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The Essential Guide to ALGEBRA 2

The Essential Guide to ALGEBRA 2


유하림 (지은이)


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The Essential Guide to ALGEBRA 2

책 정보

· 제목 : The Essential Guide to ALGEBRA 2 (개정판)
· 분류 : 국내도서 > 과학 > 수학 > 수학 일반
· ISBN : 9791191188042
· 쪽수 : 360쪽

책 소개

유하림 커리큘럼 Essential Math Series의 핵심 교재 중 한 권이다. Algebra 2를 배울 때 기본 개념과 그 응용 외에 무엇을 더 알아야만 학교 시험뿐 아니라 SAT 2 및 AMC 10/12 문제풀이까지 도달할 수 있을까 고민하면서 집필한 책이다.


Preface 2
저자 소개 3
이 책의 구성과 특징 4

Topic 1 Real Number System
1.1 Properties of Real Numbers............................................... 10
1.2 Real Number Line.............................................................. 12
1.3 Algebraic Expressions....................................................... 15
1.4 Solving Linear Equations and Word Problems................... 17
1.5 Solving Inequalities........................................................... 19
1.6 Compound Inequality........................................................ 20
1.7 Absolute Value................................................................... 21

Topic 2 Function and Linear Graph
2.1 Relation and Function........................................................ 32
2.2 Direct Variation.................................................................. 34
2.3 Linear Function and Slope-Intercept Form........................ 36
2.4 Perpendicular and Parallel Lines........................................ 39
2.5 Transformation of Linear Function.................................... 41
2.6 Absolute Value Function and Graph.................................. 43
2.7 Two-Variable Inequalities.................................................. 45

Topic 3 System of Equations and Inequalities
3.1 System of Linear Equations............................................... 58
3.2 Two Methods : Substitution and Elimination..................... 61
3.3 System of Linear Inequalities............................................ 64
3.4 Linear Programming.......................................................... 66
3.5 System of Equations in 3 Variables.................................... 70
3.6 Matrices............................................................................. 73
3.7 Multiplication of Matrix.................................................... 75

Topic 4 Quadratic Equations and Factoring
4.1 Quadratic Function............................................................ 86
4.3 Standard Form of a Quadratic Functions........................... 93
4.4 Completing the Square....................................................... 95
4.5 Quadratic Formula............................................................. 97
4.6 Complex Numbers............................................................. 99
4.7 Application of Quadratic Function and Equations............. 102
4.8 Quadratic Inequalities........................................................ 106

Topic 5 Polynomials and Polynomial Function
5.1 Classification of Polynomials............................................ 118
5.2 End-Behavior of Polynomial Function.............................. 120
5.3 The Shape of Cubic Graph................................................. 121
5.4 Table Values and Polynomial Degrees............................... 122
5.5 Finding x-intercepts........................................................... 123
5.6 Finding Zeros..................................................................... 124
5.7 Given Zeros....................................................................... 125

Topic 6 Application of Polynomials
6.1 Factorization...................................................................... 132
6.2 Long Division.................................................................... 134
6.3 Factor Theorem.................................................................. 136
6.4 Synthetic Division............................................................. 137
6.5 Rational Root Theorem...................................................... 139
6.6 Two guidelines for finding roots........................................ 141

Topic 7 Radical Expression and Radical Function
7.1 Introduction to Radicals..................................................... 148
7.2 Multiplying Radical Expressions....................................... 152
7.3 Rational Exponents............................................................ 157
7.4 Solving Radical Equations................................................. 159
7.5 Radical Function................................................................ 162

Topic 8 Rational Expression and Rational Function
8.1 Inverse Variation................................................................ 176
8.2 Graphs of Rational Functions............................................ 179
8.3 Reciprocal Function........................................................... 181
8.4 Hole or Vertical Asymptote................................................ 183
8.5 Rational Inequality............................................................. 184
8.6 Word Problems.................................................................. 185
8.7 Solving Rational Equations................................................ 186

Topic 9 Exponential and Logarithmic Expressions and Functions
9.1 Exponential Function......................................................... 198
9.2 Exponential Equation......................................................... 200
9.3 Logarithmic Function........................................................ 204
9.4 Logarithmic Equation........................................................ 205
9.5 Using Logarithm to Solve Equations................................. 209

Topic 10 Sequence and Series
10.1 Sequence............................................................................ 222
10.2 Arithmetic Sequence and Series........................................ 223
10.3 Geometric Sequence and Series......................................... 225
10.4 Arithmetic Mean and Geometric Mean.............................. 228
10.5 Difference Sequence.......................................................... 229
10.6 The Σ Notation................................................................... 231

Topic 11 Counting : Permutation and Combination
11.1 From a to b......................................................................... 242
11.2 Multiplication Principle..................................................... 243
11.3 Permutation : Counting Successive Events........................ 248
11.4 Principle of Addition.......................................................... 252
11.5 Combination : Another Tool for Overcounts...................... 255
11.6 Permutation vs. Combination............................................. 258
11.7 Binomial Theorem............................................................. 260

Topic 12 Probability
12.1 Probability......................................................................... 270
12.2 Probability and Tree Diagrams.......................................... 281

Topic 13 Probability Distribution Functions
13.1 Discrete Random Variable................................................. 294
13.2 Binomial Distribution........................................................ 296
13.3 Normal Distribution........................................................... 300

Solution Manual 309


유하림 (지은이)    정보 더보기
미국 Northwestern University, B.A. in Mathematics and Economics (노스웨스턴 대학교 수학과/경제학과 졸업) 마스터프렙 수학영역 대표강사 압구정 현장강의 ReachPrep 원장 고등학교 시절 문과였다가, 미국 노스웨스턴 대학교 학부 시절 재학 중 수학에 매 료되어, Calculus 및 Multivariable Calculus 조교 활동 및 수학 강의 활동을 해온 문/이과를 아우르는 독특한 이력을 가진 강사이다. 현재 압구정 미국수학/과학전문 학원으로 ReachPrep(리치프렙)을 운영 중이며, 미국 명문 보딩스쿨 학생들과 국내 외국인학교 및 국제학교 학생들을 꾸준히 지도하면서 명성을 쌓아가고 있다. 2010년 자기주도학습서인 “몰입공부”를 집필한 이후, 미국 중고교수학에 관심을 본 격적으로 가지게 되었고, 현재 유하림커리큘럼 Essential Math Series를 집필하여, 압구정 현장강의 미국수학프리패스를 통해, 압도적으로 많은 학생들의 피드백을 통 해, 발전적으로 교재 집필에 힘쓰고 있다. 유학분야 인터넷 강의 1위 사이트인 마스터프렙 수학영역 대표강사 중 한 명으로 미 국 수학 커리큘럼의 기초수학부터 경시수학까지 모두 영어와 한국어로 강의하면서, 실전 경험을 쌓아 그 전문성을 확고히 하고 있다. [저 서] 몰입공부 The Essential Workbook for SAT Math Level 2 The Essential Math Series 시리즈
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