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10시간 영문법

10시간 영문법

(중학 3년분 영어를 10시간에 끝내는)

E.Next 영어연구회 (지은이), 스노우캣(권윤주) (그림)


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책 이미지

10시간 영문법

책 정보

· 제목 : 10시간 영문법 (중학 3년분 영어를 10시간에 끝내는)
· 분류 : 국내도서 > 외국어 > 영문법
· ISBN : 9788960981034
· 쪽수 : 288쪽

책 소개

영화 시나리오 구성으로 영어 문법을 정리한 영문법 학습서. 중학 3년분 문법을 소개한다. 딱딱하고 건조한 기존의 문법을 배우는 형식을 과감히 배제하고 이해하기 쉬우면서도 일상생활 속에서 많이 사용하는 기본 문장 표현을 통해 기본 영문법을 학습하도록 구성하였다.


1st Hour. 문장의 5형식
1. 문장의 단위
What do you want to be in the future?
I want to be a soccer player because I'm good at soccer.
2. 문장의 구성 성분
Time flies.
I find this book interesting.
3. 1형식 문장
He walks fast.
The sun rises in the east.
4. 2형식 문장
He is a doctor.
She is happy.
5. 3형식 문장
I read the newspaper every morning.
I know what to do.
6. 4형식 문장
She teaches us English.
He gave me a watch.
7. 5형식 문장
He made me happy.
They call her Jane.
- 언제까지 어설픈 영어로 말할꺼야? 1

2nd Hour. 동사
8. be동사
We are Korean.
He is very tall.
9. be동사의 부정문과 의문문
I'm not a student.
Are you a teacher?
10. 일반동사
I like soccer.
He likes pop songs.
11. 일반동사의 부정문과 의문문
I don't like sports.
Do you like sports?
12. 일반동사의 규칙변화와 불규칙변화
She played the piano.
He came back home at six.
13. 조동사 may, can
May I take your order?
You can find many interesting things here.
14. 조동사 must, have to
You must go to the party.
Students have to keep the school rules.
- 언제까지 어설픈 영어로 말할꺼야? 2

3rd Hour. 시제
15. 현재시제
I get up at 7:00.
She drives a bus.
16. 과거시제
I was late yesterday.
He went to the movies last week.
17. 미래시제
I'm going to buy a new car.
She will visit him tonight.
18. 진행시제(현재진행, 과거진행)
He is driving to work.
He was watching TV when the phone rang.
19. 현재완료
Have you been to New York?
I have known him for 3 years.
20. 현재완료와 과거시제
I have just finished my work.
I finished my work yesterday.
- 언제까지 어설픈 영어로 말할꺼야? 3

4th Hour. 수동태
21. 수동태의 형태
The mouse is caught by the cat.
My computer is fixed by my brother.
22. 수동태의 시제
The treasure was buried by Vikings .
My project will be done in a few days.
23. 수동태의 의문문과 부정문
Was this building built in 1972?
No one was seen in the street after 12:00.
24. 주의해야할 수동태
English is taught to me by her.
She was elected chairperson of the committee.
25. by이외의 전치사를 쓰는 경우
I am satisfied with the result of my test.
The mountain is covered with snow.
- 언제까지 어설픈 영어로 말할꺼야? 4

5th Hour. 명사와 대명사
26. 셀 수 있는 명사
I bought a car.
My friend has three cats.
27. 셀 수 없는 명사
Life is short.
Mu mother likes coffee.
28. 셀 수 없는 명사의 수량표시
I want a cup of coffee.
Please, cut me a slice of bread.
29. 인칭대명사
She plays with toys.
He met her yesterday.
30. 지시대명사 this, that, 대명사 it
This is my car.
I lost that pen.
31. 부정대명사
One should keep one's promise.
I have two dogs. One is white and the other is dark-brown.
- 언제까지 어설픈 영어로 말할꺼야? 5

6th Hour. 형용사와 부사
32. 형용사의 용법
She is a pretty girl.
It sounds very nice.
33. 수량형용사
I have many friends.
I have few friends.
34. 부사의 용법
He listens carefully.
Fortunately, he survived the accident.
34. 빈도부사
We always get up at seven.
I have never met him before.
36. 비교급
He is taller than me.
She is more beautiful than I.
37. 최상급
She is the tallest girl of all.
The whale is the biggest of all animals.
- 언제까지 어설픈 영어로 말할꺼야? 6

7th Hour. 준동사
38. 부정사의 명사적 용법
To see is to believe.
I want to study English.
39. 부정사의 형용사적 용법
I'd like something to eat.
I have a few things to do.
40. 부정사의 부사적 용법
The book is difficult to read.
He shouted to warn everybody.
41. 원형부정사
I heard someone call my name.
He had his child clean the room.
42. 동명사
I enjoy dancing.
Would you mind opening the window?
43. 현재분사와 과거분사
Are you interested in English?
I have many interesting comic books.
- 언제까지 어설픈 영어로 말할꺼야? 7

8th Hour. 관계사
44. 관계대명사
This is the book which I talked about.
This is the girl who speaks 5 languages.
45. 관계대명사의 종류
He has the MP3 player which I want to buy.
She is the only person that can understand this letter.
46. 관계대명사의 용법
I have three dogs which are faithful.
I have three dogs, which are faithful.
47. 관계대명사 what
What she told us is all false.
They could not understand what she said.
48. 관계부사 where, when, why, how
This is the place where I met my wife.
Do you remember that day when he gave you this book?
- 언제까지 어설픈 영어로 말할꺼야? 8

9th Hour. 가정법
49. 가정법 현재
If it rains tomorrow, I'll cancel the meeting.
If I find your book, I'll tell you.
50. 가정법 과거
If I were rich, I would buy a yacht.
If I had the book, I could lend it to you.
51. 가정법 과거완료
If she had studied harder, she could have passed the test.
If I had arrived in time, I could have caught the first train.
52. I wish +가정법
I wish I had a new computer.
He talks as if he were my father.
53. 주의해야 할 가정법
A Korean would not say such a thing.
We could not live without water.
- 언제까지 어설픈 영어로 말할꺼야? 9

10th Hour. 전치사와 접속사
54. 시간을 나타내는 전치사
I get up at six o'clock.
I was born on May 6th.
55. 장소를 나타내는 전치사
She waits for the bus at the bus stop.
She lives in Seoul.
56. 그 밖의 전치사
He died of cancer.
He is away on business.
57. 등위 접속사
She is pretty and hardworking.
He doesn't drink or smoke.
58. 상관 접속사
Both you and I need a rest.
Tom is not stupid but intelligent.
59. 종속 접속사
I think that the car is expensive.
I doubt if she can finish the job.
60. 부사절 접속사
He rides a bike when he goes to school.
Although he studied hard, he failed the exam.
- 언제까지 어설픈 영어로 말할꺼야? 10

mp3 무료 다운로드 : 씨앤톡 홈페이지 www.seentalk.co.kr


E.Next 영어연구회 (지은이)    정보 더보기
김미희 선생님을 중심으로, 세계 영어교육의 흐름에 발맞추어 효과적이고 바람직한 영어 교수.학습 방법을 연구하는 영어교육 전문가들의 모임입니다. Writer: Diana Marie Alsip, 오유경, 정지연 / Contributors: 한승욱
권윤주 (지은이)    정보 더보기
본명은 권윤주다. 스노우캣은 작가 권윤주의 필명이자 캐릭터다. 1975년생, 홍익대학교 출신이다. 사생활 노출이 거의 없는 작가이기도 하다. 우리나라 웹툰의 효시라고 할 수 있는 일상툰/공감툰의 발명가이기도 하다. 쿨캣(Coolcat)이라는 이름으로 1998년 2월부터 자기 홈페이지를 무대로 활동했으며, 상표권 등록 문제로 2000년 스노우캣(Snowcat)으로 개명해 활동했다. 단행본으로 출간된 대표작으로는 『스노우캣의 혼자놀기』(2001), 『Snowcat Diary 1, 2』(2003), 『Snowcat in New York』(2007), 『스노우캣의 지우개』(2009), 『To Cats』(2011), 『옹동스1』(2015), 『스노우캣의 내가 운전을 한다』(2017) 등이 있다. 현재 카카오페이지에서 웹툰 <은동은동 은동구리>를 연재하고 있다.
이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로,
이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다.
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