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The Seek

The Seek

김승현 (지은이)


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책 이미지

The Seek

책 정보

· 제목 : The Seek 
· 분류 : 국내도서 > 소설/시/희곡 > 판타지/환상문학 > 외국판타지/환상소설
· ISBN : 9788973233533
· 쪽수 : 386쪽

책 소개

Shine Kim의 판타지 소설. 책의 내용이 전부 영어로 되어 있는 판타지 영문 소설이다. 세 종족으로 분리된 마법사들의 분쟁을 소재로 하고 있다. 세 종족은 모두 각자의 특별한 능력과 재능을 갖고 있다. 그들 중에서 가장 약하고 수시로 다른 두 종족에게 지배당하는 종족이 Seek족이다. 소설은 가장 힘없는 종족 Seek를 이끌었던 리더 부부의 아들, 알렉산더의 이야기다.


The Origins

1 Wizards and Sorcerers
Chapter 01 Testimony
Chapter 02 Deception
Chapter 03 The winning choice
Chapter 04 Seek hunters: Part 1
Chapter 05 The golden room
Chapter 06 Scheming
Chapter 07 Match of the souls
Chapter 08 The Statadium
Chapter 09 To the Sorcerers’ den
Chapter 10 Protesters
Chapter 11 Presidential Mayhem
Chapter 12 The Seek
Chapter 13 On the run again
Chapter 14 Transportation

2 Siege
Chapter 15 In the tunnel
Chapter 16 Stranded
Chapter 17 The Wizarding essence
Chapter 18 Conversations
Chapter 19 Tracking the Wizards
Chapter 20 Seeking
Chapter 21 The passageway

3 Reunion
Chapter 22 The city of Davalon
Chapter 23 The Surveillance Tower
Chapter 24 Inside the fluid
Chapter 25 Seek hunters: Part 2
Chapter 26 Getting in
Chapter 27 Reunion
Chapter 28 Demetri Viosant
Chapter 29 Confrontation
Chapter 30 Demise
Chapter 31 Revelation


김승현 (지은이)    정보 더보기
필명 Shine Kim. 1997년생이다. 그는 홍콩과 인연이 깊다. 만 두 살 때 가족과 함께 홍콩으로 떠나 그 곳에서 5년을 보냈다. 자연스럽게 영어와 한글을 동시에 깨우칠 수밖에 없었다. 한국에서 초등학생 시절을 보낸 후 2009년 다시 홍콩으로 떠나 그 곳 명문 중학교인 Hong Kong International School에 입학했고 2012년 6월 졸업을 앞두고 있다. 외로움을 달래기 위해서, 한편으로는 한국보다 시간이 남는 생활환경을 활용하기 위해서 필자는 소설쓰기를 취미로 삼았고 여러 단편들이 학교 친구들로부터 좋은 반응을 얻어내곤 했었다. 이 작품 “The Seek”는 필자가 매년 개최되는 미국의 인터넷 국제 소설쓰기 대회인 Nanowrimo에 2010년 출품한 소설이다. Nanowrimo대회는 전 세계인을 대상으로 하고 있으며 한 달 이내에 5만자 이상의 소설을 써야 하는 아마추어 글쓰기 대회이다. 필자는 2010년 11월 “The Seek”로 인증서(Certificate of Completion)를 받아내는데 성공했다. 2012년 현재 홍콩에서 미리 발매된 “The Seek”로 학교에서 유명인사로 통하고 있으며 2012년 7월 한국으로 귀국할 예정이다. “The Seek”는 2012년 현재 Amazon.com에서 eBook으로도 팔리고 있다. URL: http://www.amazon.com/The-Seek-Unifier-ebook/dp/B0084MXF5I Seung Hyun Kim (Pen name Shine Kim) was born in Korea in 1997. He has a deep tie with Hong Kong. He left for Hong Kong when he was 2 years old and spent 5 years in the city. Naturally he had to learn both English and Korean at the same time. After spending his primary school years in Korea, he returned to Hong Kong in 2009. There, he attended the reknown middle school Hong Kong International School and is looking forward to graduation in June. To sate his loneliness and using the advantage of free time in Hong Kong compared to Korea, he adopted novel writing as his hobby, and his numerous short stories received positive reviews. This novel, “The Seek”, was his entry for the English Internet International novel writing competition for amateur writers in 2010. Nanowrimo targets people from all over the world and challenge them to write 50,000 words in less than a month. On November 2010, Shine received the Certificate of Completion for “The Seek”. Shine is currently well known in his school for early sales in Hong Kong, and is planning on returning to Korea in July 2012. “The Seek” is currently also on sale on Amazon.com as an eBook. URL: http://www.amazon.com/The-Seek-Unifier-ebook/dp/B0084MXF5I


“What was that?” Seaon asked, and I could feel the tension in her speech.
“I dunno.” I said, and glanced at the driver. He seemed not to be seeing anything.
“It was nothing.” I reassured Seaon. I didn’t exactly sound convincing.
“It was something.” Seaon said, pushing me back and peering out of the right window.
“What are you guys talking about?” The driver asked us, his annoyance very pronounced in his voice. “What thing? There’s nothing out there except for those damnable cars, in case you haven’t noticed.”
We both ignored him and rolled down the window. I stuck my head out. There was nothing indeed, nothing but accelerating vehicles. I turned my head to the other side, and there was nothing there either.
“Nothing.” I told Seaon, and for a moment, she seemed relieved. “Really. I looked everywhere, but...” My last sentence was drowned by Seaon’s screaming. I turned back, and a skeletal figure, at least seven feet long, was gliding with us, its mangled hand grabbing my shoulder. I screamed, too, as I saw its face and surface; there were no eyes in the sockets, and the skin was rotting, empty in some parts.
“The window!” Seaon screamed. “Roll up the window!” I lunged for the side of the taxi, to press the button that would close the window, but the creature seemed to understand English. It pushed itself into the back seat, and inclined its head toward me. Its glistening teeth were visible as it opened its mouth to consume me, there and then.
The window was half shut, and the creature had almost pushed its whole body in when the blade of the glass of the window cut through its midsection. It let out a sound, a wail that threatened to make my ears explode. The window closed over its stomach, severing it in two equal pieces. The top half of the thing fell into the taxi; the bottom half fell back outside, and I could hear it hit another car.
“What was that show all about?” Seaon yelled, and I pulled out the Machete-Statadium. In one, fluent motion I had cut the creature’s head open, spilling hundreds of worms and beetles in. The creature slumped down, let go of my shoulder and dissolved into thin air.

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