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Pro Deep Learning with Tensorflow: A Mathematical Approach to Advanced Artificial Intelligence in Python

Pro Deep Learning with Tensorflow: A Mathematical Approach to Advanced Artificial Intelligence in Python (Paperback)

산타누 파타나야크 (지은이)


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Pro Deep Learning with Tensorflow: A Mathematical Approach to Advanced Artificial Intelligence in Python

책 정보

· 제목 : Pro Deep Learning with Tensorflow: A Mathematical Approach to Advanced Artificial Intelligence in Python (Paperback) 
· 분류 : 외국도서 > 컴퓨터 > 컴퓨터 공학
· ISBN : 9781484230954
· 쪽수 : 398쪽


Chapter 1: Machine Learning Basics and Mathematical Foundation for Deep Learning Chapter Goal: Introduce Machine Learning basics and Mathematical Foundations that are associated with Deep Learning No of pages 70-90 Sub-Topics 1. Linear Algebra basics. 2. Numerical Stability and Conditioning. 3. Probability. 4. Different types of cost functions and introduction to least squares and maximum likelihood methods. 5. Convex and Non-convex function 6. Optimization Techniques such as Gradient Descent and Stochastic Gradient Descent as well as Constrained Optimization problems. 7. Regularization and Early stopping 8. Auto Differentiators and Symbolic Differentiators. Chapter 2: Introduction to Deep Learning Concepts and TensorFlow Chapter Goal: Introduce Deep Learning concepts and its comparison with previous Neural Netwo rks. Reasons for its success and computational efficiency and a start to TensorFlow Development. No of pages 60-70 Sub -Topics 1. Previous Neural Networks and their shortcomings 2. Introduction to Deep Learning Framework and its advantages. 3. Why TensorFlow for Deep Learning and its comparison with other Deep Learning Frameworks like Theano, Caffe, Torch, etc. 4. Hands on in TensorFlow development environment and introduction to Dynamic Computation graphs. 5. Linear and Logistic regression in a TensorFlow environment 6. Feed forward networks through TensorFlow. 7. Leveraging GPUs for Computational efficiency. Chapter 3: Image and Audio Processing in TensorFlow through Convolutional Neural Networks Chapter Goal: Learn to process image and audio data to solve classification, clustering, and recommendation problems using Convolutional Neural Network. No of pages: 70-80 Sub - Topics: 1. Convolution and Image processing through Convolution. 2. Different Kinds of Image processing filters like Guassian Filter, Sobel Filter, Canny's edge detection filter. 3. Different Layers of Convolutional Neural Network - Convolution layer, Pooling Layers, activation layers using RELUs, Dropout layers and fully connected layer. Intuition of features learned in Different layers. Concepts of strides, padding and kernels. 4. Solving image classification, clustering and recommendation problems through Convolutional Neural network. 5. Feature transfer in Convolutional Neural Network. 6. Audio classification problems through Convolutional Neural networks. Chapter 4: Restricted Boltzmann Deep Learning Architectures through TensorFlow for Various Problems Chapter Goal: Leverage Restricted Boltzmann Machines (R BMs) for solving Recommendation problems, weight initialization in Deep Learning Networks and for Layer by Layer training of Deep Neural Networks. No of pages:50-60 Sub - Topics: 1. Introduction to Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs) and its architecture. 2. Using RBMs to build Recommendation engines. 3. RBMs for smart weight initialization of Deep Learning Networks. 4. Train complex deep learning networks layer by layer (one layer at a time) through RBMs Chapter 5: Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing through TensorFlow Chapter Goal: Leverage TensorFlow Deep learning capabilities for Natural Language processing No of pages: 50-60 1. Text processing basics such as Word2Vec Representation, Semantic and Syntactic Analysis. 2. Recurrent Neural network(RNNs) for language modelling through TensorFl ow 3. Backpropagation through time and problems of Vanishing and Exploding gradients. 4. Gradient Clipping and LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) to overcome Exploding and Vanishing gradient problems. 5. Applications of RNN in generating sequences and words. Chapter 6: Unsupervised Learning in TensorFlow through Autoencoders Chapter Goal: Leverage Autoencoders for doing Unsupervised Learning No of pages: 30-40 1. Data Compression through Autoencoders. 2. Feature Learning through Auto Encoders. 3. A comparison of feature learning through PCA and Stacked Auto Encoders.


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