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Intelligent Virtual Agents: 6th International Conference, Iva 2006, Marina del Rey, Ca; Usa, August 21-23, 2006, Proceedings

Intelligent Virtual Agents: 6th International Conference, Iva 2006, Marina del Rey, Ca; Usa, August 21-23, 2006, Proceedings (Paperback, 2006)

마이클 영, Ruth Aylett, Jonathan Gratch (엮은이)
Springer-Verlag New York Inc


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책 이미지

Intelligent Virtual Agents: 6th International Conference, Iva 2006, Marina del Rey, Ca; Usa, August 21-23, 2006, Proceedings

책 정보

· 제목 : Intelligent Virtual Agents: 6th International Conference, Iva 2006, Marina del Rey, Ca; Usa, August 21-23, 2006, Proceedings (Paperback, 2006) 
· 분류 : 외국도서 > 컴퓨터 > 인공지능(AI)
· ISBN : 9783540375937
· 쪽수 : 472쪽


Social Impact of IVAs.- Why Fat Interface Characters Are Better e-Health Advisors.- Virtual Rapport.- IVAs Recognizing Human Behavior.- Imitation Learning and Response Facilitation in Embodied Agents.- Robust Recognition of Emotion from Speech.- Affect Detection from Human-Computer Dialogue with an Intelligent Tutoring System.- Exploitation in Affect Detection in Improvisational E-Drama.- Human Interpretation of IVA Behavior.- An Exploration of Delsarte’s Structural Acting System.- Perception of Blended Emotions: From Video Corpus to Expressive Agent.- Perceiving Visual Emotions with Speech.- Embodied Conversational Agents.- Dealing with Out of Domain Questions in Virtual Characters.- MIKI: A Speech Enabled Intelligent Kiosk.- Architecture of a Framework for Generic Assisting Conversational Agents.- A Comprehensive Context Model for Multi-party Interactions with Virtual Characters.- “What Would You Like to Talk About?” An Evaluation of Social Conversations with a Virtual Receptionist.- Characteristics of Nonverbal Behavior.- Gesture Expressivity Modulations in an ECA Application.- Visual Attention and Eye Gaze During Multiparty Conversations with Distractions.- Behavior Representation Languages.- Towards a Common Framework for Multimodal Generation: The Behavior Markup Language.- MPML3D: A Reactive Framework for the Multimodal Presentation Markup Language.- Generation of Nonverbal Behavior with Speech.- Creativity Meets Automation: Combining Nonverbal Action Authoring with Rules and Machine Learning.- Nonverbal Behavior Generator for Embodied Conversational Agents.- [HUGE]: Universal Architecture for Statistically Based HUman GEsturing.- A Story About Gesticulation Expression.- IVAs in Serious Games.- Introducing EVG: An Emotion Evoking Game.- Towards a Reactive Virtual Trainer.- Making It Up as You Go Along ? Improvising Stories for Pedagogical Purposes.- Cognition and Emotion I.- A Neurobiologically Inspired Model of Personality in an Intelligent Agent.- Feeling Ambivalent: A Model of Mixed Emotions for Virtual Agents.- Are Computer-Generated Emotions and Moods Plausible to Humans?.- Creating Adaptive and Individual Personalities in Many Characters Without Hand-Crafting Behaviors.- Cognition and Emotion II.- Thespian: Modeling Socially Normative Behavior in a Decision-Theoretic Framework.- Autobiographic Knowledge for Believable Virtual Characters.- Teachable Characters: User Studies, Design Principles, and Learning Performance.- Applications of IVAs.- FearNot’s Appearance: Reflecting Children’s Expectations and Perspectives.- Populating Reconstructed Archaeological Sites with Autonomous Virtual Humans.- Evaluating the Tangible Interface and Virtual Characters in the Interactive COHIBIT Exhibit.- Invited Talks.- Invited Talk: Rule Systems and Video Games.- Invited Talk: Facade: Architecture and Authorial Idioms for Believable Agents in Interactive Drama.- Invited Talk: Social Effects of Emotion: Two Modes of Relation Alignment.- Posters.- Computer Model of Emotional Agents.- Affective Robots as Mediators in Smart Environments.- Expression of Emotion in Body and Face.- Towards Primate-Like Synthetic Sociability.- Here Be Dragons: Integrating Agent Behaviors with Procedural Emergent Landscapes and Structures.- Virtual Pedagogical Agents: Naturalism vs. Stylization.- The Role of Social Norm in User-Engagement and Appreciation of the Web Interface Agent Bonzi Buddy.- Countering Adversarial Strategies in Multi-agent Virtual Scenarios.- Avatar’s Gaze Control to Facilitate Conversational Turn-Taking in Virtual-Space Multi-user Voice Chat System.- The Role of Discourse Structure and Response Time in Multimodal Communication.- The PAC Cognitive Architecture.- Control of Avatar’s Facial Expression Using Fundamental Frequency in Multi-user Voice Chat System.- Modeling Cognition with a Human Memory Inspired Advanced Neural Controller.- Storytelling ? The Difference Between Fantasy and Reality.- A Plug-and-Play Framework for Theories of Social Group Dynamics.- Learning Classifier Systems and Behavioural Animation of Virtual Characters.- Using Intelligent Agents to Facilitate Game Based Cultural Familiarization Training.- Mind the Body.- CAB: A Tool for Interoperation Among Cognitive Architectures.


마이클 영 (엮은이)    정보 더보기
영국 출신 사회학자, 사회운동가. ‘능력주의’라는 단어를 처음 만들었다. 런던 정경대(LSE)에서 사회학을 공부하고, 지역사회연구소(Institute of Community Studies)를 설립해 독자적인 연구 활동을 이어갔다. 학자로서 피터 윌모트하고 함께 《이스트 런던의 가족과 친족(Family and Kinship in East London)》(1965)을 쓰고 영국 사회과학연구협회 회장을 지냈다. 사회운동가로서 1945년에 노동당이 총선 선언문을 작성하는 과정을 책임졌고, 집권 노동당에 실망한 뒤에는 지역 사회 운동에 힘을 쏟아 소비자연합, 평생교육대학, 개방대학(Open University), 예술개방대학, 이민자 전화 통역 서비스인 랭귀지라인, 사회적 기업가 학교 등에 관여했다. 1978년에 귀족 작위를 받아 다팅턴 남작 겸 상원 의원이 됐다. 교통비 무료 혜택을 이용해 영국 곳곳을 다니며 활동을 이어가려는 생각 때문이었다. 2001년에 영국 노동당의 토니 블레어 총리가 영국을 ‘완전한 능력주의 사회’로 바꾸자는 연설을 하며 미국을 능력주의의 모델로 치켜세우자 어느덧 86세가 된 영은 일간지 《가디언》에 〈능력주의를 타도하자〉는 칼럼을 기고해, 능력주의를 맹신하는 신자유주의를 비판하고 수십 년 동안 곡해돼 불평등을 정당화하는 이데올로기로 전락한 능력주의를 넘어서서 교육과 능력, 평등의 관계를 함께 고민하자고 제안했다.
이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로,
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