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그래머 스토리 Grammar Story 1

그래머 스토리 Grammar Story 1

(워드천사(word1004.com) 120일 자유이용권 증정)

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그래머 스토리 Grammar Story 1

책 정보

· 제목 : 그래머 스토리 Grammar Story 1 (워드천사(word1004.com) 120일 자유이용권 증정)
· 분류 : 국내도서 > 중학교참고서 > 중학영어전문교재 > 독해/작문
· ISBN : 9788990689818
· 쪽수 : 204쪽

책 소개

영문법을 처음 접하거나 한 번쯤 공부한 초등학교 5학년에서 중학교 1학년 학생들이 초급 독해를 연습하면서 아울러 문법 지식을 총정리하기에 안성마춤인 교재. 실제 중학교 영어 교과서에 등장하는 예문들로 문법을 연습하여 학교 시험에 직접 도움이 된다.


Chapter 1. ‘Be’ and the full verbs be동사와 일반 동사

Unit 01 ‘Be’ as a full verb 일반 동사로서 be동사의 쓰임
1. "I am thirteen years old." (1) 1. "We are making food." (2)
2. "I'm proud of my parents."
3. "My mom is a great cook."
4. "Leaving the party."

Unit 02 The full verbs 일반 동사
1. "We are friends." 2. "I have a dog."
3. "My father doesn't like dogs."
4. "Do you have any pets?"

Wrap up Chapter 1
1. "Hyunwoo and Dunah are my friends."
2. "My dad likes to go bike riding."

Chapter 2 Pronouns (1) 대명사 (1)

Unit 3. Personal pronouns 인칭대명사
1. "My twin brother" (1) 1. "My little sister" (2)
2. "After School (1)" (1) 2. "It's rainy outside." (2)

Unit 4. Demonstrative pronouns and the impersonal subject ‘It’ 지시대명사와 비인칭 주어 'it'
1. "My hat" (1) 1. "My mom makes me cookies." (2)
2. "Where is my diary?" 3. "Houses by the river"
4. "It's cold outside." (1) 4. "I must go home." (2)

Wrap up Chapter 2
1. "Getting ready for school"
2. "We have a lot of good teachers in our school."

Chapter 3. Interrogatives 의문문

Unit 5. Interrogatives: Who, What, and Which 의문사 Who, What, Which
1. "At an art show"
2. "Greeting (1)" (1) 2. "Interviewing (1)" (2)
3. "I want to get a bicycle."

Unit 6. Interrogatives: Where, When, and Why 의문사 Where, When, Why
1. "Where is your family from?" (1) 1. "We went to a riverside." (2)
2. "Why are you late?" (1) 2. "After school" (2)

Unit 7. How, How+adjective/adverb, and How+many/much
1. "Greeting(2)" (1) 1. "How do you like the food?" (2)
2. "How was the movie?" (1) 2. "What do you think of this movie?" (2)
3. "How do you feel about this hillside?"

Wrap up Chapter 3
1. "What's the matter?"
2. "Which type of bike do you want?"

Chapter 4. Nouns and articles 명사와 관사

Unit 8. Nouns 명사
1. "About a family"
2. "My birthday party" (1) 2. "My uncle" (2)
3. "My mom bakes us bread and cake." (1) 3. "Time is money." (2)
4. "I have a lot of friends."

Unit 9. Articles 관사
1. "I eat breakfast every morning." (1) 1. "I have some fish at home." (2)
2. "My room" (1) 2. "We love music." (2)
3. "We play badminton at the gym."

Wrap up Chapter 4
1. "We went to a riverside."
2. "We have a good time together outside."

Chapter 5. The sentences 여러 가지 문장

Unit 10. The imperative sentences 명령문
1. "Wait a moment." 2. "Enjoy the meal."
3. "Class is over." (1) 3. "Shall we go to a movie?" (2)
4. "Don't rush and take your time."

Unit 11. There is/are 유도부사
1. "There is a pond beside the bibrary." (1)
1. "There are many birds on the water." (2)
2. "My friend Juwon" (1) 2. "Is there any juice in it?" (2)

Unit 12. Exclamatory sentences 감탄문
1. "What a great girl she is!" (1)
1. "What a beautiful island it was!" (2)

Unit 13. Tag questions 부가의문문
1. "I played games all afternoon."
2. "Having a date"

Wrap up Chapter 5
1. "In art class"
2. "On a small rock"

Chapter 6. Pronouns 대명사

Unit 14. 'One', '(the) other', and 'another'
1. "Sunny has a cat."
2. "One is the soccer field." (1) 2. "I lost the game, but it was very exciting."
3. "To know is one thing, to do is another."
4. "Everyone was interested in the election."

Unit 15. Reflexive pronouns 재귀대명사
1. "Each of them introduced themselves to us."

Wrap up Chapter 6
1. "Shopping with mom"
2. "Everybody looks so relaxed and happy there."


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