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찐 미국 사람 영어회화

찐 미국 사람 영어회화

(이디엄으로 배우는)

로라 (지은이)


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책 이미지

찐 미국 사람 영어회화

책 정보

· 제목 : 찐 미국 사람 영어회화 (이디엄으로 배우는)
· 분류 : 국내도서 > 외국어 > 영어회화 > 생활영어
· ISBN : 9791185980393
· 쪽수 : 248쪽

책 소개

미국인이 가장 많이 쓰는 이디엄 100개를 주제로 한 대화문을 통해 이디엄뿐만 아니라 미국인이 즐겨 쓰는 슬랭과 미국 문화도 배우고, 더불어 한국인이 잘못 알고 있는 콩글리시와 문법에 관해서도 알려주는 종합 영어 학습서이다.


1 Get outta here!
2 Grass is always greener on the other side
3 Slow and steady wins the race
4 Everything happens for a reason
5 It is what it is
6 You can't go wrong with it
7 It's no use crying over spilt milk
8 A leopard can't change its spots
9 Give someone the benefit of the doubt
10 Where there is a will there is a way
11 Pain in the ass
12 Beauty is only skin deep
13 Everything fell into place
14 Karma is a bitch
15 Life happens
16 Been there and done that
17 Keep calm and carry on
18 Netflix and chill
19 Monday blues
20 Reveal one's true colors
21 You've got to crack a few eggs to make an omelet
22 Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder
23 Get it out of one's system
24 Blowing out of proportion
25 It's not rocket science
26 I feel under the weather
27 One for the road!
28 Don't bite off more than you can chew
29 Don't count your chickens before they hatch
30 When it rains it pours
31 In the wrong place at the wrong time
32 Through thick and thin
33 It runs in the blood
34 He is a bad apple!
35 Don't beat yourself up
36 A picture is worth a thousand words
37 Ignorance is bliss
38 You can't have your cake and eat it too
39 There are plenty of fish in the sea
40 There is no such thing as a free lunch
41 It is music to my ears!
42 Can we take a rain check?
43 Save for a rainy day
44 Burn bridges
45 Don't judge a book by its cover
46 I'm sick of it!
47 Haste makes waste
48 My gut tells me ~
49 It takes two to tango
50 Age is just a number
51 A blessing in disguise
52 Up in the air
53 Knock out
54 Yoo took the words right of my mouth
55 On the tip of my tongue
56 On a power trip
57 Bend over backwards
58 Sweep under the rug
59 I saw it coming
60 Count your blessings
61 You look young for your age
62 Drink like a fish
63 I'm all ears
64 Every Jack has his Jill
65 I'm not cut out for it
66 Just around the corner!
67 Every dog has its day
68 Blow one's mind
69 Sorry doesn't cut (it)
70 Cry one's eyes out
71 Make ends meet
72 This is my cup of tea
73 You are what you eat
74 Tie the knot
75 Jump out of one's skin
76 I have bigger fish to fry
77 You crack me up
78 At the end of the day
79 Total package
80 Whatever floats your boat
81 Brush it off!
82 When pigs fly
83 It's (all) Greek to me
84 Have hiccups
85 Excuse my French
86 Lose one's touch
87 Throw someone under the bus
88 Wear one's heart on one's sleeve
89 Hit the sack
90 Get one's ducks in a row
91 Get to the bottom of it
92 Beggars can't be choosers
93 Think outside the box
94 Born with a silver spoon in one's mouth
95 One's mind is in the gutter
96 Have a lot on one's plate
97 Put oneself in someone else's shoes
98 Get the hang of it
99 Sleep on it
100 Well begun is half done


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