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The Real Life Guide to Accounting Research : A Behind-the-Scenes View of Using Qualitative Research Methods

The Real Life Guide to Accounting Research : A Behind-the-Scenes View of Using Qualitative Research Methods (Paperback)

빌 리, Christopher Humphrey (엮은이)
Cima Pub


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The Real Life Guide to Accounting Research : A Behind-the-Scenes View of Using Qualitative Research Methods

책 정보

· 제목 : The Real Life Guide to Accounting Research : A Behind-the-Scenes View of Using Qualitative Research Methods (Paperback) 
· 분류 : 외국도서 > 경제경영 > 재무/회계 > 일반
· ISBN : 9780080489926
· 쪽수 : 544쪽


Introduction; The Meaning Of Research; Managing the Research Process; Collecting and Analysing Data; Publishing And Dissemination; Interdisciplinary Perspectives.

Introduction. (C. Humphrey, B. Lee).
Section One. The Meaning of Research. The Search for Clues in Accounting History. (S.P. Walker). Adventures in Social and Environmental Accounting and Auditing Research: A Personal Reflection. (D. Owen). Using Case Studies in Finance Research. (G. Stoner, J. Holland). Accounting and Auditing Research in the United States. (T.A. Lee). Forever Destined to be Extras in a Broadway Show? A Discussion on the Status of National Accounting Research in an International Arena. (M.A. Garcia-Benau, J.A. Lainez-Gadea).
"Nice Work": Writing a Ph.D. Thesis in Accounting. (A. Loft). Learning to Balance: The Experience of an Overseas PhD student in the UK. (Naoko Komori). Section Two. Managing the Research Process. Starting and Managing a European Union Funded Research Project. (F. Birkin). Management of a Research Team. (J. Broadbent, R. Laughlin). Confessions of a Research Assistant. (J. Burns). Making Sense of Interactions in an Investigation of Organisational Practices and Processes. (I. Lapsley). Qualitative Research on Accounting: Some Thoughts on What Occurs Behind The Scene. (J. Bedard, Y. Gendron). Critical Independence. (B. McSweeney). Section Three. Collecting and Analysing Data.. Case-Based Research in Accounting. (A.J. Berry, D.T. Otley). Doing Case Study Research. (R.W. Scapens). What is the Object of Accounting? A Dialogue. (Masaya Fujita, Yoshiaki Jinnai). Refining Research Questions in the Course of Negotiating Access for Fieldwork. (T. Ahrens).
Insights from Internet-Based Research: Realising a Qualitative Understanding from a Quantitative Search Process. (A. Sangster, D.E. Tyrrall).
The Case Study, The Interview and the Issues: A Personal Reflection. (D.E.W. Marginson). Qualitative Research: Experiences in Using Semi-Structured Interviews. (J. Horton, R. Macve, G. Struyven). To Tape or Not to Tape: Reflections on Methods of Data Collection. (T. Hayes, R. Mattimoe). Using Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software: Respecting Voices Within Data Management And Analysis. (F. Anderson-Gough). Qualitative Data Analysis: Illuminating a Process for Transforming a "Messy" but"Attractive""Nuisance". (B. O'Dwyer). Section Four. Publishing And Dissemination. Requirements and Understandings for Publishing Academic Research: An Insider View. (J. Guthrie, L.D. Parker, R. Gray). How Do Accounting Research Journals Function? Reflections from the Inside. (K. Lukka). Research and Public Practice Accounting. (S. Turley). Disseminating Research Through Teaching. (S. Richardson, J. Cullen). Section Five. Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Qualitative Methodology in Practice: My Experience. (H. Collins). Raising the Profile of Qualitative Methods in Organizational Research. (C. Cassell, G. Symon). Qualitative Dimensions in Finance and Risk Management Research. (K. Dowd). Author Index. Subject Index.


빌 리 (엮은이)    정보 더보기
대학에서 심리학을 전공한 후, 대학병원의 정신과 병동에서 잠시 일했으나 얼마 후 본격적인 세일즈 세계로 입문했다. 1960년대 후반, 신생기업이던 BMA(Builder Marts of America, Inc.)와 함께 성장하며, BMA의 부사장 겸 판매사업부의 총괄 매니저로 일했다. 자신이 보유한 BMA 주식을 팔아 1987년에 컨설팅 및 트레이닝 전문기업인 <리 리소스(Lee Resource, Inc.)>를 세웠다. 1993년에는 미국 강연자 협회(National Speaking Association)에서 주는 최고권위의 상인 전문연사상(CSP, Certified Speaking Professional)을 수상했으며, 40년 이상 세일즈맨, 세일즈 매니저, 총괄 매니저, 컨설턴트, 강사 등의 일을 해오고 있다. 이 책은 저자가 BMA에서 배운 관리기법 및 컨설팅을 하며 자신이 저지른 실수들을 바탕으로 한 것이다. 다른 저서로 <Gross Margin: 26 Factors Affecting Your Bottom Line>가 있다.
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