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핵심 Rhino 4.0 제품디자인

핵심 Rhino 4.0 제품디자인

김낙권 (지은이)


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핵심 Rhino 4.0 제품디자인

책 정보

· 제목 : 핵심 Rhino 4.0 제품디자인 
· 분류 : 국내도서 > 컴퓨터/모바일 > 그래픽/멀티미디어 > 3ds max
· ISBN : 9788955001617
· 쪽수 : 966쪽

책 소개

Rhino의 사용방법을 단계별로 자세히 설명하였고, 상황에 맞는 예제를 통해 독자들이 Rhino의 모델링 과정을 직접 경험해 볼 수 있도록 구성하였다.


Part 01 라이노와 3차원 모델링의 개요(Basic Concepts of Rhino and 3D Modeling) 1

Chapter 1 3차원 좌표계(3-Dimensional Coordinate System) 2

1. 월드 좌표계와 로컬 좌표계(World Coordinate System and Local Coordinate System) 2

2. 절대좌표와 상대좌표(Absolute Coordinate and Relative Coordinate) 3

3. 직교 좌표계와 극 좌표계(Cartesian Coordinate System and Polar Coordinate System) 4

4. 각도(Angle) 6

5. 오른손 법칙(Right-Hand Rule) 6

6. 컨스트럭션 플레인(Construction Plane) 7

Chapter 2 3차원 모델링의 기하학적 요소들(Geometrical Elements of 3-Dimensional Modeling) 8

1. 점(Point) 8

2. 커브(Curve) 9

3. 서피스(Surface) 10

4. 솔리드(Solid) 11

Chapter 3 라이노의 인터페이스(Interface Overview of Rhino) 12

1. 화면 구성 요소들(Screen Factors of Rhinoceros) 13

2. 마우스 커서의 명칭 22

3. 화면 보기 설정(View Settings) 23

4. 뷰포트 디스플레이 모드(Viewport Display Mode) 28

5. 오브젝트의 화면 표시 속성(Object Property) 35

6. 툴바(Toolbar) 37

Chapter 4 모델링 환경 설정(Customizing) 43

1. Unit 44

2. 모델링 보조 모드(Modeling Aid Modes) 46

3. 커서 제한(Constrain the Cursor) 52

4. 단축키(Shortcut) 55

5. 옵션 설정(Properties) 56

Chapter 5 파일 관리(File Operation) 58

1. New 59

2. Open 59

3. Save 59

4. Import and Insert 60

5. Export 62

6. Notes 67

7. Print 67

8. Worksession Manager 80

9. Send 80

10. Set Working Directory 80

11. Exit 81

Chapter 6 공통 편집 도구(Commom Edit Tools) 82

1. Trim 82

2. Split 85

3. Join 87

4. Explode 88

Part 02 점(Point) 89

Chapter 1 점 그리기(Create Points) 90

1. Single Point 91

2. Multiple Points 91

3. Extract Point 91

4. Closest Point 92

5. Closest Point Between Multiple Objects 93

6. Mark Curve Start 93

7. Divide Curve by Length 94

Chapter 2 점 편집(Point Editing) 95

1. Control Points On 96

2. Edit Points On 97

3. Points Off Selected 98

4. Cull Control Polygon Backfaces 98

5. Edit Control Point Weight 99

6. Move UVN 99

7. Set Nudge UVN 100

8. Insert Knot 101

9. Remove Knot 102

10. Insert Kink 102

11. Handlebar Editor 104

12. Change Drag Mode 105

Part 03 커브(Curve) 107

Chapter 1 커브 그리기(Create Curves) 108

1. 직선 그리기(Create Lines) 108

2. 자유곡선 그리기(Create Freeform Curves) 122

3. 원 그리기(Create Circles) 139

4. 타원 그리기(Create Ellipses) 145

5. 호 그리기(Create Arcs) 149

6. 사각형 그리기(Create Rectangles) 154

7. 정다각형 그리기(Create Polygons) 157

Chapter 2 오브젝트로부터 커브 만들기 (Curve From Object) 161

1. Project to Surface 162

2. Pull Curve to Surface 163

3. Duplicate Edge 164

4. Duplicate Border 165

5. Duplicate Face Border 166

6. Extract Isocurve 166

7. Extract Wireframe 168

8. Blend Perpendicular 168

9. Object Intersection 169

10. Contour 170

11. Section 170

12. Geodesic Curve 171

13. Silhouette 171

14. Extract Points 171

15. Point Cloud Section 172

16. Create UV Curves 172

17. Mesh Outline 174

18. Make 2-D Drawing 174

Chapter 3 커브 편집(Curve Editing) 176

1. Extend Curve 178

2. Fillet Curves 184

3. Chamfer Curves 185

4. Fillet Corners 186

5. Blend Curves 186

6. Adjustable Curve Blend 189

7. Offset Curve 190

8. Offset Curve Normal to Surface 191

9. Offset Curve On Surface 192

10. Curves From 2 Views 194

11. Curve from Cross-Section Profiles 194

12. Match Curve 196

13. Rebuild 197

14. Rebuild Curves Nonuniform 200

15. Refit Curve 200

16. Change Degree 201

17. Fair Curve 201

18. Adjust Closed Curve Seam 202

19. Simplify Lines and Arcs 203

20. Make Uniform 204

21. Convert Curve to Polyline 204

22. Adjust Curve End Bulge 206

23. Make Periodic 207

24. Insert a Control Point 208

25. Remove a Control Point 210

26. Close Open Curves 210

27. Delete Sub-curve 211

28. Extract Sub-curve 212

29. Sub Curve 212

30. Insert Line into Curve 213

31. Curve Boolean 214

Part 04 서피스(Surface) 217

Chapter 1 서피스 만들기(Create Surface) 218

1. Surface from 3 or 4 Corner Points 219

2. Surface from 2, 3 or 4 Edge Curves 220

3. Surface from Planar Curves 221

4. Surface : Plane 221

5. Extrude 226

6. Loft 232

7. Surface from Network of Curves 237

8. Patch 240

9. Sweep 1 Rail 243

10. Sweep 2 Rails 250

11. Revolve 256

12. Drape Surface over Objects 259

13. Heightfield from Image 259

14. Surface from Point Grid 259

Chapter 2 서피스 편집(Surface Editing) 260

1. Extend Untrimmed Surface 262

2. Fillet Surface 263

3. Chamfer Surface 264

4. Variable Radius Surface Fillet 265

5. Variable Radius Surface Chamfer 269

6. Blend Surface 269

7. Offset Surface 274

8. Variable Offset of Surface 276

9. Match Surface 280

10. Merge Surface 284

11. Connect Surfaces 287

12. Symmetry 288

13. Rebuild Surface 289

14. Refit Surface to Tolerance 291

15. Change Surface Degree 293

16. Untrim 293

17. Shrink Trimmed Surface 295

18. Make Surface Periodic 297

19. Adjust Closed Surface Seam 298

20. Remove Surface Edge 299

21. Unroll Developable Surface 301

22. Smash 304

23. Adjust Surface End Bulge 305

24. Remove Multiknots from Surface 308

25. Insert a Control Point 308

26. Remove a Control Point 309

Part 05 솔리드(Solid) 311

Chapter 1 솔리드 만들기(Create Solids) 312

1. Box 313

2. Sphere 316

3. Ellipsoid 319

4. Paraboloid 322

5. Cone 322

6. Pyramid 323

7. Truncated Cone 325

8. Cylinder 325

9. Tube 326

10. Torus 327

11. Pipe, Flat Caps 327

12. Pipe, Round Caps 330

13. Extrude Closed Planar Curve 330

14. Extrude Solid Toolbar 331

Chapter 2 솔리드 편집(Solid Editing) 339

1. Boolean Union 340

2. Boolean Difference 340

3. Boolean Intersection 342

4. Boolean Split 343

5. Create Solid 344

6. Cap Planar Holes 345

7. Extract Surface 346

8. Solid Editing Toolbar 347

9. Variable Radius Fillet 347

10. Variable Radius Chamfer 351

Chapter 3 솔리드 편집 툴바(Solid Editing Toolbar) 354

1. Holes Toolbar 355

2. Wire Cut 367

3. Move Face 369

4. Move Face To A Boundary 370

5. Extrude Face 370

6. Extrude Face To A Boundary 372

7. Rotate Face 372

8. Move Edge 374

9. Scale Edge 374

10. Rotate Linear Edge 375

11. Split Planar Face 376

12. Fold Planar Face 377

13. Merge Two Coplanar Face 378

Chapter 4 글자(Text) 379

1. Text Object 379

2. 곡면 위에 글자 배치하기: Orient On Surface 381

Part 06 변형(Transform) 385

Chapter 1 변형(Transform) 386

1. Move 387

2. Soft Move 395

3. Copy 396

4. Rotate 2-D 397

5. Scale 400

6. Mirror 402

7. Orient: 2 Points 404

8. Orient On Surface 407

9. Orient Perpendicular to Curve 409

10. Orient Curve to Edge 411

11. Remap to Cplane 412

12. Array 413

13. Polar Array 420

14. Project to CPlane 420

15. Set XYZ Coordinates 421

16. Align 422

17. Twist 424

18. Bend 426

19. Taper 427

20. Flow Along Curve 429

21. Shear 430

22. Smooth 431

23. UDT(Universal Deformation Technology) 432

23.1 Flow Along Surface 433

23.2 Splop 434

23.3 Maelstorm 436

23.4 Stretch 438

23.5 Twist 438

23.6 Bend 438

23.7 Taper 439

23.8 Flow Along Curve 439

24. Cage Edit 439

Chapter 2 히스토리(History) 444

1. History Settings 445

2. Record History 446

3. Update History on Selected Objects 446

4. Stop History Recording 446

5. Lock Objects with History 446

6. Purge History 447

7. Select Objects with History 447

8. Select Children 447

9. Select Parents 448

Part 07 분석(Analyze) 451

1. Analyze Direction 453

2. Evaluate Point 454

3. Length 456

4. Distance 457

5. Angle 457

6. Radius 458

7. Bounce 459

8. Curvature Graph On 460

9. Geometric Continuity of 2 Curves 460

10. Analyze Curve Deviation 461

11. Mass Properties 462

11.1 Area 462

11.2 Area Centroid 463

11.3 Area Moments 463

11.4 Volume 463

11.5 Volume Centroid 464

11.6 Volume Moments 464

11.7 Hydrostatics 464

12. Surface Analysis 464

12.1 Curvature Analysis 465

12.2 Draft Angle Analysis 465

12.3 Environment Map 466

12.4 Zebra Analysis 467

12.5 Point from UV Coordinates 468

12.6 Point Set Deviation 468

12.7 Thickness Analysis 469

12.8 Capture Viewport to File 469

13. Edge Tools 470

13.1 Show Edges 470

13.2 Split Edges 471

13.3 Join 2 Naked Edges 473

13.4 Select Open Polysurfaces 475

13.5 Rebuild Edges 475

14. Check Objects 476

15. Diagnostics 477

15.1 Check Objects 477

15.2 List Object Database 478

15.3 Select Bad Objects 478

15.4 Audit 478

15.5 Audit 3DM File 479

15.6 Rescue 3DM File 479

Part 08 조직적인 모델링 보조도구(Organic Modeling Aids) 481

Chapter 1 그룹과 블록(Group and Block) 482

1. Group 482

2. Block 486

Chapter 2 레이어(Layer) 487

1. Popup Layer List 487

2. Layer Toolbar 490

3. Change Object Layer 494

4. Set Current Layer 496

5. One Layer On 496

6. One Layer Off 496

7. All Layers On 496

8. Duplicate Layer 497

9. Copy Objects to Layer 497

10. Layer State Manager 497

Chapter 3 오브젝트 스냅(Object Snap) 498

1. 지속적인 오브젝트 스냅(Persistent Object Snap) 500

2. Object Snap Toolbar 508

Chapter 4 선택(Select) 518

1. Select All 518

2. Select None 519

3. Invert Selection 519

4. Select Duplicate Objects 519

5. Select by Color 520

6. Select by Layer 520

7. Select Points 521

8. Select Lights 521

9. Select Dimensions 521

10. Select by Group Name 522

11. Select Dots 522

12. Select PolySurface Toolbar 522

13. Select Surface Toolbar 523

14. Select Meshes Toolbar 524

15. Select Curves Toolbar 525

16. Select Points Toolbar 526

17. Select Chain Toolbar 527

18. Select History Toolbar 528

Chapter 5 가시도(Visibility) 530

1. Hide Objects 530

2. Show Objects 531

3. Show Selected Objects 531

4. Invert Selection and Hide Objects 532

5. Swap Hidden and Visible Objects 532

6. Lock Objects 533

7. Unlock Objects 533

8. Unlock Selected Objects 533

9. Invert Selection and Lock Objects 533

10. Swap Locked and Unlocked Objects 534

11. Invert Selection and Hide Control Point 534

12. Hide Control Points 534

Part 09 뷰포트와 컨스트럭션 플레인(Viewport and Construction Plane) 535

Chapter 1 뷰 설정(Set View) 536

1. Top View 537

2. Bottom View 537

3. Left View 537

4. Front View 537

5. Right View 538

6. Back View 538

7. Perspective View 538

8. Edit Named Views 538

9. Save View by Name 539

10. Read Viewport from File 539

11. Place Target 539

12. Plan View of Cplane 540

13. Match Perspective Projection 541

14. Cplane View Toolbar 541

15. Synchronize Views 544

Chapter 2 뷰포트 레이아웃(Viewport Layout) 545

1. 4 Viewports 546

2. 3 Viewports 547

3. Maximize/ Restore Viewports 547

4. New Viewport 547

5. Viewport Properties 548

6. Split Viewport Horizontally 550

7. Split Viewport Vertically 550

8. Change View Projection 550

9. Grid On 551

10. Set Lens Length 551

11. Background Bitmap Toolbar 552

12. Sheet Layout Toolbar 553

13. Viewport Tab Controls 553

14. Toggle Floating Viewport State 553

15. New Floating Perspective Viewport 554

16. Read Viewports Layout From File 555

17. Clipping Plane 555

Chapter 3 컨스트럭션 플레인(Construction Plane) 558

1. Set CPlane Toolbar 559

2. Set UPlane Mode 574

3. Set Mobile Construction Plane 576

Part 10 렌더링(Rendering) 579

1. 렌더링(Rendering) 580

2. 재질(Materials) 588

3. 조명(Lights) 594

4. 카메라(Camera) 601

Part 11 모델링 예제(Tutorials) 605

Chapter 1 카드 리모콘 커브 그리기(Card Remocon Curve) 606

1. Body Curve 그리기 607

2. Button Curve 그리기 615

3. Rendering 624

Chapter 2 앰프 모델링(AMP) 625

1. Body 모델링 626

2. Front 모델링 636

3. Button 모델링 642

4. Power Button 모델링 644

5. Volume Button 모델링 649

6. Input Selector Button 모델링 660

7. Text 665

8. Rendering 668

Chapter 3 마우스 모델링 I(Mouse I) 669

1. Body Curve 그리기 670

2. Body 모델링 01 675

3. Button 모델링 693

4. Body 모델링 02 701

5. Bottom Plate 모델링 713

6. Rendering 720

Chapter 4 스피커 모델링(Speaker) 721

1. Body 모델링 01 722

2. Body 모델링 02 729

3. Logo 모델링 742

4. Speaker Jack 모델링 751

5. Fillet 773

6. Body 분리하기 776

7. Rendering 785

Chapter 5 숟가락 모델링(Spoon) 786

1. Rail Curve 그리기 787

2. Section Curve 그리기 789

3. Top 서피스 모델링 796

4. Side 서피스 모델링 799

5. Rendering 805

Chapter 6 분무기 모델링(Spray) 806

1. Cover Curve 그리기 807

2. Cover 모델링 01 818

3. Cover 모델링 02 822

4. Cover 모델링 03 837

5. Handle 모델링 847

6. Cap 모델링 858

7. Bottle 모델링 862

8. Rendering 866

Chapter 7 마우스 모델링 II(Mouse II) 867

1. Top 모델링 01 868

2. Top 모델링 02 873

3. Base 모델링 01 883

4. Base 모델링 02 895

5. Top의 바닥면 만들기 902

6. 앞부분 자르기 905

7. Wheel Cover 모델링 01 910

8. Wheel Cover 모델링 02 915

9. Wheel Cover 모델링 03 921

10. Wheel Cover 모델링 04 927

11. Button 모델링 936

12. Parting Line 만들기 943

13. Rendering 948

참고문헌 949

찾아보기 950


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