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그래머 스토리 Grammar Story 2

그래머 스토리 Grammar Story 2

(워드천사(word1004.com) 120일 자유이용권 증정)

정연재 (지은이)


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그래머 스토리 Grammar Story 2

책 정보

· 제목 : 그래머 스토리 Grammar Story 2 (워드천사(word1004.com) 120일 자유이용권 증정)
· 분류 : 국내도서 > 중학교참고서 > 중학영어전문교재 > 독해/작문
· ISBN : 9788990689825
· 쪽수 : 236쪽

책 소개

영문법을 처음 접하거나 한 번쯤 공부한 초등학교 5학년에서 중학교 1학년 학생들이 초급 독해를 연습하면서 아울러 문법 지식을 총정리하기에 안성마춤인 교재. 실제 중학교 영어 교과서에 등장하는 예문들로 문법을 연습하여 학교 시험에 직접 도움이 된다.


Chapter 7. Verb tenses (1) 동사의 시제 (1)

Unit 16. The simple present and present progressive tenses
단순 현재 시제와 과거 시제
1. "At the private instutute"
2. "Minoo and I"
3. "We are all busy."
4. "I feel sorry for Minoo."
5. "What are you doing?" (1) 5. "I see him listen to music." (2)

Unit 17. The simple past tense: ‘Be’ 과거시제: be동사
1. "I had a lot of fun yesterday."
2. "A pop quiz in English class." (1)
2. "Where were you?" (2)

Unit 18. The simple past tense of full verbs 일반 동사의 과거 시제
1. "Field trip" 2. "Watching TV"
3. "We helped grandpa work in the yard."
4. "Going to the seaside." (1) 4. "At the cinema" (2)
4. "Dad caught a big fish." (3) 4. "I got new soccer shoes." (4)
4. "My mom is quite slim." (5)
5. "Mid-terms' results" (1) 5. "Watching the soccer game" (2)

Unit 19. The simple future tense 미래 시제
1. "I will take cake of them."
2. "Will it rain?" (1) 2. "Who will come?" (2)
3. "In a classroom" 4. "What are you going to do?"
5. "We are leaving at nine thirty."
6. "At the clothing store"

Unit 20. The past progressive and future progressive tenses
과거진행과 미래진행 시제
1. "Many children were coming to school early."
2. "In a dance class" (1) 2. "Were you sleeping then?" (2)
3. "Where were you during lunch time?"
4. "She will be coming shortly."

Wrap up Chapter 7
1. "I will be ranked high in my class."
2. "We're going fishing in the ocean today."

Chapter 8. Adjectives and adverbs 형용사와 부사

Unit 21. Adjectives 형용사
1. "It was a hot, sunny day."
2. "There was not anything special." (1)
2. "Yuri is afraid of the water." (2)
3. "Our English teacher"

Unit 22. Quantity: reading numbers and telling time
수량 형용사: 수 읽기와 시간 말하기
1. "I'm a first year student."
2. "I was born on June 2nd, 2002."
3. "Our class has twenty five students."
4. "The number is 435-6789."

Unit 23. 'Some', 'any', 'little', 'few', 'many', and 'much'
1. "Would you like a drink?"
2. "There are not much snow in the street."
3. "It was snowing a little."

Unit 24. Adverbs 부사
1. "Weekly class conference" (1)
1. "I can hardly follow his daily life." (2)
2. "The final exam is just around the corner."
3. "We usually leave home on the weekends."
4. "Some girls were late, too." (1)
4. "The new English teacher" (2)
5. "At the clothing store"

Wrap up Chapter 8
1. "The new shopping mall opened."
2. "They both looked bright and healthy."

Chapter 9. Comparison 비교

Unit 25. The forms of comparatives and superlatives 비교급과 최상급의 형식
1. "She is wiser than any other." (1)
1. "Our family car" (2)
2. "Get addicted to smartphone"

Unit 26. Comparison with comparatives 비교급 비교
1. "Minoo is smarter than me." (1)
1. "Seoul is colder than Tokyo in winter."
2. "He played soccer much better than I do."

Unit 27. Some uses of the comparatives 비교급의 주의할 쓰임들
1. "It's getting cooler and cooler."
2. "Hyunoo received five more points than me."
3. "Which do you like better?"
4. "The sooner the better for me." 5. "I prefer fish."

Unit 28. Comparison using the positive degree 원급을 사용한 비교
1. "I do school work as well as he does."
2. "He helps me as much as he can."
Unit 29. Comparison by the superlatives 최상급에 의한 비교
1. "Yuri is the youngest of the five."
2. "They are precious to us."
3. "I'm one of his biggest fans."

Wrap up Chapter 9
1. "He is getting more and more addicted to his smartphone."
2. "He runs faster than any other player."

Chapter 10. Verb tenses (2) 동사의 시제 (2)

Unit 30. The simple present perfect tense 현재완료 시제
1. "Our new computer has just arrived." (1)
1. "My uncle is going to leave later today." (2)
2. "I have just finished the math assignment." (1)
2. "They have visited there three times until now." (2)
3. "Where have you been yesterday?"

Unit 31. Some uses of the simple present perfect tense 현재완료 시제의 쓰임들
1. "I have just finished eating."
2. "Have you ever been there?"
3. "How long have you used it?"
4. "I have lost my puppy."

Unit 32. The simple present perfect progressive, past perfect, and future perfect tenses 현재완료진행, 과거완료, 미래완료 시제
1. "How long have you been reading it?" (1)
1. "I have known about it." (2)
2. "They had been playing games for an hour."
3. "I will have become a college student in several years."

Wrap up Chapter 10
1. "Have you ever taken a nap in school?"
2. "Have you ever attended a private institute?"


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중앙대학교 영어영문학과 같은 학교 대학원 영어영문학과를 졸업했다. 고등학교 영어교사, 토플 · 토익 강사로 여러 해 영어를 가르쳤고, 도서출판 고려원 부설 고려원어학연구원 원장과 도서출판 영어포럼 대표를 지내며 많은 영어 교재를 개발했다. 저서로 《좋은 지문 다 모은 테마영문독해》(전7권), 《좋은 지문 다 모은 주니어 태마영문독해》(전6권), 《외고합격 패스워드》, 《토플에 자주 나오는 1000단어》, 《토플 초보를 위한 기본 독해》, 《영미문화사전》, 《시험대비 영문법》, 《영문법 핵심노트》, 《길거리 영어회화》, 《TOPIC High 토픽하이》(전8권) 등이 있다.
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