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Natural Language Processing Recipes: Unlocking Text Data with Machine Learning and Deep Learning Using Python

Natural Language Processing Recipes: Unlocking Text Data with Machine Learning and Deep Learning Using Python (Paperback, 2)



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책 이미지

Natural Language Processing Recipes: Unlocking Text Data with Machine Learning and Deep Learning Using Python

책 정보

· 제목 : Natural Language Processing Recipes: Unlocking Text Data with Machine Learning and Deep Learning Using Python (Paperback, 2) 
· 분류 : 외국도서 > 컴퓨터 > 인공지능(AI)
· ISBN : 9781484273500
· 쪽수 : 283쪽


Chapter 1: Extracting the Data

Chapter Goal: Understanding the potential data sources to build NLP applications for business benefits and ways to extract the text data with examples

No of pages: 23

Sub - Topics:  

1. Data extraction through API

2. Reading HTML page, HTML parsing

3. Reading pdf file in python

4. Reading word document

5. Regular expressions using python

6. Handling strings using python

7. Web scraping

Chapter 2: Exploring and Processing the Text Data

Chapter Goal: Data is never clean. This chapter will give in depth knowledge about how to clean and process the text data. It covers topics like cleaning, tokenizing and normalizing text data.

No of pages: 22

Sub - Topics

1 Text preprocessing methods 

2 Data cleaning ? punctuation removal, stopwords removal, spelling correction

3 Lexicon normalization ? stemming and lemmatization

4 Tokenization 

5 Dealing with emoticons and emojis

6 Exploratory data analysis

7 End to end text processing pipeline implementation

Chapter 3: Text to Features

Chapter Goal: One of the important task with text data is to transform text data into machines or algorithms understandable form, by using different feature engineering methods (basic to advanced).

No of pages: 40

Sub - Topics

1 One hot encoding

2 Count vectorizer

3 N grams

4 Co-occurrence matrix

5 Hashing vectorizer


7 Word Embedding  - Word2vec, fasttext

8 Glove embeddings 

9 ELMo

10 Universal Sentence Encoder

11 Understanding Transformers like BERT, GPT

12 Open AIs

Chapter 4: Implementing Advanced NLP

Chapter Goal: Understanding and building advanced NLP techniques to solve the business problems starting from text similarity to speech recognition and language translation.

No of pages: 25

Sub - Topics: 

1. Noun phrase extraction

2. Text similarity

3. Parts of speech tagging

4. Information extraction ? NER ? entity recognition 

5. Topic modeling

6. Machine learning for NLP ? 

a. Text classification

7. Sentiment analysis

8. Word sense disambiguation

9. Speech recognition and speech to text

10. Text to speech

11. Language detection and translation

Chapter 5: Deep Learning for NLP

Chapter Goal: Unlocking the power of deep learning on text data. Solving few real-time applications of deep learning in NLP.

No of pages: 55

Sub - Topics: 

1. Fundamentals of deep learning

2. Information retrieval using word embedding’s 

 3.  Text classification using deep learning approaches (CNN, RNN, LSTM, Bi-directional LSTM)

 4.  Natural language generation ? prediction next word/ sequence of words using LSTM.

 5.  Text summarization using LSTM encoder and decoder.

 6.   Sentence comparison using SentenceBERT 

 7.  Understanding GPT

 8. Comparison between BERT, RoBERTa, DistilBERT, XLNet

Chapter 6: Industrial Application with End to End Implementation 

Chapter Goal: Solving real time NLP applications with end to end implementation using python. Right from framing and understanding the business problem to deploying the model.

No of pages: 90

Sub - Topics: 

 1.  Consumer complaint classification

 2.  Customer reviews sentiment prediction

 3.  Data stitching using text similarity and record linkage

 4.  Text summarization for subject notes

 5.  Document clustering 

 6. Product360 - Sentiment, emotion & trend capturing system

 7. TED Talks segmentation & topics extraction using machine learning

 8. Fake news detection system using deep neural networks

 9. E-commerce search engine & recommendation systems using deep learning

10. Movie genre tagging using multi-label classification 

11. E-commerce product categorization using deep learning

12. Sarcasm detection model using CNN

13. Building chatbot using transfer learning

14. Summarization system using RNN and reinforcement learning

Chapter 7: Conclusion - Next Gen NLP & AI

Chapter Goal: So far, we learnt how NLP when coupled with machine learning and deep learning helps us solve some of the complex business problems across industries and domains. In this chapter let us uncover how some of the next generation algorithms that would potentially play important roles in the future NLP era.

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