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Quantum Machine Learning with Python: Using Cirq from Google Research and IBM Qiskit

Quantum Machine Learning with Python: Using Cirq from Google Research and IBM Qiskit (Paperback)

산타누 파타나야크 (지은이)


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책 이미지

Quantum Machine Learning with Python: Using Cirq from Google Research and IBM Qiskit

책 정보

· 제목 : Quantum Machine Learning with Python: Using Cirq from Google Research and IBM Qiskit (Paperback) 
· 분류 : 외국도서 > 컴퓨터 > 프로그래밍 > 오픈소스
· ISBN : 9781484265215
· 쪽수 : 361쪽


Quantum Machine Learning With Python

Chapter 1: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Computing

Chapter Goal: Introduce the concept of Quantum mechanics and Quantum computing to the readers

No of pages   50-60


1.      Introduction to Quantum computing 

2.      Quantum bit and its realization

3.      Quantum superposition and Quantum entanglement 

4.      Bloch Sphere representation of Qubit

5.      Stern Gerlach Experiment

6.      Bell State

7.      Dirac Notations

8.      Single Qubit Gates

9.      Multiple Qubit Gates

10.  Quantum No Cloning Theorem

11.  Measurement in different basis

12.  Quantum Teleportation

13.  Quantum parallelism  with Deuth Jozsa

14.  Reversibility of quantum computing 




Chapter 2:  Mathematical Foundations and Postulates of Quantum Computing

Chapter Goal: Lays the mathematical foundation along with the postulates of Quantum computing

No of pages 50-60

Sub -Topics 

1.      Topics from Linear algebra 

2.      Pauli Operators

3.      Linear Operators and their properties

4.      Hermitian Operators

5.      Normal Operators

6.      Unitary Operators

7.      Spectral Decomposition

8.      Linear Operators on Tensor Product of Vectors

9.      Exponential Operator

10.  Commutator Anti commutator Operator

11.   Postulates of Quantum Mechanics

12.  Measurement Operators

13.  Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle

14.   Density Operators and Mixed States

15.  Solovay-Kitaev Theorem and Universality of Quantum gates


Chapter 3:  Introduction to Quantum Algorithms 

Chapter Goal:   Introduce to the readers Quantum algorithms to express the Quantum computing supremacy over classical computation

No of pages: 70-80

Sub - Topics:  

1.      Introduction to Cirq and Qiskit

2.      Bell State creation and measurement in Cirq and qiskit

3.  Quantum teleportation Implementation

4. Quantum Random Number generator

5. Deutsch Jozsa Implementation

8. Hadamard Sampling

6. Bernstein Vajirani Algorithm Implementation

7. Bell’s Inequality Implementation

8. Simon’s Algorithm of secret string search Implementation

9 Grover’s Algorithm Implementation

     10. Algorithmic complexity in Quantum and Classical computing paradigm 


Chapter 4:  Quantum Fourier Transform Related Algorithms

Goal:   Introduce to the readers Quantum Fourier related algorithms

No of pages: 60-70

Sub - Topics:  

1.      Fourier Series

2.      Fourier Transform

3.      Discrete Fourier Transform

4.      Quantum Fourier Transform(QFT)

5.      QFT implementation

6.      Hadamard Transform as Fourier Transform

7.      Quantum Phase Estimation(QPE)

8.      Quantum Phase Estimation  Implementation

9.      Error Analysis in Quantum Phase Estimation

10.  Shor’s Period Finding Algorithm and Factoring

11.  Period Finding Implementation

12.  Prime Factoring and Implementation




Chapter 5: Introduction to Quantum Machine Learning 

Goal:   Introduce to the readers Quantum machine learning paradigm

No of pages: 60-70

Sub - Topics:  

1.      Harrow, Hassidim and Lloyd Algorithm (HHL) for solving Linear Equation

2.      HHL algorithm Implementation

3.      Quantum Linear Regression and Implementation

4.      Quantum SWAP Test for dot product Computation

5.      Quantum SWAP Test Implementation

6.      Quantum Amplitude Scaling

7.      Quantum Euclidean Distance Computation

8.      Quantum Euclidean Distance Implementation

9.      Quantum K means

10.  Quantum K means Implementation

11.  Quantum Random Access Memory(QRAM)

12.  Quantum Principle Component Analysis

13.  Quantum Support Vector Machines

14.  Quantum Least Square Support Vector Machines(LS -SVM)

15.  Least Square SVM Implementation




Chapter 6: Quantum Deep Learning and Quantum Optimization Based Algorithms

Goal:   Introduce to the readers Quantum deep learning algorithms and Quantum Optimization Based Algorithms

No of pages: 40-50

Sub - Topics:  

1.      Quantum Neural network and Implementation

2.      Quantum Convolutional Neural Network and Implementation

3.      Variational Quantum Eigen solvers(VQE)

4.      Graph Coloring Problem using VQE

5.      Travelling Salesman problem using VQE

6.      Quantum approximate Optimization Algorithm(QAOA)

7.      QAOA Implementation

8.      Quantum adiabatic process 

9.      Quantum walk

10.  Quantum Walk Implementation




산타누 파타나야크 (지은이)    정보 더보기
현재 GE에서 수석 데이터 과학자로 근무하고 있다. 데이터 분석 및 데이터 과학 분야에서 쌓은 6년의 경력을 비롯해 총 10년 동안 이 분야에서 근무했다. 또한 개발과 데이터베이스 기술 분야도 경험했다. GE에 입사하기 전에는 RBS, 캡게미니(Capgemini), IBM 등의 회사에서 근무했다. 인도의 콜카타 자다브푸르 대학에서 전기공학 학사를 받았고, 열렬한 수학 애호가다. 현재는 하이데라바드 소재 인도 기술연구소(IIT)에서 데이터 과학 석사 과정을 밟고 있다. 데이터 과학 해커톤(hackathon)과 캐글(Kaggle) 경연 대회에 참가하는 데 많은 시간을 투자하고 있으며, 전 세계 500등 이내에 위치한다. 인도의 웨스트 벵갈에서 태어나고 자랐으며, 현재 인도 벵갈루루에서 아내와 함께 살고 있다. http://www.santanupattanayak.com/에서 최근 활동을 확인할 수 있다.
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