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How to Master Skills for the TOEFL iBT Essay Writing

How to Master Skills for the TOEFL iBT Essay Writing

(토플 에세이 라이팅)

Michael A. Putlack, Stephen Poirier (지은이)


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How to Master Skills for the TOEFL iBT Essay Writing

책 정보

· 제목 : How to Master Skills for the TOEFL iBT Essay Writing (토플 에세이 라이팅)
· 분류 : 국내도서 > 외국어 > 토플 > Writing
· ISBN : 9788959959631
· 쪽수 : 464쪽

책 소개

iBT 토플에 이제까지 출제되었던 75개의 독립형 에세이 주제를 중심으로 구성되어 있다. 이 책을 통해 학생들은 75개의 주제 각각에 관해 샘플 에세이를 참고하여 한 단계씩 차근차근 자신만의 에세이를 완성해 나갈 수 있다.


How to Use This Book

Q1 Class Attendance at University
Q2 Where to Learn the Most Important Lessons
Q3 Equal Support for Extracurriculars and Academics?
Q4 Year-Round School or Vacations?
Q5 Schools Teach for Careers or General Knowledge?
Q6 Teachers: Relate Well or Pass on Knowledge?
Q7 Learn General or Specific Knowledge?
Q8 Giving Self-Confidence or Knowledge?
Q9 Prizes for Trying or Achievements?
Q10 Classmates or Parents: Who Is More Influential?
Q11 Knowledge vs. Creativity
Q12 The Most Difficult College Classes
Q13 Evaluating a Group Project
Q14 What Subjects to Choose?
Q15 Do Grades Encourage Learning?
Q16 Homework Every Day?
Q17 Updating Teachers’ Knowledge
Q18 A Yearlong Pre-University Break
Q19 University Education & Success
Q20 Ideas vs. Facts
Q21 Are Parents the Best Teachers?
Q22 Science Class Made Mandatory in College
Q23 The Future of Printed Books
Q24 Mandatory Culture Class in College
Q25 Paying Teachers Based on Student Performance
Q26 Better to Learn from Whom?
Q27 Making Important Decisions
Q28 Planning for the Future When Young
Q29 Credibility of News and Information Sources
Q30 Emphasis on Personal Appearances and Fashion
Q31 Who Enjoys Life More?
Q32 Speaking Well vs. Writing Well
Q33 How to Deal with a Friend’s Mistake
Q34 Old Friends vs. New Friends
Q35 Watching Animals to Understand Human Nature
Q36 Who Should Make Decisions?
Q37 Whether to Know about World Events
Q38 How to Spend Money
Q39 Spending Too Much Time on Personal Enjoyment?
Q40 The Importance of the Ability to Cooperate
Q41 Too Busy to Become Experts?
Q42 Ability to Plan and Organize
Q43 Newspapers or TV as a News Source?
Q44 From Whom to Get Advice?
Q45 Two Ways of Doing Projects
Q46 Money: Spending vs. Saving
Q47 Labor and Happiness
Q48 Importance of Literacy Today
Q49 Less Time on Cooking in the Future?
Q50 Doing Difficult Jobs vs. Doing Easy Work
Q51 Declining Importance of the Extended Family
Q52 Time with Family vs. Time at Work
Q53 Do the Young Help Communities Enough?
Q54 Living Today vs. Living in the Past
Q55 Weakening Influence of Parents over Children
Q56 Enjoying One’s Job vs. Making a High Salary
Q57 Working for One Company for Life
Q58 Where to Work: A Large or Small Company?
Q59 Do Advertisements Make Products Seem Better?
Q60 Working with Others vs. Working Alone
Q61 Public Interest in Celebrity Lives
Q62 Individual Trips vs. Group Tours
Q63 What Movies to Watch?
Q64 Support the Arts or Athletics
Q65 Movies’ and TV’s Effects on Youths
Q66 When Is a Book More Interesting?
Q67 Learning by TV or by Books?
Q68 More Leisure Time in 20 Years?
Q69 Renewable Energy Sources
Q70 How to Use Land?
Q71 Best Way for Government to Conserve Energy
Q72 Information on the Internet: Good or Bad?
Q73 Less Use of Cars in Twenty Years?
Q74 Usage of Cell Phones on Public Transportation
Q75 Social Effects: Cars vs. Airplanes

Korean Translations of the Sample Essays (downloadable at www.darakwon.co.kr)


Michael A. Putlack (지은이)    정보 더보기
미국의 명문 대학인 Tufts University에서 역사학 석사 학위를 받은 뒤 우리나라의 동양미래대학에서 20년 넘게 한국 학생들을 가르쳤다. 폭넓은 교육 경험을 기반으로 《미국 교과서 읽는 리딩》 같은 어린이 영어 교재를 집필했을 뿐만 아니라 《영어동화 100편》시리즈, 《7살 첫 영어 - 파닉스》, 《바빠 초등 필수 영단어》 등의 영어 교재 감수에 참여해 오고 있다.
Stephen Poirier (지은이)    정보 더보기
- 캐나다 University of Western Ontario 역사학 박사과정 수료 - 캐나다 Carleton University에서 Professional Technical Writing 과정 수료 - 저서: <신토익, 모의고사만으로 700점 넘기>, <속전속결 신토익 실전 모의고사 600제 시리즈>, <매일매일 토익>, <500문제로 끝내는 실전 토익 시리즈>, <300문제로 끝내는 토익 시리즈>의 공저자 - Candidate for PhD in History, University of Western Ontario, Canada - Certificate of Professional Technical Writing, Carleton University, Canada


Q27 Making Important Decisions
Some people say that a person should make important decisions alone. Others believe that it is always better to ask others for advice. Which opinion do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Put your brainstorming ideas the outline format.
Thesis statement I prefer making important decisions all by myself.
Topic sentence1 I always try to do the right thing.
Example Recently, I chose to go home and study over going to the movies with my friends.-본문 170~171p 중에서

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