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Critical Intercultural Communication Strategies in the Age of Glocalism

Critical Intercultural Communication Strategies in the Age of Glocalism

(글로컬리즘 시대의 비평적 문화간 의사소통 전략)

김영미 (지은이)


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책 이미지

Critical Intercultural Communication Strategies in the Age of Glocalism

책 정보

· 제목 : Critical Intercultural Communication Strategies in the Age of Glocalism (글로컬리즘 시대의 비평적 문화간 의사소통 전략)
· 분류 : 국내도서 > 대학교재/전문서적 > 사회과학계열 > 사회학
· ISBN : 9788957269374
· 쪽수 : 250쪽

책 소개

이제까지는 오리엔탈리즘적 사고에 의해 한국의 고유한 문화까지 서구 중심적 문화간 의사소통 이론에 꿰어 맞춰 해석하려는 경향이 있었다. 그러나 이 책에서는 한국 사회에서 일어나는 다양한 문화간 의사소통 상황을 비평적 관점에서 분석하면서 글로컬리즘 사회에 필요한 비평적 문화간 의사소통 능력을 개발하고자 하였다.


서문 _______ v
Preface _______ vii
Acknowledgments _______ x

Chapter 1 Critical Intercultural Communication_______ 1
1. Intercultural Communication Approaches _______ 7
2. Intercultural Communication as Situated Social Interactive Practice _______ 12
3. The Models for Intercultural Communicative Competence to Create a THIRD SPACE _______ 14

Chapter 2 Beyond Orientalism: Finding the True Value of Your Own Culture _______ 23
1. The Relationship among Language, Literacy, and Power _______ 30
2. Orientalism _______ 31
3. The Importance of Culture _______ 33
4. Manifest Cultural Imperialism in Politics _______ 36
5. The Importance of Resistance to Orientalism _______ 43
6. Beyond Said’s Theory of Orientalism _______ 44

Chapter 3 Reading the Word and the World with Keen Eyes _______ 47
1. Types of Meaning _______ 49
2. The Need for a Critical Perspective _______ 54

Chapter 4 Interdiscourse Communication and the Discursive Constructions of Images _______ 65
1. Communication Styles by Mainstream Interculturalists_______ 66
2. A Theory of Interdiscourse Communication with the Three Politeness System _______ 79

Chapter 5 Reclaiming Collectivism and Individualism _______ 87
1. Hofstede’s Four Dimensions of Culture _______ 88
2. Arguments against Hofstede’s Theory _______ 105

Chapter 6 Are Nonverbal Gestures Universal? _______ 111
1. The Influences of Western Gestures _______ 112
2. Critical Reading of Mainstream Interculturalists’ Theory of Body Language _______ 113
3. Korean Gestures _______ 132
Chapter 7 Does ‘I Love You’ Mean the Same in Every Language? _______ 137
1. Liberal or Conservative Sexuality in Different Cultures _______ 141
2. Virginity and Non-virginity Culture _______ 145
3. Gender Roles _______ 148
4. Handling Gender Differences _______ 154
5. Language and Gender _______ 157
6. Gender and Slang _______ 161

Chapter 8 Sex, Lies, and the 1% Media _______ 167
1. The Role of the Western Mass Media in Korean Assimilation into the Global Culture _______ 168
2. The Concept of ‘Beauty’ and ‘Gender Roles’ in Korea _______ 174
3. Sexism and Gender Stereotypes of Asians in the United States _______ 179

Chapter 9 How to Avoid Being a TV Ad Junkie? _______ 189
1. Creating Culture through Advertising _______ 191
2. Intercultural Concerns in Producing Advertisements in an International Context _______ 198

Chapter10 The Emergence of Color Blind and Institutional Racism _______ 209
1. Institutional and Structural Racism and Color Blind Racism _______ 211
2. Five Linguistic Strategies in Color Blind Racism _______ 214
3. Creating Stereotypes _______ 219
4. Analysis of the Movie, CRASH (2006), Directed by Paul Haggis _______ 222
5. To Be a Critical Language User _______ 232


김영미 (지은이)    정보 더보기
현 덕성여자대학교 영어영문전공 교수 창의 및 비판적 영어교육을 위한 다수의 저서와 논문을 저술하였으며, 새로운 패러다임을 위한 영어교육을 위해 비판적 시각을 초등 영어교육에 접목시키고자 노력하고 있다. 저서 및 역서 『동화로 가르치는 초등영어』 (1999) 『이야기 만들기로 가르치는 초등영어』 (역서,2002) 『글로컬리즘 시대의 비평적 문화간 의사소통 전략』(2012) 『e-영어 그림책 쓰기: 디지털 그림책 창작 입문서』 (2015)
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