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Trophy 5

Trophy 5 (본책 + 워크북 + CD 2장)

(Real English Conversation)

YBMSisa 편집부 (엮은이)


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책 이미지

Trophy 5

책 정보

· 제목 : Trophy 5 (본책 + 워크북 + CD 2장) (Real English Conversation)
· 분류 : 국내도서 > 어린이 > 어린이 영어 > 말하기/듣기
· ISBN : 9788917194944
· 쪽수 : 140쪽

책 소개

스토리 라인으로 구성된 상황 중심의 회화 교재. 실생활에서 유용하게 사용할 수 있는 영어 회화 표현들을 체계적으로 익힐 수 있도록 기획했다. 기존의 회화 교재들이 서로 분리된 상황을 제시하면서 구성되어 있는 것과 달리, 본 교재는 각각의 상황들이 서로 자연스럽게 연결되어 있다는 것이 가장 큰 차별점이다.


Week 1
Unit 01 On the Plane
Unit 02 At the Airport
Unit 03 At Jenny's House
Unit 04 In Jinu's Room
Unit 05 Overview

Week 2
Unit 06 In the Classroom
Unit 07 During Break Time
Unit 08 On the Basketball Court
Unit 09 In the Kitchen
Unit 10 Overwiew

Week 3
Unit 11 In the Music Class
Unit 12 The Talent Show
Unit 13 On the Way Home
Unit 14 In the Living Room
Unit 15 Overwiew

Week 4
Unit 16 In the Art Class
Unit 17 In Jenny's Room
Unit 18 At a Restaurant
Unit 19 At the Kitchen Table
Unit 20 Overwiew

Week 1
Unit 01 On a Rainy Day
Unit 02 At the Gift Shop
Unit 03 At the Stationery Store
Unit 04 At the Clothing Shop
Unit 05 Overview

Week 2
Unit 06 Twenty Questions
Unit 07 In the Computer Lab
Unit 08 At the Box Office
Unit 09 At the Movie Theater
Unit 10 overview

Week 3
Unit 11 At the Travel Agency
Unit 12 At the Hotel Front Desk
Unit 13 In the Hotel Room
Unit 14 On the Street
Unit 15 Overview

Week 4
Unit 16 In the Cooking Class
Unit 17 After School
Unit 18 At the Library
Unit 19 At the Bus Stop
Unit 20 Overview

<주요 표현>
Unit 1. Please be careful with the knife?
OK, I will.
Unit 2. Do I have to transfer trains?
No, you don't.
Unit 3. What's your favorite animal?
I like cheetahs best
Unit 4. What does he look like?
He is wearing overalls and has curly hair.

<의사 소통>
Unit 1. 주의하라는 정중한 명령 표현 익히기
Unit 2. 정중하게 허락을 요청하기
Unit 3. 가장 좋아하는 것에 대해 묻고 답하기
Unit 4. 사람의 외모를 묻고, 그에 대한 응답으로 특징을 묘사하는 표현 익히기

<주요 표현>
Unit 6. You'd better take an umbrella.
I hear you.
Unit 7. What is the next class?
It's time for science class.
Unit 8. What is next step?
Pour some water.
Unit 9. Let's go for a walk.
I don't feel like going for a walk.

<의사 소통>
Unit 1. 정중하게 권유하는 표현 익히기
Unit 2. 학교에서 다음 수업 시간 묻고 답하기
Unit 3. 과학 수업 시간에서 다음 단계에서 해야 할 일 묻고 답하기
Unit 4. 상대방의 제안에 정중하게 거절하는 표현 익히기

<주요 표현>
Unit 11. What do you do to earn your allowance?
I sweep the garden every day.
Unit 12. What are you going to do?
I will deposit some money.
Unit 13. Will you set the table for me
Yes I will.
Unit 14. Can you help me finish this puzzle?
No problem

<의사 소통>
Unit 1. 용돈을 벌기 위해 하는 일 묻고 답하기
Unit 2. 상대방의 계획 묻고 답하기
Unit 3. 집안일을 하기 위해 요청하고 답하기
Unit 4. 상대방에게 도와 달라고 요청하고, 긍정으로 답하기

<주요 표현>
Unit 16. Are you OK? You don't look so good?
I feel a little exhausted.
Unit 17. What's bothering you?
I have a runny nose.
Unit 18. My shoulder hurts. Do you have
anything for that?
Yes, try this.
Unit 19. What's the matter?
I fell down the stairs.

<의사 소통>
Unit 1. 상대방의 안 좋은 몸 상태 묻고 답하기
Unit 2. 병원에서 몸 상태 묻고 답하기
Unit 3. 약국에서 안 좋은 몸 상태를 말하고 그에 대한 약 요청하기
Unit 4. 안 좋은 일에 대해 묻고, 그에 대한 응답 익히기

<주요 표현>
Unit 1. What's he doing now?
He's running a race.
Unit 2. What time does the swimming pool close?
It closes at 5 in the afternoon.
Unit 3. You shouldn't dive.
You should warm up.
Unit 4. I don't think you should touch these pictures.
Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know that.

<의사 소통>
Unit 1. 현재 하고 있는 일에 대해 묻고 답하기
Unit 2. 수영장 등의 마감 시간 묻고 답하기
Unit 3. 경고 및 충고 표현 익히기
Unit 4. 완곡하게 경고하는 표현과 그 대답법 익히기

<주요 표현>
Unit 6. What's the next movement?
Move to the left and jump and spin.
Unit 7. What is it made of?
It is made of leather.
Unit 8. What a beautiful post card this is!
Yes, it is!
Unit 9. This is cheap.
No, this is cheaper than that.

<의사 소통>
Unit 1. 댄스 수업 중 다음 댄스 동작 묻고 답하는 표현 익히기
Unit 2. 제품의 재료 묻고 답하기
Unit 3. 감탄하는 표현 익히기
Unit 4. 비교해서 말하는 표현(비교급) 익히기

<주요 표현>
Unit 11. Do you know how to use this fire extinguisher?
No, I don't. Please show me.
Unit 12. What's up?
I am calling to say thank you.
Unit 13. We are having a party at my house this weekend. Can you come?
I'd love to, but I have to study for an exam.
Unit 14. Don't forget to recycle the wastes.
OK, I won't.

<의사 소통>
Unit 1. 장비 등의 사용법에 관해 묻고 답하기
Unit 2. 전화한 사람에게 “무슨 일이냐?‘라고 묻는 표현과 그에 대한 대답 익히기
Unit 3. 파티 등에 초대하는 표현과 그에 대해 대답하는 표현 익히기
Unit 4. ‘잊지 말고 ~하라(부정명령문)’는 말과 그에 대해 긍정적으로 답하는 표현 익히기

<주요 표현>
Unit 16. This model airplane is broken.
Really? Let me look at it.
Unit 17. I'd like to have my cardigan cleaned. There's a stain.
I see. I think we can get this out.
Unit 18. Which section do you read first?
I usually read the science section first.
Unit 19. What is your article about?
It is about the school festival.

<의사 소통>
Unit 1. 기계 등이 고장 났을 때 사용하는 표현과 그 상황에 긍정적으로 대처하는 표현 익히기
Unit 2. 세탁소에서 세탁물의 문제점에 대해 말하고 그 문제점에 대해 답하기
Unit 3. 제일 먼저 읽는 신문기사면에 대해 묻고 답하기
Unit 4. 다루는 기사에 관해 묻고 답하기

Week 1
Unit 1 A New Friend _ What he like? ? I think he is ~.
Unit 2 While Cleaning Up _ Where should I put this? ? Please put it ~.
Unit 3 At the Botanical Garden _ How do ~ need to grow? ? They need sunlight and water.
Unit 4 At the Computer Class _ How can I ~? ? Let me tell you.
Unit 5 Overview

Week 2
Unit 6 On the Way to the Broadcasting Station _ Can you tell me where the closest ~ is? ? I’m sorry. I’m a stranger here myself.
Unit 7 At the Broadcast Studio _ We need to practice how to ~. ? OK. Let’s try it.
Unit 8 Talk Show _ How do you fell now? ? I feel so~.
Unit 9 At the Police Station _ Hello, may I help you? ? I’m afraid I lost my ~. Please find it for me.
Unit 10 Overview

Week 3
Unit 11 Going to the Campsite _ How long does it take to ~? ? It takes about ~ minutes.
Unit 12 At the Beach _ I forgot to bring my ~! ? Don’t worry. Use mine.
Unit 13 At the Summer Camp _ What do you think about ~? ? I think it’s ~.
Unit 14 Something’s Burning _ I ~ something. ? Me too. Something’s ~.
Unit 15 Overview

Week 4
Unit 16 At the Fast Food Restaurant _ How often do you ~? ? Almost ~.
Unit 17 At the Post Office _ How can I help you? ? I need to ~.
Unit 18 Storytelling Time _ It’s hard to ~. ? Yes, it is.
Unit 19 Cheer up _ You don’t look good. Is there anything wrong? ? Yes, I failed to ~.
Unit 20 Overview


Week 1
Unit 1 Checking before Leaving _ Do you remember to ~? ? Yes, I did.
Unit 2 In the Taxi _ Can you take ~ to ~? ? Sure.
Unit 3 Making an Excuse _ I’m sorry I couldn’t be on time because of ~. ? No problem.
Unit 4 At the Opera Theater _ You are not allowed to ~. ? I see. I didn’t know that.
Unit 5 Overview

Week 2
Unit 6 After the Opera _ Did you enjoy the ~? ? Yes, I did. I think it was ~.
/No, I didn’t. I think it was ~.
Unit 7 Asking about Experiences _ Have you ever been to ~? ? Yes, I’ve been ~.
Unit 8 Getting the Table _ Can we get ~? ? Sure.
Unit 9 Making Complaints _ I hate to complain, but ~. ? I’m very sorry about that.
Unit 10 Overview

Week 3
Unit 11 The Weather Forecast _ What’s tomorrow’s weather forecast?
? The weatherman says it will be ~ and there’s a chance of a ~.
Unit 12 Clothing for the Party _ It is too ~ to ~, isn’t it? ? I’m afraid it is.
Unit 13 Wishing a Happy Birthday _ This ~ is for you. I wish you ~. ? Thank you.
Unit 14 Asking about Preferences _ Which do you prefer, ~ or ~?
? I prefer fried potatoes to mashed potatoes.
Unit 15 Overview

Week 4
Unit 16 Making a Shopping List _ We ran out of ~. ? Let’s add it to the shopping list.
Unit 17 At the Grocery Store _ Do you carry ~? ? Sure we do. They’re over there.
Unit 18 What’s wrong? _ What’s wrong? ? It ~.
Unit 19 Getting a Refund _ This ~ is ~. Can I get a refund? ? OK. Please show me
the receipt.
Unit 20 Overview


Week 1
Unit 01 Talking about personality
Unit 02 Talking about jobs
Unit 03 Watching a DVD
Unit 04 Reading a Magazine
Unit 05 Overview

Week 2
Unit 06 In My Dream
Unit 07 Folding Colored Paper
Unit 08 Bad Habits
Unit 09 Public Etiquette
Unit 10 Overview

Week 3
Unit 11 Making an Appointment
Unit 12 Getting a Haircut
Unit 13 Making Complaints
Unit 14 Talking about Future Activities
Unit 15 Overview

Week 4
Unit 16 At the Pet Shop
Unit 17 What Is It Called?
Unit 18 At the Garden
Unit 19 You Are Yawning
Unit 20 Overview

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