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실전 임상영어회화

실전 임상영어회화

(의사 간호사 의대생을 위한)

황성혁 (지은이)


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실전 임상영어회화

책 정보

· 제목 : 실전 임상영어회화 (의사 간호사 의대생을 위한)
· 분류 : 국내도서 > 대학교재/전문서적 > 의약학간호계열 > 참고도서/백서
· ISBN : 9788995254387
· 쪽수 : 336쪽


Part Ⅰ 내과, 소아과, 일반외과, 정신과 및 기본적인 표현들(Internal medicine, Pediatrics, General surgery, Psychiatry & Basic medical expressions)
1. Where does it hurt? = 3
2. Which part of the chest is aching? = 7
3. Is it hard for you to breathe? = 13
4. I'd like to run a few tests. = 19
5. I'll give you a shot. = 25
6. Let me take a look in your throat. = 29
7. Does your asthma respond to home treatment or prescribed medicine? = 33
8. Have you ever suffered from any serious illness? = 39
9. Have you ever had surgery before? = 43
10. I'll prescribe some pills for your symptoms. = 49
11. Does it help if you lie still? = 55
12. Where is it tender? = 61
13. Bring up your knees and relax your abdomen. = 65
14. Bend it as far as you can. = 69
15. So you've had no problems with your health thus far? = 73
16. Your blood and urine tests are normal. = 77
17. You have to be hospitalized. = 81
18. Does it hurt even after you throw up? = 85
19. When did he start having this fits? = 91
20. I want you to take him to our clinic. = 97
21. How much and how often do you smoke? = 103
22. Are you taking any medicine? = 107
23. How have you been since I saw you last? = 113
24. Have you ever been a binge eater? = 117
Part Ⅱ 산부인과(Obstetrics and Gynecology)
1. Are you on your period? = 125
2. It's a personal question, but it's very important for a diagnosis. = 131
3. Do you have any pain or burning while urinating? = 137
4. Has menstrual bleeding been heavy for several months? = 141
Part Ⅲ 신경과, 신경외과(Neurology, Neurosurgery)
1. Did she lose consciousness? = 147
2. Are you dizzy when you stand up? = 153
3. Have you ever had seizures or spells? = 157
4. How frequent are the headaches now? = 163
5. On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the worst pain you have ever felt, what would you say? = 167
6. Please lie on your side. = 171
7. I think you should go in for a neck MRI. = 177
Part Ⅳ 정형외과(Orthopedics)
1. You have to massage your knee with ice. = 183
2. We need to take an X-ray of it to find out you've fractured it. = 187
3. Can you raise your big toe? = 191
4. They will help you get rid of the pain = 195
5. I'll put a splint on it so that you won't move your ankle. = 199
6. I'll put a cast on your leg. = 203
7. We'll numb your finger with lidocain that is a local anesthetic. = 207
Part Ⅴ 이비인후과(Ear Nose Throat)
1. Do you have a sore throat? = 213
2. Dose it hurt when you swallow? = 219
3. Do you have ringing in your ears? = 223
4. Does swallowing make the pain worse? = 229
5. Did the pain start after a blow to the ear? = 235
6. Is it hard for you to pick up what others say? = 239
Part Ⅵ 비뇨기과(Urology)
1. Do you feel like urinating often? = 247
2. It's possible you have a ureteral stone. = 253
3. Can you urinate comfortably? = 259
Part Ⅶ 안과(Ophthalmology)
1. How's your vision? = 267
2. We will evaluate your eyes and determine if dry eyes are present. = 273
3. Do you wear contact lenses? = 279
4. Lasik can usually correct near or farsightedness as well as astigmatism. = 285
Part Ⅷ 피부과(Dermatology)
1. Looks like you've got hives. = 291
2. You seem to have eczema. = 295
3. Have you ever had any allergies to foods or medicines? = 301
4. I think it's one of the myths in the air about acne. = 307
Part Ⅸ 치과(Odontology)
1. If it gets worse, your molar teeth should be removed. = 315
2. It looks like you have a cavity. = 321
3. Tooth decay is a destruction of the tooth enamel. = 325
Part Ⅹ Appendix
쉬어가는 한마디 영어 모음 = 331


황성혁 (감수)    정보 더보기
신경외과 전문의(뇌·척추 질환 전문). 한국에서 최초로 미국 의사 자격증(ECFMG)과 일본 의사 면허를 같이 취득한 3개국 의사 면허 보유자이다. 성장의학 전문의를 취득하였고, 대한성장의학회의 섭외이사로서 학회 강의 등 활발한 활동을 하고 있다. 또 대한만성피로학회 수석 학술이사로서도 매년 많은 의사들에게 최신 의학 지식을 강의하고 있다. 국내 요오드 치료의 선구자이며, 기능의학과 케톤식으로 만성 피로, 당뇨, 갑상샘 기능 저하증, 성장 장애, 치매, 파킨슨병 등을 겪고 있는 수많은 환자를 치료하고 있다. 현재 맑은샘병원에서 신경외과 전문의로 일하면서 유튜브 채널 「닥터쓰리」를 운영하고 있다. 저서로는 『잠든 당신의 뇌를 깨워라』, 『슈퍼미네랄 요오드』가 있으며, 『식사만 바꿔도 젊어집니다』와 『왜 아플까』를 감수하였다.
이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로,
이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다.
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