 148

Concentric Circles of Belonging 151

Managing Contradictions and Tensions 153

Chapter 5 China: The Seekers of Harmony 157

The Peopling of China 159

The Forces That Shaped China’s DNA 161

The Drive for Harmony 165

The Authoritarian Compact 173

Concrete and Practical Inventiveness 177

Fast Slow 181

Bounded Sociability and Empathy 185

The Art of Copying 189

Future Considerations 193

Chapter 6 Europe: The Equal Society 195

The Forces that have Shaped European Cultural DNA 196

Equality and Elitism 203

Bounded Individualism 212

Analyisis and Structured Planning 218

Reserved Sociability 222

The Diminishing Drive for Mastery 225

The Opportunities and Challenges for European Culture 231

Chapter 7 The Far Continents 235

Latin America—The Ever-Changing Melting Pot 235

Australia: Mateship in a Far-Off Land 244

Conclusions 255

Notes 259

Index 271


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