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도서목록 제공

K-HRM for Leaders

K-HRM for Leaders

(Korean Human Resource Management for Leaders)

유규창, 박우성 (지은이)


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책 이미지

K-HRM for Leaders

책 정보

· 제목 : K-HRM for Leaders (Korean Human Resource Management for Leaders)
· 분류 : 국내도서 > 대학교재/전문서적 > 경상계열 > 경영학
· ISBN : 9791192272054
· 쪽수 : 381쪽

책 소개

The demand for learning about Korea's greatest strength, human resource management, is increasing. This book was promoted to meet this global demand.


Chapter 1 People and Competitiveness

1. Business, Management, and Human Resource Management
2. Historical Development of Human Resource Management
3. Human Resource Management and Competitiveness
4. HR Manager vs. Line Manager
5. Basic Model of HR Management
6. Scope of HR Management
7. Structure of This Textbook

Chapter 2 Labor Law and Human Resources

1. Understanding of Labor Law
2. HR Decisions and Labor Law
3. Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
4. Workplace Harassment
5. Environmental Changes and Labor Law
6. HR Department’s Roles

Chapter 3 Strategic Human Resource Management

1. Characteristics of Strategic Human Resource Management
2. Overview of Strategic Human Resource Management
3. Utilization of Strategic Human Resource Management
4. Strategic Human Resource Planning

Chapter 4 Person and Job

1. Extension of the Basic Model of Human Resource Management
2. Person
3. Job

Chapter 5 Staffing

1. Importance of Staffing
2. Human Resource Planning
3. Recruitment
4. Selection
5. Staffing and Role of Managers

Chapter 6 Performance Evaluation and Performance Management

1. Strategic Approach to Performance Evaluation and Performance Management
2. Performance Evaluation
3. Performance Management
4. Manager’s Role

Chapter 7 Human Resources Developmentand Training

1. The Meaning and Importance of Human Resources Development
2. Competency Development Process
3. Education and Training
4. Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Program

Chapter 8 Compensation Management andPay Structure

1. Total Compensation
2. Importance of Compensation
3. Framework for Compensation Management
4. Management of Pay Structure

Chapter 9 Pay for Performance

1. Environmental Change and Pay for Performance
2. Pay for Performance and Motivation
3. Types and Characteristics of Pay for Performance
4. Strategic Use of Pay for Performance

Chapter 10 Designing and Administering Benefits

1. Role of Employee Benefits
2. Change of Environment and Employee Benefits
3. Types of Employee Benefits
4. Flexible Employee Benefits
5. Strategic Management of Employee Benefits

Chapter 11 Turnover

1. Types of Turnover
2. Voluntary Turnover
3. Involuntary Turnover
4. Discipline

Chapter 12 Globalization and Human Resource Management

1. Stages of Globalization and Management
2. Characteristics of International Human Resource Management
3. Types of International Human Resource Management
4. Culture and International Human Resources Management
5. Management of Expatriates
6. Challenges for Korean Companies

References and Sources



박우성 (지은이)    정보 더보기
서울대학교 경제학과 및 대학원 경영학과를 졸업한 뒤 프랑스 HEC 대학에서 인사관리 전공으로 박사학위를 취득했다. 귀국 후 한국노동연구원을 거쳐서 경희대학교 경영대학에서 인적자원관리를 가치르고 있다. 사람이 경쟁력이라고 믿으며 30년 동안 사람과 조직관리에 관한 이론과 실천을 연구하고 있다. 보상관리에 관한 많은 논문과 저서의 저자이다. 고령화시대의 HR, 기술 혁명과 HR의 미래에 대해서도 많은 관심을 가지고 연구 중이다. 「4차산업혁명, 일과 경영을 바꾸다」(공저)를 발간한 바 있으며 인공지능 시대의 인적자원관리에 관한 다수의 논문을 게재하였다. 인적자원관리의 혁신을 위해 SK, 삼성, LG, 롯데 등 주요 기업들에게 HR 자문을 제공하는 한편 리더들의 역량 및 리더십을 진단하고 개발하는 노력을 적극적으로 기울이고 있다. 기업의 사회적 책임과 윤리경영에도 많은 관심이 있으며 한국윤리경영학회 회장을 역임한 바 있다. Dr. Woo-Sung Park is Professor of Management at the School of Management at the Kyung Hee University. He received his PhD in human resource management from the HEC(Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales) in France. Prior to joining the Kyung Hee University, he served on the research faculties of Korea Labor Institute, a leading national institute of research in labor policy. Believing that people are source of fundamental competitiveness, he has been actively doing researches on the theories and practices of people management for 30 years, and published many papers and books. He is now focusing himself on HR strategy in the aging era and the technological revolution. He has published 「4th Industrial Revolution: Changing Work and Management」 (co-author) and has published a number of papers on human resource management in the age of artificial intelligence. He provides HR advice to major Korean groups such as SK, Samsung, LG, and Lotte, while making efforts to develop the leadership of their talent. He is also very interested in corporate social responsibility and ethical management. He has served as the president of the Korea Ethical Management Association.
유규창 (지은이)    정보 더보기
한양대학교 경영대학 교수_ 포스코 편 위스콘신-메디슨대학교에서 인적자원관리로 박사학위를 받은 후 대학에서 인적자원관리와 리더십 분야에서 연구와 강의에 집중하는 동시에 삼성, SK, LG, 현대자동차, CJ, 포스코 등 한국을 선도하는 기업에 자문역할을 수행하고 있다. 또한 고용노동부, 기획재정부, 인사혁신처, 산업자원부 등의 정부기관에서도 자문역할을 하고 있다.
이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로,
이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다.
도서 DB 제공 : 알라딘 서점(www.aladin.co.kr)
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