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도서목록 제공

연타 중학 영어 구문 + 독해 Level 1

연타 중학 영어 구문 + 독해 Level 1

YBM 편집국 (엮은이)


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책 이미지

연타 중학 영어 구문 + 독해 Level 1

책 정보

· 제목 : 연타 중학 영어 구문 + 독해 Level 1 
· 분류 : 국내도서 > 중학교참고서 > 중학영어전문교재 > 독해/작문
· ISBN : 9788917224214
· 쪽수 : 156쪽

책 소개

필수 구문패턴과 문장 해석 연습에서, 단문, 장문 독해로 이어지는 체계적인 학습으로 중학 영문 독해의 기초를 세울 수 있다. 또한, 다양한 소재의 흥미롭고 알찬 지문으로 독해력뿐 아니라 상식도 기를 수 있다.


CHAPTER 01 School Life 문장의 이해
POINT 01 ● I live with my parents.
POINT 02 ● Studying alone is difficult.
POINT 03 ● I need your advice. /
You should tell Jenny the truth.
POINT 04 ● He named her Nabi.
Review Test

CHAPTER 02 Food and Health 주어의 이해
POINT 05 ● You look great.
POINT 06 ● Working in a garden is better.
POINT 07 ● There are many unique food items.
POINT 08 ● The early bird catches the worm.
Review Test

CHAPTER 03 Culture 서술어의 이해
POINT 09 ● Many people enjoy skateboarding.
POINT 10 ● I am writing to invite you.
POINT 11 ● They may greet with a "hongi."
POINT 12 ● Visitors must wear proper clothes to enter.
Review Test

CHAPTER 04 Music and Arts 목적어의 이해
POINT 13 ● Vincent van Gogh created two portraits of chairs.
POINT 14 ● Antonio Stradivari started to make his violins.
Review Test

CHAPTER 05 Weather 보어의 이해 Ⅰ
POINT 15 ● These are typical symptoms of SAD.
POINT 16 ● The only thing to do was watching the unusual rain.
Review Test

CHAPTER 06 Nature & Environment 보어의 이해 Ⅱ
POINT 17 ● This made Clytie sad and depressed.
POINT 18 ● The fur allows them to hide in the snow.
POINT 19 ● What makes dogs feel stress?
POINT 20 ● You see pandas walking around trees!
Review Test

CHAPTER 07 Travel and Holidays 형용사적 수식어구의 이해
POINT 21 ● It was my first time to ride a horse.
POINT 22 ● It opened an ice rink set 57 meters above ground.
Review Test

CHAPTER 08 Innovations and Ideas 부사적 수식어구의 이해
POINT 23 ● I went to a shop with my friend on the weekend.
POINT 24 ● They are too small to see.
Review Test

CHAPTER 09 Interesting Facts 비교 구문의 이해
POINT 25 ● Some are as big as a football field.
POINT 26 ● It was the coldest season of the year.
Review Test

CHAPTER 10 Communication 접속사의 이해
POINT 27 ● We can talk or share with overseas friends.
POINT 28 ● When Jenny arrives home, her dog greets her.
POINT 29 ● If the smart phone keeps showing, you want to have it.
POINT 30 ● Not only non-natives, but also native speakers have problems.
Review Test


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