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Introduction to Data Science : Data Analysis and Prediction Algorithms with R

Introduction to Data Science : Data Analysis and Prediction Algorithms with R (Hardcover)

Rafael A. Irizarry (지은이)
Chapman and Hall/CRC


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Introduction to Data Science : Data Analysis and Prediction Algorithms with R

책 정보

· 제목 : Introduction to Data Science : Data Analysis and Prediction Algorithms with R (Hardcover) 
· 분류 : 외국도서 > 과학/수학/생태 > 수학 > 확률과 통계 > 일반
· ISBN : 9780367357986
· 쪽수 : 713쪽


I R 20 1. Installing R and RStudio Installing R Installing RStudio 2. Getting Started with R and RStudio Why R? The R console Scripts RStudio The panes Key bindings Running commands while editing scripts Changing global options Installing R packages 3. R Basics Case study: US Gun Murders The very basics Objects The workspace Functions Other prebuilt objects Variable names Saving your workspace Motivating scripts Commenting your code Exercises Data types Data frames Examining an object The accessor: $ Vectors: numerics, characters, and logical Factors Lists Matrices Exercises Vectors Creating vectors Names Sequences Subsetting Coercion Not availables (NA) Exercises Sorting sort order max and which.max rank Beware of recycling Exercise Vector arithmetics Rescaling a vector Two vectors Exercises Indexing Subsetting with logicals Logical operators which match %in% Exercises Basic plots plot hist boxplot image Exercises 4. Programming basics Conditional expressions Defining functions Namespaces For-loops Vectorization and functionals Exercises 5. The tidyverse 84 Tidy data Exercises Manipulating data frames Adding a column with mutate Subsetting with filter Selecting columns with select Exercises The pipe: %>% Exercises Summarizing data summarize pull Group then summarize with group by Sorting data frames Nested sorting The top n Exercises Tibbles Tibbles display better Subsets of tibbles are tibbles Tibbles can have complex entries Tibbles can be grouped Create a tibble using tibble instead of data frame The dot operator do The purrr package Tidyverse conditionals Case when between Exercises 6. Importing data 105 Paths and the working directory The filesystem Relative and full paths The working directory Generating path names Copying files using paths The readr and readxl packages readr readxl Exercises Downloading files R-base importing functions scan Text versus binary files Unicode versus ASCII Organizing Data with Spreadsheets Exercises II Data Visualization 7. Introduction to data visualization 8. ggplot2 The components of a graph ggplot objects Geometries Aesthetic mappings Layers Tinkering with arguments Global versus local aesthetic mappings Scales Labels and titles Categories as colors Annotation, shapes, and adjustments Add-on packages Putting it all together Quick plots with qplot Grids of plots Exercises 9. Visualizing data distributions Variable types Case study: describing student heights Distribution function Cumulative distribution functions Histograms Smoothed density Interpreting the y-axis Densities permit stratification Exercises The normal distribution Standard units Quantile-quantile plots Percentiles Boxplots Stratification Case study: describing student heights (continued) Exercises ggplot2 geometries Barplots Histograms Density plots Boxplots QQ-plots Images Quick plots Exercises 10. Data visualization in practice Case study: new insights on poverty Hans Rosling’s quiz Scatterplots Faceting facet_wrap Fixed scales for better comparisons Time series plots Labels instead of legends Data transformations Log transformation Which base? Transform the values or the scale? Visualizing multimodal distributions Comparing multiple distributions with boxplots and ridge plots Boxplots Ridge plots Example: 1970 versus 2010 income distributions Accessing computed variables Weighted densities The ecological fallacy and importance of showing the data Logistic transformation Show the data 11. Data visualization principles Encoding data using visual cues Know when to include Do not distort quantities Order categories by a meaningful value Show the data Ease comparisons Use common axes Align plots vertically to see horizontal changes and horizontally to see vertical changes Consider transformations Visual cues to be compared should be adjacent Use color Think of the color blind Plots for two variables Slope charts Bland-Altman plot Encoding a third variable Avoid pseudo-three-dimensional plots Avoid too many significant digits Know your audience Exercises Case study: impact of vaccines on battling infectious diseases Exercises 12. Robust summaries Outliers Median The inter quartile range (IQR) Tukey’s definition of an outlier Median absolute deviation Exercises Case study: self-reported student heights III Statistics with R 13. Introduction to Statistics with R 14. Probability Discrete probability Relative frequency Notation Probability distributions Monte Carlo simulations for categorical data Setting the random seed With and without replacement Independence 14.4 Conditional probabilities Addition and multiplication rules Multiplication rule Multiplication rule under independence Addition rule Combinations and permutations Monte Carlo example Examples Monty Hall problem Birthday problem Infinity in practice Exercises Continuous probability Theoretical continuous distributions Theoretical distributions as approximations The probability density Monte Carlo simulations for continuous variables Continuous distributions Exercises 15. Random variables Random variables Sampling models The probability distribution of a random variable Distributions versus probability distributions Notation for random variables The expected value and standard error Population SD versus the sample SD Central Limit Theorem How large is large in the Central Limit Theorem Statistical properties of averages Law of large numbers Misinterpreting law of averages Exercises Case study: The Big Short Interest rates explained with chance model The Big Short Exercises 16. Statistical Inference 1Polls The sampling model for polls Populations, samples, parameters and estimates The sample average Parameters Polling versus forecasting Properties of our estimate: expected value and standard error Exercises Central Limit Theorem in practice . A Monte Carlo simulation The spread Bias: why not run a very large poll? Exercises Confidence intervals A Monte Carlo simulation The correct language Exercises Power p-values Association Tests Lady Tasting Tea Two-by-two tables Chi-square Test 16.10.4 The odds ratio Confidence intervals for the odds ratio Small count correction Large samples, small p-values Exercises 17. Statistical models Poll aggregators Poll data Pollster bias Data driven models Exercises Bayesian statistics Bayes theorem Bayes Theorem simulation Bayes in practice Hierarchical models Exercises Case study: Election forecasting Bayesian approach The general bias Mathematical representations of models Predicting the electoral college Forecasting Exercises The t-distribution 18. Regression Case study: is height hereditary? The correlation coefficient Sample correlation is a random variable Correlation is not always a useful summary Conditional expectations The regression line Regression improves precision Bivariate normal distribution (advanced) Variance explained Warning: there are two regression lines Exercises 19. Linear Models Case Study: Moneyball Sabermetics Baseball basics No awards for BB Base on Balls or Stolen Bases? Regression applied to baseball statistics Confounding Understanding confounding through stratification Multivariate regression Least Squared Estimates Interpreting linear models Least Squares Estimates (LSE) The lm function LSE are random variables Predicted values are random variables Exercises Linear regression in the tidyverse The broom package Exercises Case study: Moneyball (continued) Adding salary and position information Picking 9 players The regression fallacy Measurement error models Exercises 20. Association is not causation Spurious correlation Outliers Reversing cause and effect Confounders Example: UC Berkeley admissions Confounding explained graphically Average after stratifying Simpson’s paradox Exercises IV Data Wrangling 21. Introduction to Data Wrangling 22. Reshaping data gather spread separate unite Exercises 23. Joining tables Joins Left join Right join Inner join Full join Semi join Anti-join Binding Binding columns Binding by rows. Set operators Intersect Union setdiff setequal Exercises   24. Web Scraping HTML The rvest package CSS selectors JSON Exercises 25. String Processing The stringr package Case study 1: US murders data Case study 2: self reported heights How to escape when defining strings Regular expressions Strings are a regexp Special characters Character classes Anchors Quantifiers White space \s Quantifiers: *, ?, + Groups Search and replace with regex Search and replace using groups Testing and improving Trimming Changing lettercase Case study 2: self reported heights (continued) The extract function Putting it all together String splitting Case study 3: extracting tables from a PDF Recoding Exercises 26. Parsing Dates and Times The date data type The lubridate package Exercises 27. Text mining Case study: Trump tweets Text as data Sentiment analysis Exercises V Machine Learning 28. Introduction to Machine Learning Notation An example Exercises Evaluation Metrics Training and test sets Overall accuracy The confusion matrix Sensitivity and specificity Balanced accuracy and F1 score Prevalence matters in practice ROC and precision-recall curves The loss function Exercises Conditional probabilities and expectations Conditional probabilities Conditional expectations Conditional expectation minimizes squared loss function Exercises Case study: is it a 2 or a 7? 29. Smoothing Bin smoothing Kernels Local weighted regression (loess) Fitting parabolas Beware of default smoothing parameters Connecting smoothing to machine learning Exercises 30. Cross validation Motivation with k-nearest neighbors Over-training Over-smoothing Picking the k in kNN Mathematical description of cross validation K-fold cross validation Exercises Bootstrap Exercises 31. The caret package The caret train functon Cross validation Example: fitting with loess 32. Examples of algorithms Linear regression The predict function Exercises Logistic regression Generalized Linear Models Logistic regression with more than one predictor Exercises k-nearest neighbors Exercises Generative models Naive Bayes Controlling prevalence Quadratic Discriminant Analysis Linear discriminant analysis Connection to distance Case study: more than three classes Exercises Classification and Regression Trees (CART) The curse of dimensionality CART motivation Regression trees Classification (decision) trees Random Forests Exercises 33. Machine learning in practice Preprocessing k-Nearest Neighbor and Random Forest Variable importance Visual assessments Ensembles Exercises 34. Large datasets Matrix algebra Notation Converting a vector to a matrix Row and column summaries apply Filtering columns based on summaries Indexing with matrices Binarizing the data Vectorization for matrices Matrix algebra operations Exercises Distance Euclidean distance Distance in higher dimensions Euclidean distance example Predictor Space Distance between predictors Exercises Dimension reduction Preserving distance Linear transformations (advanced) Orthogonal transformations (advanced) Principal Component Analysis Iris Example MNIST Example Exercises Recommendation systems Movielens data Recommendation systems as a machine learning challenge Loss function A first model Modeling movie effects User effects Exercises Regularization Motivation 34.9.2 Penalized Least Squares Choosing the penalty terms Exercises Matrix factorization Factors analysis Connection to SVD and PCA Exercises 35. Clustering Hierarchical clustering k-means Heatmaps Filtering features Exercises VI Productivity tools 36. Introduction to productivity tools 37. Accessing the terminal and installing Git Accessing the terminal on a Mac Installing Git on the Mac Installing Git and Git Bash on Windows Accessing the terminal on Windows 38. Organizing with Unix Naming convention The terminal The filesystem Directories and subdirectories The home directory Working directory Paths Unix commands ls: Listing directory content mkdir and rmdir: make and remove a directory cd: Navigating the filesystem by changing directories Some examples More Unix commands mv: moving files cp: copying files rm: removing files less: looking at a file Preparing for a data science project Advanced Unix Arguments Getting help Pipes Wild cards Environment variables Shells Executables Permissions and file types Commands you should learn File manipulation in R 39. Git and GitHub Why use Git and GitHub? GitHub accounts GitHub repositories Overview of Git Clone Initializing a Git directory Using Git and GitHub in RStudio 40. Reproducible projects with RStudio and R markdown RStudio projects R markdown The header R code chunks I R 20 1. Installing R and RStudio Installing R Installing RStudio 2. Getting Started with R and RStudio Why R? The R console Scripts RStudio The panes Key bindings Running commands while editing scripts Changing global options Installing R packages 3. R Basics Case study: US Gun Murders The very basics Objects The workspace Functions Other prebuilt objects Variable names Saving your workspace Motivating scripts Commenting your code Exercises Data types Data frames Examining an object The accessor: $ Vectors: numerics, characters, and logical Factors Lists Matrices Exercises Vectors Creating vectors Names Sequences Subsetting Coercion Not availables (NA) Exercises Sorting sort order max and which.max rank Beware of recycling Exercise Vector arithmetics Rescaling a vector Two vectors Exercises Indexing Subsetting with logicals Logical operators which match %in% Exercises Basic plots plot hist boxplot image Exercises 4. Programming basics Conditional expressions Defining functions Namespaces For-loops Vectorization and functionals Exercises 5. The tidyverse 84 Tidy data Exercises Manipulating data frames Adding a column with mutate Subsetting with filter Selecting columns with select Exercises The pipe: %>% Exercises Summarizing data summarize pull Group then summarize with group by Sorting data frames Nested sorting The top n Exercises Tibbles Tibbles display better Subsets of tibbles are tibbles Tibbles can have complex entries Tibbles can be grouped Create a tibble using tibble instead of data frame The dot operator do The purrr package Tidyverse conditionals Case when between Exercises 6. Importing data 105 Paths and the working directory The filesystem Relative and full paths The working directory Generating path names Copying files using paths The readr and readxl packages readr readxl Exercises Downloading files R-base importing functions scan Text versus binary files Unicode versus ASCII Organizing Data with Spreadsheets Exercises II Data Visualization 7. Introduction to data visualization 8. ggplot2 The components of a graph ggplot objects Geometries Aesthetic mappings Layers Tinkering with arguments Global versus local aesthetic mappings Scales Labels and titles Categories as colors Annotation, shapes, and adjustments Add-on packages Putting it all together Quick plots with qplot Grids of plots Exercises 9. Visualizing data distributions Variable types Case study: describing student heights Distribution function Cumulative distribution functions Histograms Smoothed density Interpreting the y-axis Densities permit stratification Exercises The normal distribution Standard units Quantile-quantile plots Percentiles Boxplots Stratification Case study: describing student heights (continued) Exercises ggplot2 geometries Barplots Histograms Density plots Boxplots QQ-plots Images Quick plots Exercises 10. Data visualization in practice Case study: new insights on poverty Hans Rosling’s quiz Scatterplots Faceting facet_wrap Fixed scales for better comparisons Time series plots Labels instead of legends Data transformations Log transformation Which base? Transform the values or the scale? Visualizing multimodal distributions Comparing multiple distributions with boxplots and ridge plots Boxplots Ridge plots Example: 1970 versus 2010 income distributions Accessing computed variables Weighted densities The ecological fallacy and importance of showing the data Logistic transformation Show the data 11. Data visualization principles Encoding data using visual cues Know when to include Do not distort quantities Order categories by a meaningful value Show the data Ease comparisons Use common axes Align plots vertically to see horizontal changes and horizontally to see vertical changes Consider transformations Visual cues to be compared should be adjacent Use color Think of the color blind Plots for two variables Slope charts Bland-Altman plot Encoding a third variable Avoid pseudo-three-dimensional plots Avoid too many significant digits Know your audience Exercises Case study: impact of vaccines on battling infectious diseases Exercises 12. Robust summaries Outliers Median The inter quartile range (IQR) Tukey’s definition of an outlier Median absolute deviation Exercises Case study: self-reported student heights III Statistics with R 13. Introduction to Statistics with R 14. Probability Discrete probability Relative frequency Notation Probability distributions Monte Carlo simulations for categorical data Setting the random seed With and without replacement Independence 14.4 Conditional probabilities Addition and multiplication rules Multiplication rule Multiplication rule under independence Addition rule Combinations and permutations Monte Carlo example Examples Monty Hall problem Birthday problem Infinity in practice Exercises Continuous probability Theoretical continuous distributions Theoretical distributions as approximations The probability density Monte Carlo simulations for continuous variables Continuous distributions Exercises 15. Random variables Random variables Sampling models The probability distribution of a random variable Distributions versus probability distributions Notation for random variables The expected value and standard error Population SD versus the sample SD Central Limit Theorem How large is large in the Central Limit Theorem Statistical properties of averages Law of large numbers Misinterpreting law of averages Exercises Case study: The Big Short Interest rates explained with chance model The Big Short Exercises 16. Statistical Inference 1Polls The sampling model for polls Populations, samples, parameters and estimates The sample average Parameters Polling versus forecasting Properties of our estimate: expected value and standard error Exercises Central Limit Theorem in practice . A Monte Carlo simulation The spread Bias: why not run a very large poll? Exercises Confidence intervals A Monte Carlo simulation The correct language Exercises Power p-values Association Tests Lady Tasting Tea Two-by-two tables Chi-square Test 16.10.4 The odds ratio Confidence intervals for the odds ratio Small count correction Large samples, small p-values Exercises 17. Statistical models Poll aggregators Poll data Pollster bias Data driven models Exercises Bayesian statistics Bayes theorem Bayes Theorem simulation Bayes in practice Hierarchical models Exercises Case study: Election forecasting Bayesian approach The general bias Mathematical representations of models Predicting the electoral college Forecasting Exercises The t-distribution 18. Regression Case study: is height hereditary? The correlation coefficient Sample correlation is a random variable Correlation is not always a useful summary Conditional expectations The regression line Regression improves precision Bivariate normal distribution (advanced) Variance explained Warning: there are two regression lines Exercises 19. Linear Models Case Study: Moneyball Sabermetics Baseball basics No awards for BB Base on Balls or Stolen Bases? Regression applied to baseball statistics Confounding Understanding confounding through stratification Multivariate regression Least Squared Estimates Interpreting linear models Least Squares Estimates (LSE) The lm function LSE are random variables Predicted values are random variables Exercises Linear regression in the tidyverse The broom package Exercises Case study: Moneyball (continued) Adding salary and position information Picking 9 players The regression fallacy Measurement error models Exercises 20. Association is not causation Spurious correlation Outliers Reversing cause and effect Confounders Example: UC Berkeley admissions Confounding explained graphically Average after stratifying Simpson’s paradox Exercises IV Data Wrangling 21. Introduction to Data Wrangling 22. Reshaping data gather spread separate unite Exercises 23. Joining tables Joins Left join Right join Inner join Full join Semi join Anti-join Binding Binding columns Binding by rows. Set operators Intersect Union setdiff setequal Exercises   24. Web Scraping HTML The rvest package CSS selectors JSON Exercises 25. String Processing The stringr package Case study 1: US murders data Case study 2: self reported heights How to escape when defining strings Regular expressions Strings are a regexp Special characters Character classes Anchors Quantifiers White space \s Quantifiers: *, ?, + Groups Search and replace with regex Search and replace using groups Testing and improving Trimming Changing lettercase Case study 2: self reported heights (continued) The extract function Putting it all together String splitting Case study 3: extracting tables from a PDF Recoding Exercises 26. Parsing Dates and Times The date data type The lubridate package Exercises 27. Text mining Case study: Trump tweets Text as data Sentiment analysis Exercises V Machine Learning 28. Introduction to Machine Learning Notation An example Exercises Evaluation Metrics Training and test sets Overall accuracy The confusion matrix Sensitivity and specificity Balanced accuracy and F1 score Prevalence matters in practice ROC and precision-recall curves The loss function Exercises Conditional probabilities and expectations Conditional probabilities Conditional expectations Conditional expectation minimizes squared loss function Exercises Case study: is it a 2 or a 7? 29. Smoothing Bin smoothing Kernels Local weighted regression (loess) Fitting parabolas Beware of default smoothing parameters Connecting smoothing to machine learning Exercises 30. Cross validation Motivation with k-nearest neighbors Over-training Over-smoothing Picking the k in kNN Mathematical description of cross validation K-fold cross validation Exercises Bootstrap Exercises 31. The caret package The caret train functon Cross validation Example: fitting with loess 32. Examples of algorithms Linear regression The predict function Exercises Logistic regression Generalized Linear Models Logistic regression with more than one predictor Exercises k-nearest neighbors Exercises Generative models Naive Bayes Controlling prevalence Quadratic Discriminant Analysis Linear discriminant analysis Connection to distance Case study: more than three classes Exercises Classification and Regression Trees (CART) The curse of dimensionality CART motivation Regression trees Classification (decision) trees Random Forests Exercises 33. Machine learning in practice Preprocessing k-Nearest Neighbor and Random Forest Variable importance Visual assessments Ensembles Exercises 34. Large datasets Matrix algebra Notation Converting a vector to a matrix Row and column summaries apply Filtering columns based on summaries Indexing with matrices Binarizing the data Vectorization for matrices Matrix algebra operations Exercises Distance Euclidean distance Distance in higher dimensions Euclidean distance example Predictor Space Distance between predictors Exercises Dimension reduction Preserving distance Linear transformations (advanced) Orthogonal transformations (advanced) Principal Component Analysis Iris Example MNIST Example Exercises Recommendation systems Movielens data Recommendation systems as a machine learning challenge Loss function A first model Modeling movie effects User effects Exercises Regularization Motivation 34.9.2 Penalized Least Squares Choosing the penalty terms Exercises Matrix factorization Factors analysis Connection to SVD and PCA Exercises 35. Clustering Hierarchical clustering k-means Heatmaps Filtering features Exercises VI Productivity tools 36. Introduction to productivity tools 37. Accessing the terminal and installing Git Accessing the terminal on a Mac Installing Git on the Mac Installing Git and Git Bash on Windows Accessing the terminal on Windows 38. Organizing with Unix Naming convention The terminal The filesystem Directories and subdirectories The home directory Working directory Paths Unix commands ls: Listing directory content mkdir and rmdir: make and remove a directory cd: Navigating the filesystem by changing directories Some examples More Unix commands mv: moving files cp: copying files rm: removing files less: looking at a file Preparing for a data science project Advanced Unix Arguments Getting help Pipes Wild cards Environment variables Shells Executables Permissions and file types Commands you should learn File manipulation in R 39. Git and GitHub Why use Git and GitHub? GitHub accounts GitHub repositories Overview of Git Clone Initializing a Git directory Using Git and GitHub in RStudio 40. Reproducible projects with RStudio and R markdown RStudio projects R markdown The header R code chunks Global options knitR More on R markdown Organizing a data science project Create directories in Unix Create an RStudio project Edit some R Scripts Create some more directories using Unix Add a README file Initilazing a Git directory Add, commit and push files using RStudio Global options knitR More on R markdown Organizing a data science project Create directories in Unix Create an RStudio project Edit some R Scripts Create some more directories using Unix Add a README file Initilazing a Git directory Add, commit and push files using RStudio

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