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2015 해양수산 통계연보

2015 해양수산 통계연보

해양수산부 (엮은이)


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2015 해양수산 통계연보

책 정보

· 제목 : 2015 해양수산 통계연보 
· 분류 : 국내도서 > 대학교재/전문서적 > 농축산생명계열 > 농림수산학
· ISBN : 9791159670381
· 쪽수 : 510쪽

책 소개

2015년 해양수산부의 2014년까지 ‘해양수산통계연보’에 수록되었던 내부관리 주요통계(폐기물 해양배출 현황,수산물 수출입 통계, 여객수송실적)는 2015년부터 ‘해양수산주요통계’에 수록하였다.


Ⅰ. 일반통계 General
1. 국토 Land
1-1. 위치 Location 3
1-2. 시도별 행정단위 및 면적 Administrative Unit and Area by Province 3
2. 인구 Population
2-1. 인구 추이 Population Trend 4
2-2. 시도별 인구 Population by Province 5
2-3. 산업별 경제활동 인구 Economically Active Population by Industry 6
2-4. 연령 계층별 농림어업 취업인구 Agricultural, Forestry and Fisheries Employment by Age Group 6

Ⅱ. 해 양 Marine
1. 해수 수질실태 보고 Seawater Quality
1-1. 연안 수질현황 Coastal Water Quality(Environment Monitoring Network for
(환경 관리 해역 환경측정망) Environment Management Waters) 13
1-2. 연안 수질현황 Coastal Water Quality(Environment Monitoring Network
(연근해 환경측정망) for Coastal Sea) 22
1-3. 연안 수질현황(하구역 환경측정망) Coastal Water Quality(Environment Monitoring Network for Estuary) 47
1-4. 항만 수질현황(항만 환경측정망) Port Water Quality(Environment Monitoring Network for Ports) 48
2. 연안습지 면적 현황 Costal Wetland Area Extent Survey
2-1. 시도별 연안습지 면적 Tidal Flat Area by City/Province 59
2-2. 연안습지 면적의 변화 Changes in Tidal Flat Area 59
2-3. 전국 연안습지의 행정구역별 면적 Tidal Flat Area based on Administrative District 60

Ⅲ. 수 산 Fisheries
1. 어업총조사
1-1. 내수면어업 부분(총괄) Summary of Inland Water Fishery Sector(Total) 65
1-2. 해수면어업 부분(총괄) Summary of Marine Fishery Sector(Total) 71
2. 어업조사 Fisheries Survey
2-1. 어가 및 어가인구 Fishery Households and Population 81
2-2. 성별 및 호당 어가인구 Fishery Households Population by Sex and Household Size 81
2-3. 연령별 어가인구 Fishery Households Population by Age Group 82
2-4. 전·겸업별 어가 Fishery Households by Full-Time or Part-Time 82
2-5. 어업형태별 어가 및 어가인구 Fishery Households, Population by Capture Fishery & Aquaculture 83
2-6. 어선 톤수별 어업가구 Fishery Households by Fishing Vessel Size 84
2-7. 작업방식별 어업종사가구원 및 Fishery Workers and Fishery Households by Working Method 85
3. 어업법인조사
3-1. 운영주체 및 사업유형별 법인수
No. of corporation by operating unit & type of business agricultural corpration 87
3-2. 어업법인 종사자수 Employees fishery corporation 92
3-3. 어업법인 출자금 Amount of investment fishery corporation 102
3-4. 어업법인 출자자수 No. of investers fishery corporation 112
3-5. 어업법인 매출액 Amount of sales fishery corporation 118
4. 어업경영조사
4-1. 수지상황 130
4-2. 자산 및 부채상환 140
4-3. 어선현황 및 조업활동 146
5. 어가경제조사 Fishery Household Economy Survey
5-1. 표본어가 개황 Characteristics of Sample Fishery Households 162
5-2. 어가경제 주요지표 Major Indicators of Fishery Household Economy 164
5-3. 어업 총(조)수입 Gross Fishery Receipts 166
5-4. 어업경영비 Fishery Expenses 168
5-5. 용도별·차입처별 부채 Liabilities Purpose & Borrowing 170
5-6. 가계지출 Household Expenditures 172
5-7. 어가자산 Fishery Household Assets 176
6. 영어자금소요액조사
6-1. 금융본부별 어업건수 및 소요액 180
6-2. 금융본부별·어업별 영어자금 소요액 182
6-3. 어업별 어업건수 및 소요액 현황 202
6-4. 조합원 비조합원 건수 및 소요액 현황 204
7. 어업생산동향조사 Fishery Production Survey
7-1. 어업생산동향 총괄표 Summary table of fishery production trend 216
7-2. 부류별 총괄표 Summary table_by category 218
7-3. 어업별·어법별 총괄표 Summary table of fishery and fishing method 220
7-4. 어업별·품종별 통계 Statistics by type of fishery and species 232
8. 어류양식동향조사
8-1. 시도 시군구별 양식현황 총괄 The current fish culture by city & province ward county 278
8-2. 양식방법에 따른 어가현황 The current_Fishery households by culture type 282
8-3. 양식방법별 종사자 현황 The current worker by culture type 284
8-4. 시도 시군구별 양식방법에 따른 사육수면적 현황
The current fish culture area By city & province ward & county By culture type 285
9. 천해양식어업권통계 Status of Shallow-Sea Culture Licenses Issued
9-1. 천해양식 품종별 어업권 현황 Number of License and Area of Marine Aquaculture by Species 290
9-2. 천해양식 시도별 어업권 현황 Number of License and Area of Marine Aquaculture by Province 290
9-3. 내수면어업 시도별 어업권 현황 Number of Inland Waters Fishery License by Aquaculture
Type and Province 292
9-4. 인공어초 설치현황 Number of Artificial Reef Area by Artificial Reef Type 292
10. 수산물가공업통계 Survey on Fishery Production of Fisheries Processing Industry
10-1. 시도별 수산품 가공실적 Fishery Product by Processed Type and Province 298
10-2. 수산가공품 품목별 생산량 Production of Processed Fishery Product by Item 300
10-3. 수산가공품 품종별·시도별 생산액 Value of Processed Fishery Product by Province and Groups 302
11. 수산물검역 및 수출검사통계 Statistics Of Quarantine Of Aquatic Animals And Inspection Of Exports
Of Fishery Products
11-1. 수산물 수출입 검사실적 Inspection for Exports & Imports 306
11-2. 주요 품목별 수출입 검사실적 Inspection for Exports & Imports by Major Item 308
12. 등록어선통계 Fishing Fleet Statistics
12-1. 시도별·선종별 어선세력 Number of Fishing Vessel, Gross Tonnage and Horsepower
by Province 314
12-2. 시도별·톤급별 어선세력 Number of Fishing Vessel and Gross Tonnage by Province 316
12-3. 톤급별·선질별 어선세력 Number of Fishing Vessel by Tonnage and Type
of Construction Material(2014) 318
12-4. 어업별·업종별 어선세력(2014) Number of Fishing Vessel, Gross Tonnage and Horsepower
by Fishery Sector and Type(2014) 320
12-5. 업종별·선질별 어선척수(2014) Number of Fishing Vessel by Fishery Sector,
Type and Construction Material of Vessel(2014) 322
12-6. 선령별·톤급별·선질별 어선척수 Number of Fishing Vessel by Age, Construction Material
and Size of Vessel 324
12-7. 업종별·선령별 어선척수(2014) Number of Fishing Vessel by Fishery Type and Age of
Vessel 325
12-8. 동력어선 기관별·선질별·Number of Fishing Vessel by Engine Type, Construction Material
톤급별 어선척수 and Size of Vessel 326
12-9. 시도별 어로장비 대수 Number of Fishing Equipment by Province 327
12-10. 업종별 어로장비 대수 Number of Fishing Equipment by Fishery Type 328
13. 원양어업통계조사 Survey of Overseas Fisheries
13-1. 월평균 종사자수 Number of average monthly workers 333
13-2. 연간급여액 Annual salary 333
13-3. 생산현황(산업분류별) Status of overseas fishery production by industry 334
13-4. 생산현황(업종별) Status of overseas fishery production by type of fishery 338
13-5. 생산현황(해역별) Status of overseas fishery production by ocean 342
13-6. 수출현황(품종별) Status of overseas fishery export by species 350
13-7. 수출현황(산업별) Status of overseas fishery export by industry 351
13-8. 2014년 생산성지표 Productivity indicators 351
13-9. 2014년 연간어로원가 Annual cost of fishery 352
13-10. 2014년 선원 승선 현황 Status of seafarers on board 354

Ⅳ. 해운물류 Shipping and Logistics
1. 입항선박 톤급별 통계 Vessels Arriving at Korea Ports by Weight Class
1-1. 선박 입·출항 현황(총괄) Arrival and Departure of Vessels(Total) 361
1-2. 항만별 선박 입·출항 현황 Arrival and Departure of Vessels by Port 364
1-3. 지역별 선박 입항 현황 Arrival of Vessels by Region 368
1-4. 지역별 선박 출항 현황 Departure of Vessels by Region 372
1-5. 톤급별 선박 입항 현황(총괄) Arrival of Vessels by Tonnage(Total) 376
2. 화물 수송실적 Cargo Handling Result at Seaports
2-1. 화물 수송 총괄 Total Cargo Transport 379
2-2. 내·외항 품목별 화물 수송 입항 현황 Arrival of Coastal & Ocean-going Cargo Transport by Item 382
2-3. 내·외항 품목별 화물 수송 출항 현황 Departure of Coastal & Ocean-going Cargo Transport
by Item 390
2-4. 지역별 수출·입 화물 수송현황 Export and Import Cargo Transport by Region 398
2-5. 컨테이너 수송(총괄) Total Container Transport(Total) 406
2-6. 컨테이너 수송(외항입항) Total Container Transport(Arrival Ocean-going) 408
2-7. 컨테이너 수송(외항출항) Total Container Transport(Departure Ocean-going) 412
2-8. 컨테이너 수송(내항) Total Container Transport(Coastal) 416
2-9. 컨테이너 수송(환적입항) Total Container Transport(T/S Arrival) 420
2-10. 컨테이너 수송(환적출항) Total Container Transport(T/S Departure) 424
2-11. 연안화물 수송 입항 현황 Arrival of Coastal Cargo Transport 428
3. 한국선원통계 Korea Seafarer's Statistics
3-1. 선원취업 현황 Employment of Seafarers 431
3-2. 외국인선원 고용 현황 Foreign Seafarers Employed in Korea 432
3-3. 선원교육기관 현황 Training Institutions for Seafarers 433
4. 운항선박통계 Vessels in Operation
4-1. 국적선 보유현황 Status of Korean Flag Ships 436
4-2. 면허·등록선박 현황 Licensed and Registered Vessels 438
4-3. 정기외항선 취항현황(항로) Ocean-going Liners by Route 439
5. 항만시설 및 능력현황 Port Facilities & Cargo Handling Capacity
5-1. 항만시설 현황 Current Status of Harbor Facilities 444
5-2. 항만하역능력 현황 Cargo Handling Capacity 454
5-3. 준설 현황 Dredging Operations 458
5-4. 항로표지시설 현황 Aids to Navigation Facilities 459

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