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"기브앤테이크"(으)로   15개의 도서가 검색 되었습니다.
Give and Take(기브앤테이크) (주는 사람이 성공한다)

Give and Take(기브앤테이크) (주는 사람이 성공한다)

애덤 그랜트  | 생각연구소
10,800원  | 20130607  | 9788962605815
양보와 배려는 어떻게 성과로 이어지는가? 주는 사람이 성공한다『Give and Take(기브앤테이크)』. 와튼스쿨 역대 최연소 종신교수이자 3년 연속 최우수강의평가상에 빛나는 세계적 조직심리학자 애덤 그랜트가 밝혀낸 성공의 숨은 동력을 제시한 책이다. 저자는 우리 사회를 지배해온 성공에 대한 고정관념, 즉 강하고 독한 자가 모든 것을 가져간다는 ‘승자 독식’의 근본 명제를 뒤집고, 성공에 있어서 대단히 중요하지만 흔히 사람들이 간과하는 ‘타인과의 상호작용’에 주목한다. 이 책은 ‘주는 것보다 더 많은 이익을 챙기려는 사람’, ‘받는 만큼 주는 사람’보다 ‘자신의 이익보다 다른 사람을 먼저 생각하는 사람’이 더 성공할 가능성이 높다는 것을 보여준다. 자기분야에서 최고에 오른 사람들의 살아 있는 기버들의 이야기와 더불어 자기 것만 챙기다가 처절한 실패를 맛본 테이커들의 이야기를 통해 그동안 과소평가해온 ‘기버’의 성공가능성을 색다르게 조명한다.
Give and Take

Give and Take

Karrass, Chester L.  | Harpercollins
0원  | 19950601  | 9780887307430
A best-selling guide to negotiation in business and personal transactions shows readers how to zero in on what a buyer or seller wants, break a deadlock, handle objections, and ask the right questions. Original. National ad/promo.
Give and Take : Why Helping Others Drives Our Success (기브앤테이크 Give and Take)

Give and Take : Why Helping Others Drives Our Success (기브앤테이크 Give and Take)

애덤 그랜트  | Phoenix
14,300원  | 20140109  | 9781780224725
양보하고, 배려하고, 베풀고, 희생하고, 조건 없이 주는 사람이 어떻게 성공 사다리의 꼭대기에 올랐을까? [포천]이 선정한 세계 최고의 인맥을 쌓은 사람은 누구이며, 그 비결은 무엇인가? 말더듬이 신참 변호사가 어떻게 재판에서 청산유수 베테랑 변호사를 이겼을까? 미국 역사상 가장 위대한 대통령의 인사 시스템에는 어떤 비밀이 숨어 있는가? 베풂을 좌우명으로 삶고 사는 사람이 세계적인 부자가 될 수 있었던 까닭은? 통념에 따르면 탁월한 성공을 거둔 사람에게는 세 가지 공통점이 있다. 바로 타고난 재능과 피나는 노력, 결정적인 타이밍이 그것이다. 세계 3대 경영대학원 와튼스쿨에서 역대 최연소 종신교수에 임명된 조직심리학자, 애덤 그랜트는 이 책에서 대단히 중요하지만 흔히 간과하는 성공의 네 번째 요소를 ‘타인과의 상호작용’으로 규정한다.
Give and Take Paperback (Developmental Foreign Aid and the Pharmaceutical Industry in East Africa)

Give and Take Paperback (Developmental Foreign Aid and the Pharmaceutical Industry in East Africa)

Nitsan Chorev  | Princeton Univ Pr
45,590원  | 20191210  | 9780691197845
Give and Take looks at local drug manufacturing in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda, from the early 1980s to the present, to understand the impact of foreign aid on industrial development. While foreign aid has been attacked by critics as wasteful, counterproductive, or exploitative, Nitsan Chorev makes a clear case for the effectiveness of what she ter
Give and Take Paperback (A Revolutionary Approach to Success)

Give and Take Paperback (A Revolutionary Approach to Success)

Grant, Adam  | Orion Publishing Group
0원  | 20130618  | 9780297868439
Using his own cutting-edge research as a professor at Wharton Business School, Adam Grant shows how helping others can lead to greater personal success. He demonstrates how smart givers avoid becoming doormats, and why this kind of success has the power to transform not just individuals and groups, but entire organisations and communities.
Give and Take 양장본 Hardcover

Give and Take 양장본 Hardcover

Swartz, Elly  | Farrar
24,200원  | 20191015  | 9780374308216
A touching middle grade novel about family, friendship, and learning when to let go.
Give and Take 양장본 Hardcover

Give and Take 양장본 Hardcover

Levy, Reynold  | Client Distribution Services
35,540원  | 19990501  | 9780875848938
Give and Take: Why Helping Others Drives Our Success (Why Helping Others Drives Our Success)

Give and Take: Why Helping Others Drives Our Success (Why Helping Others Drives Our Success)

애덤 그랜트  | Penguin Books
14,630원  | 20140325  | 9780143124986
A groundbreaking look at why our interactions with others hold the key to success, by the author of Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World For generations, we have focused on the individual drivers of success: passion, hard work, talent, and luck. But in today’s dramatically reconfigured world, success is increasingly dependent on how we interact with others. In Give and Take, Adam Grant, an award-winning researcher and Wharton’s highest-rated professor, examines the surprising forces that shape why some people rise to the top of the success ladder while others sink to the bottom. Praised by social scientists, business theorists, and corporate leaders, Give and Take opens up an approach to work, interactions, and productivity that is nothing short of revolutionary.
Inter-Generational Financial Giving and Inequality (Give and Take in 21st Century Families)

Inter-Generational Financial Giving and Inequality (Give and Take in 21st Century Families)

Rowlingson, Karen  | Palgrave Macmillan
171,990원  | 20170511  | 9781349950461
Despite growing concern about intergenerational tension and even possible conflict, the book finds evidence of a significant degree of intergenerational solidarity both within families at the micro level and between generations more generally within society at the macro level in Britain.
Give and Take: What’s the Matter with Foreign Aid?

Give and Take: What’s the Matter with Foreign Aid?

 | Zed Books
86,000원  | 20020901  | 9781842770689
Foreign aid, mostly from industrialized countries to developing countries, has been going on for 50 years, and some Third World countries depend on it to a remarkable extent. Though its purpose is ostensibly selfless and benign, as this introducti...
Give and Take: A Revolutionary Approach to Success (A Revolutionary Approach to Success)

Give and Take: A Revolutionary Approach to Success (A Revolutionary Approach to Success)

애덤 그랜트  | Viking Books
45,590원  | 20130409  | 9780670026555
양보하고, 배려하고, 베풀고, 희생하고, 조건 없이 주는 사람이 어떻게 성공 사다리의 꼭대기에 올랐을까? [포천]이 선정한 세계 최고의 인맥을 쌓은 사람은 누구이며, 그 비결은 무엇인가? 말더듬이 신참 변호사가 어떻게 재판에서 청산유수 베테랑 변호사를 이겼을까? 미국 역사상 가장 위대한 대통령의 인사 시스템에는 어떤 비밀이 숨어 있는가? 베풂을 좌우명으로 삶고 사는 사람이 세계적인 부자가 될 수 있었던 까닭은? 통념에 따르면 탁월한 성공을 거둔 사람에게는 세 가지 공통점이 있다. 바로 타고난 재능과 피나는 노력, 결정적인 타이밍이 그것이다. 세계 3대 경영대학원 와튼스쿨에서 역대 최연소 종신교수에 임명된 조직심리학자, 애덤 그랜트는 이 책에서 대단히 중요하지만 흔히 간과하는 성공의 네 번째 요소를 ‘타인과의 상호작용’으로 규정한다.
Give and Take : What’s the Matter with Foreign Aid?

Give and Take : What’s the Matter with Foreign Aid?

Sogge, David  | Zed
74,970원  | 20020901  | 9781842770696
Foreign aid, mostly from industrialized countries to developing countries, has been going on for 50 years, and some Third World countries depend on it to a remarkable extent. Though its purpose is ostensibly selfless and benign, as this introducti...
From the Files of Madison Finn #10 : Give and Take Paperback

From the Files of Madison Finn #10 : Give and Take Paperback

Dower, Laura/ Power, Stephanie (Ilt)  | Disney
16,560원  | 20021201  | 9780786816842
There's double trouble at Far Hills Junior High! When Madison and Fiona start a friendly competition with Egg and Chet to see who can make the best Web page, the computer disks really start to fly.
Between Give and Take: A Clinical Guide to Contextual Therapy (A Clinical Guide to Contextual Therapy)

Between Give and Take: A Clinical Guide to Contextual Therapy (A Clinical Guide to Contextual Therapy)

Boszormenyi-Nagy, Ivan, M.D., Krasner, Barbara R., Ph.D.  | Taylor & Francis
113,810원  | 20140812  | 9781138009448
In this work, Boszormenyi-Nagy and Krasner provide a comprehensive, sharply focused guide to the clinical use of Contextual Therapy as a therapy rooted in the reality of human relationships. The authors describe a far-reaching approach to individual freedom and interpersonal fairness that makes possible a highly effective system of psychotherapy.
Give and Take: Poverty and the Status Order in Early Modern Japan (Poverty and the Status Order in Early Modern Japan)

Give and Take: Poverty and the Status Order in Early Modern Japan (Poverty and the Status Order in Early Modern Japan)

Maren A. Ehlers  | Harvard University Press
78,100원  | 20180402  | 9780674983878
Give and Take offers a new history of government in Tokugawa Japan (1600-1868), one that focuses on ordinary subjects: merchants, artisans, villagers, and people at the margins of society. Maren Ehlers explores how high and low people negotiated and collaborated with each otheras they addressed the problem of poverty in early modern Japan.
최근 본 책