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세계경제 지하경제

세계경제 지하경제

(실용자본주의 or 경제통합자본주의 등장, 세계경제암흑전쟁 경고)

김정선 (지은이)


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세계경제 지하경제

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· 제목 : 세계경제 지하경제 (실용자본주의 or 경제통합자본주의 등장, 세계경제암흑전쟁 경고)
· 분류 : 국내도서 > 경제경영 > 경제학/경제일반 > 경제사/경제전망 > 세계 경제사/경제전망
· ISBN : 9788997215966
· 쪽수 : 752쪽

책 소개

유엔세계재활기구(UNWRO)는 28년 동안 세계경제가 불예측성 거시경제의 다원주의로부터 세계금융시스템의 구조적 한계로 인해, 21세기 새로운 세계경제이론의 틀인 실용자본주의(또는 경제통합자본주의)로 전환되어 갈 수 밖에 없다고 주창해 왔다.


Chapter 1
01. United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization(UNWRO) / 71
- Business Summary / 72
1.1 Project purpose / 72
1.2 Estimated project costs / 73
1.3 Project financing, procurement plans / 74
1.4 Business content / 74
- The sectoral business plans / 75
2.1 World Market Economy Logistics Center Project / 75
2.1.1 Business Overview / 75
2.1.2 Architectural Overview / 82
2.1.3 Promotion Schedule / 86
2.2 World History Special Tourism Zone Project / 86
2.1.2(1) Business purposes/ 86
2.1.2(2) Estimated project costs / 94
2.1.2(3) The business details / 94
2.1.2(3-1) Exodus and the ancient civilizations of the ancient the Korean people / 94
2.1.2(3-2) CheonBuJangSeong bird's eye view / 96
2.1.2(3-3) Museums and historical relics architecture / 97
2.1.2(3-4) CheonBuJangSeong(天符長城) and major construction sites / 98
2.1.2(3-5) Humanity, the peninsula of old ancient historical relics management,
and build Future universe signage / 98
2.3. The project budget / 101
2.3.1 Budget / 101
2.3.2 Sector Budget and implementation schedule / 102
- The Asian Development cooperation / 105
3.1 Business Overview / 105
3.2 Overview of the business development in Cambodia / 106
3.2.1 Overview / 107
3.2.2 Project / 107
3.2.3 Estimated project costs / 107
3.2.4 Project financing plan / 107
3.2.5 Business content / 108
3.3 The promotion background / 108
3.3.1 Cambodia General Information / 108
3.3.2 Project Status / 109
3.4 Business Plan / 110
3.4.1 Business content / 110
3.4.2 Budget / 113
3.5 Detailed business information / 115
3.5.1 Implementation planning / 115
3.5.2 UNCAEU_United Nations Cambodia Agricultural Economics University / 116
3.5.3 UNHC_United Nations Hospital in Cambodia / 118
3.5.4 Infrastructure composition / 121
3.5.5 Moringa Biotech SEZ construction / 126
3.5.6 Agricultural Economics University and biotech SEZs,providing practical equipment / 127
3.5.7 Korea companies involved, Cambodia heavy equipment sector support requests / 127
Table of Contents
3.6 The expected effects / 130
- United Nations World Rehabilitation Bank(WRB) founded & operated the Global Financial Forum / 131
4. 1 Global Financial Forum the founded & operated title/ 132
4.1.1 Global Financial Forum in Switzerland(ungffs) Overview / 132
4.1.2 Global Financial Forum in Switzerland(ungffs) purposes/ 132
4.1.3 Management Plan / 132
4.2 Global Financial Forum in Switzerland(ungffs) budget / 133
4.2.1 General Budget / 133
4.4.2 Global Financial Forum in Switzerland (ungffs) Secretariat operating budget / 133
4.3 Global Financial Forum in Switzerland(ungffs) World Rehabilitation Bank (WRB)
was established, 9 focused areas /77 sessions/307 project title / 134
4.3.1 Global Financial Forum in Switzerland(ungffs) World Rehabilitation Bank(WRB)
was established, 9 focused areas subject / 134
4.3.2 Global Financial Forum in Switzerland(ungffs) World Rehabilitation Bank(WRB)
was established, 9 focused areas 77 sessions subject / 136
4.3.3 Global Financial Forum in Switzerland(ungffs) World Rehabilitation Bank(WRB) was
established, 9 focused areas 77 sessions 307 project title(Month /Day/Year) / 146
02. United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization(UNWRO) / 211
- Business Summary / 212
1.1 Project purpose / 212
1.2 Estimated project costs / 212
1.3 Business / 213
- Business Details / 214
2.1 The UN World Rehabilitation Organization landmark building / 214
2.2 Architectural Overview / 215
- Project Budget / 223
3.1 Budget / 223
3.2 Promotion Schedule / 224
03. Business plan(draft) / 225
- Overview / 227
1.1 Business purpose / 227
1.2 Estimated project costs / 233
1.3 Business / 233
1.3.1 Exodus and the ancient civilizations of the ancient the Korean people / 233
- The business details/ 235
2.1 CheonBuJangSeong(天符長城) bird's eye view / 235
2.2 Museums and historical relics architecture / 236
2.3 CheonBuJangSeong(天符長城) and major construction sites / 237
2.4 Humanity, the peninsula of old ancient historical relics management,
and build Future universe signage / 237
- The project budget / 241
3.1 Budget / 241
3.2 Sector Budget and implementation schedule / 241
04. Cambodia cooperation projects plan / 244
- Overview / 245
1.1 Project / 245
1.2 Estimated project costs / 245
1.3 Project financing plan / 246
1.4 Business content / 246
- The promotion background / 247
2.1 Cambodia General Information / 247
2.2 Project Status / 247
- Business Plan / 248
3.1 Business content / 248
3.2 Business content / 251
3.3 Budget / 252
- Detailed business information / 253
4.1 Implementation planning / 253
4.2 UNCAEU_United Nations Cambodia Agricultural
Economics University / 253
4.3 UNHC_United Nations Hospital in Cambodia / 256
4.4 Infrastructure composition / 259
4.5 Moringa Biotech SEZ construction / 264
4.6 Agricultural Economics University and biotech SEZs,
providing practical equipment / 265
4.7 Korea companies involved, Cambodia heavy equipment sector
support requests / 265
- The expected effects / 268
05. Global Financial Forum in Switzerland(ungffs) held plan / 269
- Global Financial Forum in Switzerland(ungffs) Overview / 270
1.1 Global Financial Forum in Switzerland(ungffs) purposes / 270
1.2 Management Plan / 270
- Global Financial Forum in Switzerland(ungffs) budget/ 271
2.1 General Budget. 5,976 million USD / 271
2.1.1 Global Financial Forum in Switzerland(ungffs) Secretariat operating budget.
1,050 million USD / 271
- Global Financial Forum in Switzerland(ungffs) World Rehabilitation Bank(WRB)
was established, 9 focused areas/77 sessions/307 project title / 272
3.1 Global Financial Forum in Switzerland(ungffs) World Rehabilitation Bank(WRB)
was established, 9 focused areas subject / 272
3.2 Global Financial Forum in Switzerland(ungffs) World Rehabilitation Bank(WRB)
was established, 9 focused areas 77 sessions subjec t/ 275

3.3 Global Financial Forum in Switzerland(ungffs) World Rehabilitation Bank(WRB) was
established, 9 focused areas 77 sessions 307 project title(Month/Day/Year)/ 284
유엔세계재활기구 세계금융스위스포럼(ungffs) 실행계획(안) / 346

Chapter 2
01. 유엔세계재활기구(UNWRO)세계재활은행(WRB) 설립준비계획 / 433
- 사업개요 / 434
1.1 사업명 / 434
1.2 사업예상비용 / 434
1.3 사업자금 조달방안 / 435
1.4 사업내용 / 435
- 분야별 사업 계획 / 436
2.1 세계시장경제물류센터 사업 / 436
2.1.1 사업개요 / 451
2.1.2 사업내용 / 447
2.1.3 추진일정 / 450
2.2 세계역사관광특구 사업 / 451
2.2.1 사업개요 / 451
2.2.2 사업내용 / 456
2.3 아시아개발협력사업 / 457
2.3.1 사업개요 / 457
2.3.2 캄보디아 개발사업개요 / 458
2.3.3 캄보디아 사업 세부내용 / 462
2.3.4 한국기업참여, 캄보디아 중장비지원요청 분야 / 463
2.4 유엔세계재활은행(WRB) 설립 및 세계금융포럼운영 / 465
2.4.1 사업개요 및 소요예산 / 465
2.4.2 사업내용 / 465
2.4.3 세계금융스위스포럼 / 466
02. 유엔세계재활기구(UNWRO)용산, 세계시장가상물류센터 랜드마크빌딩 건립 / 533
- 사업개요 / 534
1.1 사업명 / 534
1.2 사업예상비용/ 534
1.3 사업내용 / 535
- 사업 세부내용 / 536
2.1 유엔세계재활기구 랜드마크 빌딩 / 536
2.2 건축 개요 / 536
2.3 입주기관 및 배치내역/ 538
- 사업예산 / 544
3.1 소요예산 / 544
3.2 추진일정 / 545
03.유엔세계재활기구 세계유산보존위원회 세계역사관광특구_天符長城상상도 사업계획서(초안) / 546
- 사업개요 / 548
1.1 사업목적 / 548
1.2 사업예상비용 / 552
1.3 사업내용 / 552
1.3.1 고대 한민족의 출반도와 고대문명 / 552
- 사업세부내용 / 554
2.1 천부장성(天符長城) 조감도 / 554
2.2 박물관 및 역사유물 건축 / 555
2.3 천부장성 및 주요 유적 건축 / 556
2.4 인류한반도상고역사 유물관리 및 미래우주신호체계 구축 / 556
- 사업예산 / 560
3.1 소용예산 / 560
3.2 분야별 소요예산 및 추진일정 / 560
04. 캄보디아협력사업계획서 / 563
- 사업개요 / 564
1.1 사업명 / 564
1.2 예상사업비용 / 564
1.3 사업자금 조달방안 / 564
1.4 사업내용 / 564
- 추진 배경 / 565
2.1 캄보디아 일반 현황 / 565
2.2 사업추진 현황 / 565
- 사업계획 / 566
3.1 사업계획 / 566
3.2 사업내용 / 568
3.3 소요예산 / 569
- 세부 사업내용 / 570
4.1 실시계획수립 / 570
4.2 유엔농업경제대학 / 570
4.3 유엔캄보디아병원 / 573
4.4 인프라 조성 / 576
4.5 모링가 생명공학경제특구 건설 / 580
4.6 농업경제 대학 및 생명공학경제특구 실습장비 제공 / 581
4.7 한국기업참여, 캄보디아 중장비지원요청 분야 / 581
- 기대효과 / 583
05. 유엔세계재활기구(UNWRO)세계금융스위스포럼(ungffs) 개최계획 / 585
- 세계금융스위스포럼(ungfgfs) 개요 / 586
1.1 세계금융스위스포럼(ungffs) 목적 / 586
1.2 운영방안 / 586
- 세계금융스위스포럼(ungffs) 소요예산 / 587
2.1 총괄 소요예산 / 587
2.2 세계금융스위스포럼(ungffs) 사무국 운영예산 / 587
- 세계금융스위스포럼(ungffs) 세계재활은행(WRB)설립, 9개 분야
77세션/307개 프로젝트 중점과제 / 588
3.1 세계금융스위스포럼(ungffs) 세계재활은행(WRB)설립,
9개 분야 중점과제 / 588
3.2 세계금융스위스포럼(ungffs) 세계재활은행(WRB)설립, 9개 분야
제77세션 중점과제 / 590
3.3 세계금융스위스포럼(ungffs) 세계재활은행(WRB)설립, 9개 분야 제77세션
307개 프로젝트 중점과제 / 600
부록 / 633
저자약력 / 753


김정선 (지은이)    정보 더보기
△1958년 서울 출신 △한양대학원 국제정치학 전공 △세계인명사전 Princeton Who's Who 2009/2010 등재 △미국 상무부 Joominfo 대사전 등재 △약학에 대한 유럽 연합의 공식 저널(European journal of pharmaceutical sciences : official journal of the European Federation for Pharmaceutical Sciences 2010;40(1):9-15.) 등재. △2011.5.22. 세계재활기구(WRO). 유엔 국제인권위원회 (IHRC_International Human Rights Commission.) 등재. △2011.9.15. 유엔 산하 세계재활기구(WRO) 창설, 세계 각국에서 可否票決 진행 중_Google_World Rehabilitation Organization_September 26, 2011. 66th UN General Assembly [the UN World Rehabilitation Organization] speech. http://theroyalbaloirepresentative.wordpress.com/2011/09/15/september-26-2011-66th-un-general-assembly-the-un-world-rehabilitation-organization-speech/ △World Rehabilitation Organization(WRO)_Google, youtube.com, genogenogeno.com, jobing.com, vimeo.com, oandp.com, worldzootoday.com의 웹사이트에서 세계 각국의 “세계평화인권선언”과 "세계장애인정책 "(WDP)의 방향과 관련하여, 36,800개 단체의 “유튜브”가 실황 중계되고 있습니 다.(http://www.wro5.com)_World Rehabilitation Organization_Google, youtube.com, genogenogeno.com, jobing.com, vimeo.com, oandp.com, worldzootoday.com http://www.google.co.kr/search?q=world+rehabilitation+organization&hl=ko&lr=&newwindow=1&prmd=ivnsul &source=univ&tbs=vid:1&tbo=u&ei=ey4LTZKBEsi8rAfh_9TxCw&sa=X&oi=video_result_group&ct=title&resnum=20&ved=0CE8QqwQwEw △2012.4.8. 세계 지구와 인권연구소(WIFEHE_ WORLD INSTITUTE FOR EARTH & HUMAN RIGHTS) a key member of the Institute 등재. △The Royal House of Baloi_PM Letter (SUBJECT: Noble Title and Award). 유엔 세계재활기구 (UN WRO) 노벨상 후보추천. △Nobelprize.org. 7-14 October 2013 NOBEL PRIZE ANNOUNCEMENTS,(SUBJECT : 힉스입자는 존재한다.) 노벨물리학상 후보추천. △<세계재활기구_World Rehabilitation Organization>에 대한 기원과 역사 및 정의에 대해 구글사이트에 등재 △2011년8월. 구글검색 논문공개_재스민 혁명이 몰고 온 중국해체(박사청구논문)_ (Mr. Jung-Sun Kim)_100회 기고. △(재)제대군인지원정책연구원 원장/국방위원장/부이사장 △국방경제전략연구소 소장/군사전략가 △사회복지법인 세계재활기구 이사장 역임 △유엔 세계재활기구(U.N. WRO) 상임의장 △(주)씨가드그룹 회장 △주요관심분야는 국방경제, 통일경제, 복지경제, 인프라경제 등이다. 저서로는 정치전략심리론(1993), 한반도 정세 지금 몇시인가(1995), 마지막 냉전의 섬 한반도(1996), 한반도 대혁명(1996), DMZ 155마 일(1998), 세계안보패권전략(1998), 세계경제버블론(1998), 국방경제학 Ⅰ/Ⅱ권(2002) 등이 있고, 논문 으로는 “정치권력과 지하경제에 관한 연구”(1993), “탈냉전시대의 한국안보에 관한 연구”(1996), “중국과 대만의 통일정책 비교연구”(2009) 등이 있다.(wro5@wro5.com).


Writes an article(머리말 - 영문)

World Financial underground economy <subtitle: [Practical Capitalism or Capitalist Economic Integration] appeared, the world economy darkness war warning> the now published.

The United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization (UNWRO) from the pluralism of the world economy 28 years not predictable macroeconomic, structural limitations due to the global financial system, the root of the 21st century, a new "World Economic Theory", Practical Capitalism (or Capitalist Economic Integration) is switched to no forced to go, has been advocated.

In this regard, it has presented a number of "World Economic Policy." Came to lead the global economy, due to the limitations of the "Macro-Economic Policy and International Financial System", whereby a temporary phenomenon radicalization of the Bubble Economy, the US dollar has been declining, the world economic structure is brought to regroup.

As a piecemeal example, the First, Peninsula Revolution. Second, the rapid collapse of the Bubble Economy in China, the Chinese cleavage. Third, declare communism disguised as a new economy in Europe. Fourth, Third in World War inrush, such as transformation processes of the past human history, that can be seen in the form of a reproduction, it will be witnessed in modern history.

For the future of mankind, to cope with all kinds of "World Disaster", to be recognized as the United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization, the UN organization, the years of '28 this has passed since.

In this regard, the United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization (UNWRO) is Dear HRH DR. BISHOP CHRIS KEMBER and from his organization, June 18, 2014. It was subject to ratification on access to the World Funds, September 17, 2014 this basis. 1666 Geneva Convention, the United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization (UNWRO) is an UPDATED case is very encouraging, was impressed.

For the future of humanity, a symbol of world peace and human rights, in the process of establishing the United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization, Dear HRH Dr. Datu Camad M. Ali (The Grand Master and Prime Minister of The Royal House of Baloi) and including several Ambassador (HE Myr Agung Sidayu SPMUDA Goodwill Ambassador and Special Adviser to SPMUDA President for Southeast Asian Nations ICDL, Indonesia.) Who are to lead with great wisdom and dedication expressed, truly it is based on the <World Disabled Universal Declaration of Human Rights>, the United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization June 16, 2015. Finally it has been confirmed by the United Nations organization, as an official UN organization, has led to worldwide announce.

All this pleasure, for the underprivileged in place of the low of humanity! World peace and for the Human Rights! I'm putting down.

Also take time to lead the future of humanity, the United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization owns <Satellite and the composite wireless communication system in 5GHz / ±130dBm the composite modulation frequency band satellite (the composite wireless) Mobile Phone> technology and dedication to the United Nations and the United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization as promised, the underprivileged of the world "terminally ill, incurable disease" related to human genome program development and support global health, "global disaster emergency budget allocations", Earth Disaster, "underdeveloped countries, build social overhead infrastructure", such as <World Welfare Policy> with respect to the transition to "Human Contribution", will be used.

<Satellites and the composite wireless communication systems, 5GHz / ±130dBm the composite modulation frequency band satellite (the composite wireless) Mobile Phone> in technology apply are as follows.

First. [Around the World], satellite and the composite wireless communication systems, 5GHz / ±130dBm related to the composite modulation frequency band, frequency band around the application.

Second. [Around the World], satellite and the composite wireless communication systems, 5GHz / ±130dBm related to the composite modulation frequency band, a mobile phone handset production, all areas application.

Third. [Around the World], satellite and the composite wireless communication systems, 5GHz / ±130dBm related to the composite modulation frequency band, to be applied to all areas industry, application programs.

In human history, and announced the first "Economic Consciousness Revolution", <Economic and Social Council of the United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization> organizers, "Global Financial Forum in Switzerland" of the World Rehabilitation Bank (WRB)<www.ungffs.org> on the establishment, material data <United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization (UNWRO)_"UNWRO-UN & ICG" of the United Nations-Geneva Conventions listed updates> continues.

Including the United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization, the 198 UN member countries, the US, UK, Australia, South Korea, which is centered around the United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization under the World Rehabilitation Bank (WRB) construction preparation, [Global Financial "One-Cycle " System] to, committed to the ready to hold in the "2015 Global Financial Forum in Switzerland."

First. World Financial establishment, 9 focus areas 77 sessions 307 Projects: https://www.ungffs.org.: A prevention World Disasters and the World Economic Crisis, for the asset management of the World's Economic Policies and the human community, in 198 countries be composed of the partnership, <United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization under the World Rehabilitation Bank_WRB> workshop plan for the establishment ready./UNGFFS Policy NFC tag.

Second. Be held at the "Global Financial Forum in Switzerland", UNGFFS Policy & Schedule. <UNWTO ESC-UNG FFS-post 2015 Study Published> 307 projects in 9 areas (research paper) is a sensitive and 77th sessions, announced that all materials World Rehabilitation Bank (WRB) is established based on the regulations in the configuration.

In addition, part of the United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization is bridging the world of humanity and world peace, human rights, so that they can be recorded in the history of the world, and who lead with in anguish, the United States Dear Mr. President Barack Obama and the Dear First lady Mrs. Micelles the deepest homage to.

And the United States, "Obama Care" policy for mankind, be sure to succeed, "American Spirit" to pursue, on Human Rights, I wish to become a new milestone in future human history.

July 15. 2015.
United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization (UNWRO)
Mr. Jung Sun Kim
Chairman of the UNWRO

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